Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2787 The changes in the gods! (2 updates)

"The Extreme God Clan?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, "How do you say this?"


Manager Hua sighed softly, "To be honest, I was entrusted by someone to come here specifically to see you, Mr. Ling."

"Entrusted by whom?"

Ling Feng saw Manager Hua looking mysterious and mysterious. Judging from his demeanor, something terrible might have happened among the Ji Dao Clan.

"Princess Wuyue."

Manager Hua said solemnly: "I came here this time because of the entrustment of Princess Wuyue."

"That girl?"

Wu Yue's figure flashed through Ling Feng's mind, and he remembered his promise that if she ran into any trouble, she could come to him.

How long has it been since then? Could it be that she is already in big trouble?

"What is going on? The Jidao God Clan has a profound foundation and has masters at the peak of the saint level. How can it be so easy to deal with them?"

Ling Feng frowned. Even if his strength had improved by leaps and bounds and reached the sixth level of the Nine Transformations Realm, he still wouldn't dare to easily provoke a behemoth like the Jidao God Clan.

After all, a Jidao Holy Emperor is already troublesome enough.


Manager Hua sighed softly and said in a deep voice: "The trouble comes from His Majesty the Holy Emperor!"

"Jidao Holy Emperor?"

Ling Feng was slightly startled, "Manager Hua, you'd better speak clearly."

"This matter started more than a month ago."

Manager Hua took a deep breath and said slowly: "One night more than a month ago, the moon was dark and the wind was high..."

Under the narration of Manager Hua, Ling Feng finally understood the cause and effect of the matter.

It turned out that more than a month ago, one night, a strange change in the sky suddenly occurred. A black light fell into the imperial city and then disappeared without a trace.

Since then, various strange events have begun to occur in the Jidao King City, and people often disappear suddenly at night.

What's even more weird is that the Jidao Holy Emperor, as if he suddenly changed into a different person, actually said that a disaster star was coming and that a ceremony to sacrifice to the heavens must be held to calm down the disaster in the royal city.

The so-called heaven-sacrifice ceremony actually requires the people in the city to sacrifice all children under the age of eight, and ultimately the blood of 8,888 children will be sacrificed.

After hearing this, Ling Feng frowned deeply.

Although the Jidao Holy Emperor is not a good person, he is not so ignorant that he holds such a stupid sacrifice, right?

"Furthermore, according to Princess Wuyue, even within the Jidao Divine Clan, members of the Jidao Divine Clan mysteriously disappear at night every day. It is precisely because of this that people are panicking. Those elders and ministers actually passed the Jidao Sacred Clan. The emperor’s absurd proposal was to perform a sacrificial ceremony with the blood of boys and girls.”

Manager Hua looked gloomy and frowned deeply as he said: "Now the entire Jidao King City has been completely sealed off. No entry or exit is allowed. Even I spent a lot of money to bribe a guard guarding the city, and then I secretly escaped. Come out."

"So, something strange did happen in the royal city."

Ling Feng frowned and speculated on various possibilities, but with the strength of the Jidao Holy Emperor, he wouldn't be easily controlled by some evil cultivator, right?

"Hey, the current Jidao King City is about to turn into a hell on earth. Whose children are not children, and who is willing to hand over their own children to die?"

Manager Hua sighed: "Moreover, everyone in the God Clan is in danger. Princess Wu Yue asked me to come to you, saying that if it were you, there would definitely be a way."


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, that woman Wu Yue really thought highly of him.

However, once a man has said something, it is hard to follow him.

He did say that if Princess Wuyue encountered a crisis, she could come to him to make up for the fact that he had used her.

"Master Ling, I have already conveyed the message. As for whether to go or not, that is your business. However, even the Jidao Holy Emperor seems to be under control. The water in the Jidao King City is probably very deep. ”

Manager Hua said in a deep voice: "If Mr. Ling is not completely prepared, it is better not to go in easily."

"Thank you, Manager Hua, for reminding me."

Ling Feng patted Manager Hua on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Okay, Manager Hua, you have come a long way and are tired from traveling and traveling. Please go down and rest first."

"That's fine."

Manager Hua nodded. His words had been conveyed anyway, and other things had nothing to do with him.

He is just a businessman, and it is not his turn to save the world.

"Who is the man behind the scenes?"

Ling Feng frowned. The foundation of the Jidao God Clan is so profound. The Jidao Holy Emperor is the pinnacle saint and powerful. Who is it that can actually control the Jidao Holy Emperor?

Also, why would the other party focus on the Jidao God Clan?

"In any case, I owe Princess Wu Yue a favor, and Brother Wu Xuan and I are good friends. We can't fly on this trip."

Ling Feng had already made up his mind. It was not his style to stand idly by when his friends were in trouble.

What's more, after practicing in seclusion for several months, his cultivation strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

It just so happens that this trip to the Jidao King City is just a good time to stretch out your muscles and bones, and maybe you can gain something else.

"What, you're going to the Jidao King's City alone?"

After hearing Ling Feng's brief description of the situation in the Jidao King's City, Brahma Grand Wizard suddenly frowned, "No, I'm afraid this matter is not that simple. It's too dangerous for you to go alone!"

"Yes, Elder Xiao Ling, this matter needs long-term consideration."

The great wizard Yushuang on the side also frowned and said: "In my opinion, it is better to ask the high priest for instructions first."

"Of course I have to inform the high priest about this, but time is tight, so I'll take the lead and take the first step. The two elders will just wait for the high priest's arrangements before coming to support me."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, "Don't worry, with my strength, even if I can't defeat you, I can still escape."


Great Wizard Brahma and Great Wizard Yushuang looked at each other, obviously still a little worried.

After all, Ling Feng is their next "Witch Ancestor" and there is no room for any mistakes.

"Brother, let me accompany you for a while."

The great wizard Brahma took a deep breath. Although he had a premonition that the situation in the Jidao King's City might not be optimistic, he still wanted Ling Feng to go to the Jidao King's City alone. If something happened, how would he explain it to the high priest.


Ling Feng frowned. Although the Brahma Wizard was powerful, it was more convenient to act alone.

"That's the bottom line."

The great wizard Brahma said solemnly: "I will not let you act alone."

"All right……"

Ling Feng sighed lightly. With the strength of the Brahma Wizard, he would not be able to retreat, and he also needed someone to support him.

The Great Wizard of Brahma is also a good choice.

So, after a short discussion, a decision was finally made. Ling Feng and the great wizard Brahma went to the Jidao King City together. As for the others, they stayed in the branch hall and sent someone to summon the high priest and wait for the high priest's instructions.

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