Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2786 Rapid progress! (1 update)

Time flies, and a month has passed.

With the almost sleepless efforts of Ling Feng and the alchemists of the original Wanling Palace, they finally refined all the medicinal materials in the Wanling Palace's inventory.

In Ling Feng's pocket, there were an additional 130,000 Star Holy Spirit Pills.

One hundred and thirty thousand!

This massive amount of Star Holy Spirit Pills, gathered together, is like a small Dan River.

At least, it is enough for Ling Feng to reach the realm of the Holy Lord from the fourth level of the Nine Transformations Realm!

Ling Feng did not break his promise and distributed the remuneration belonging to the alchemists according to a distribution ratio of 500 to 1.

However, these guys still miscalculated. They thought they could get at least twenty pills, but because of Ling Feng's incredible efficiency, they only got about ten pills in their hands.

However, even if it is only ten pieces, it will definitely be much better than when working for the master of Wanling Hall.

After obtaining this massive batch of pills, Ling Feng first divided out about 5,000 pills and gave them to the great wizard Brahma, asking him to hand them over to the high priest for him. As for how the high priest distributed them, that was his business. .

After all, the high priest treated him quite well. In a sense, if the high priest had not recommended him and allowed him to participate in the Tianhe martial arts performance, he would not have had the chance to accidentally break into the lair of the Hall of All Spirits.

Not to mention, I got two pieces of Shenhuang Picture Book at once.

Therefore, the kindness of the high priest must not be repaid.

In addition, Ling Feng also gave one hundred coins to each of his companions, such as Tuoba Yan, Yue Yunlan and others.

As for Jianlu and Zifeng, they had special physiques and relatively large appetites. Ling Feng was not stingy and gave them a thousand Star Holy Spirit Pills.

Enough to last them for a long time.

And he still has about 120,000 coins on hand. Although it looks like a lot, Ling Feng has a hunch that it is not actually enough.

And during this month, Ling Feng swallowed about ten Star Holy Spirit Pills every day, which was enough to break through the fifth level of the Nine Transformations Realm.

From the third level to the fourth level, it only cost ten pills, while from the fourth level to the fifth level, it was almost a thirty-fold increase.

Ling Feng knew that more than 100,000 pieces might not be enough for Huo Huo, so he had to save some.

However, it was precisely because of the Star Holy Spirit Pill that Ling Feng had the opportunity to continuously increase his cultivation level in a short period of time.

His initial plan was to use these Star Holy Spirit Pills to cultivate to the Saint level before heading to the Zhongyuan Realm.

Even in the Zhongyuan Domain, with a saint-level cultivation, you should be able to have a place.

During this period of time, Ling Feng continued to use the wealth accumulated by the master of the Wanling Palace to purchase various materials needed for the Star Holy Spirit Pill from surrounding cities, as well as the Tianxia Tower of the Witch God Temple and the Jidao King City. Plant medicinal materials.

Anyway, with the group of alchemists from the Hall of All Spirits, I can completely leave the alchemy matters to them. I only need to recycle the elixirs regularly.

Calculated in this way, the consumption of elixirs should be barely enough to sustain myself until I reach the Saint level.

Another month has passed.

In the past month, Ling Feng had swallowed three hundred Star Holy Spirit Pills every day. The pills he swallowed would scare others into silence.

You know, if an ordinary Saint-level powerhouse swallows a Star Holy Spirit Pill in one breath, he will have to worry about whether he can handle it, and it may take ten and a half days to refine it.

Ling Feng, on the other hand, eats three hundred in one breath and eats like this every day. His body is like a bottomless pit.

And just by eating like this, it took Ling Feng a full month and nearly 10,000 pills to finally reach the sixth level from the fifth level of the Nine Transformation Realm!

And reaching the sixth level of the Nine Transformations Realm is only one step away from the realm of the Holy Lord.


The last tribulation thunder landed, and Ling Feng succeeded in overcoming the tribulation in an understatement, and finally became a powerful sage at the level of sixth rank.

After taking the Star Holy Spirit Pill for more than two months, Ling Feng felt like he wanted to vomit when he saw this pill.

However, in order to quickly improve his cultivation, he could only bite the bullet and continue eating.

After all, there is not much time left for yourself.

It was another new day. As usual, Ling Feng recovered a batch of elixirs from the alchemists, and took the time to teach the temple disciples under his command various witchcrafts.

As for the two girls, Yue Yunlan and Tuoba Yan, their strength has also improved by leaps and bounds with the help of Ling Feng.

In two months, the original Ten Thousand Spirits Hall was completely transformed into a branch of the Witch God Temple, enshrining the statues of the eight witch gods.

It can be said that the entire branch hall is already operating normally.

Of course, most of this is handled by the Great Wizard Brahma and the Great Wizard Yushuang. Ling Feng himself has completely turned into a hands-off shopkeeper, just busy practicing every day.

However, the speed at which Ling Feng's cultivation level improved really scared the two great wizards out of their wits.

"Palace Master, there is a middle-aged man named Hua outside, claiming to be your old friend, and he has come to see you."

Ling Feng was instructing a temple disciple on witchcraft, when suddenly a disciple came to summon him.

Because the Wanling Hall has been changed into a branch hall of the Witch God Temple, and Ling Feng is the branch master of this branch hall, the following disciples all call Ling Feng "the master of the hall."

"A middle-aged man named Hua?"

Ling Feng was stunned, unable to remember for a moment, and said casually: "Take him to the front hall to wait for me. I'll be right over."


The disciple who had summoned him withdrew in response. Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. Although he couldn't remember any other friends named Hua for a while, it didn't hurt to meet him.

Not long after, Ling Feng came to the main hall and saw a middle-aged man who looked slightly fatter, waiting in the hall.

"Aren't you the manager Hua who came downstairs that day?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he immediately recognized that this person was the one who met Manager Hua when Murong Ziying took him to Tianxialou to buy medicinal materials when he went to Jidao King City.

Moreover, after that, Ling Feng also agreed that Manager Hua would deliver most of the batch of medicinal materials purchased by Tianxialou to himself every month.

"Master Ling, long time no see!"

Manager Hua bowed his hands to Ling Feng and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that after a few months of separation, by the time we meet again, Master Ling will already be the master of the palace."

Ling Feng waved his hand and smiled, "It's just a false name, but it's Manager Hua. You are so busy, why do you have time to come to my place? Could it be something about the medicinal materials? What went wrong?"

"There is nothing wrong with the medicinal materials, but there is a problem with the Jidao God Clan."

Manager Hua took a deep breath and sighed: "And it's a big problem!!"

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