Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2788 Prisoner under the orders! (3 updates)

Dark and damp!

There was a disgusting smell in the air, and there were constant eerie whispers in the ears.

Is this hell?



Two whips were struck hard on the chest, and severe pain hit him. A young man covered in blood slowly opened his eyes.

What caught his eye was a ferocious and ugly face.

He was wearing a royal robe and a crown, but he still couldn't hide his disgusting and ferocious face.

It was a face covered with scales, close to that of a lizard.


The monster in royal robes held a steel whip full of barbs in his hand and whipped the young man hard, letting out a sinister laugh.

"Boy, you finally fell into my hands, Jie Jie Jie..."

"If I were you, I wouldn't continue to waste time chattering!"

Yan Jinghong stared at the monster, the Asura Demon Dragon, and said coldly: "If you let me live for a moment longer, the chance of your ugly head falling off will be higher!"

"Humph, kill you?"

Asura Demon Dragon laughed loudly, "It's not that cheap! The blood in your body is a good thing, but even I can't easily refine that extreme coldness."

"However, even God is helping me. The blood of the Ji Dao God Clan can offset the impact of the cold air on me."

Asura Demon Dragon sneered, "When I collect all the children's blood and sacrifice the blood power of all the Ji Dao God Clan, then you just wait obediently for me to transfer the blood in your body bit by bit. Devour it, Jie Jie Jie..."

Yan Jinghong clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes flashed with incomparable hatred.

More than a month ago.

It was also the first month after he hunted down the Asura Demonic Dragon.

This monster is very cunning, and its strength is still increasing over the course of a month.

As long as this monster continues to devour the flesh and blood of various creatures, its power will continue to increase.

Although he was able to inflict considerable injuries on the Asura Demonic Dragon every time, he always allowed the monster to escape in the end.

In one month, they had fought no less than twenty times.

However, in the last battle a month ago, he was plotted by this monster. Unfortunately, he fell into a trap and was captured by the monster.

After all, he is just a young man in his twenties (PS: Yan Jinghong’s setting is younger than Ling Feng). Although he has experienced countless fights on the verge of life and death, in the end, he is still no match for Ah. Monsters like Shura Demon Dragon have survived for who knows how many thousands of years.

After being caught by the Asura Demonic Dragon, this monster naturally couldn't wait to devour Yan Jinghong.

It's a pity that the power of Xuntian Ice Soul can be easily swallowed up?

Perhaps the Asura Demonic Dragon's true form is not afraid of this level of cold air.

But it doesn't work now. After all, he can only barely move by relying on the body of Demon Lord Sephiroth.

Although he has been transforming Sephiroth's body, compared with the previous dragon's body, it is simply a huge difference.

He couldn't withstand the power of the sky-scanning ice soul in Yan Jinghong's body, and he was unwilling to waste this power like this, so he spared Yan Jinghong's life and lived until now.

However, because he had been severely injured by Yan Jinghong too many times before, and he had to flee in embarrassment every time, so now he finally caught Yan Jinghong, and every time he came to "visit" him, he was given a cruel meal. Abuse.

It's a pity that every time Yan Jinghong was knocked unconscious, he never said a word, which made the Asura Demon Dragon feel uninterested.

"Boy, there are only a few days left!"

The Asura Demonic Dragon sneered, "In less than five days, all the boys and girls will be captured. By then, there will be a whole city of people buried with you, and you will have died a heroic death, hahahaha!"

Bang bang bang!

Then, the Asura Demonic Dragon whipped Yan Jinghong again, beating Yan Jinghong's skin and flesh to pieces, and then walked away with satisfaction.

However, after walking out of this dark death row, his appearance gradually changed and turned into the appearance of the Jidao Holy Emperor.

It turns out that one night a month ago, the Asura Demonic Dragon was attracted by the bloodline of the Ji Dao God Clan and came here.

He knew that the Jidao Holy Emperor was very powerful, so he deliberately turned into the form of a dragon egg and landed in the imperial city.

The Jidao Holy Emperor was so greedy that he obtained a dragon egg from the ancient demon dragon clan, so he naturally wanted to claim it as its owner as soon as possible.

However, he was also harmed by his own greed and became the slave of the Asura Demon Dragon.

Now, the entire Jidao King City is in the hands of the Asura Demon Dragon.

He wanted to sacrifice the blood of this clan and the flesh and blood of all the subjects in the city to completely tame the power of the sky-scanning ice soul in Yan Jinghong's body.

He had a hunch that after absorbing the power of these qi and blood, he would be able to step into the ranks of the ancestral realm.

At that time, it was also the time for him to take back his eight original magic beads from Ling Feng!

Shortly after the Asura Demonic Dragon left, there was another "rumbling" sound at the stone door outside, and a faint ray of light shone in, allowing Yan Jinghong to see clearly.

The person who came was not the Asura Demon Dragon, but a pretty and lovely looking woman.

If Ling Feng were here, he would definitely recognize this person as Wu Yue, the little princess of the Jidao God Clan.

Wu Yue tiptoed and cautiously walked into the dark cell, holding a lantern in her hand and shining it on Yan Jinghong's face.

When she saw the shocking wounds on Yan Jinghong's body, she couldn't help but scream.

"You...who are you, and why are you locked up here by your father?"

Yan Jinghong glanced at the woman and said coldly: "Father? He is no longer your father."


Wu Yue's eyelids twitched. In fact, she had already made a guess in her mind.

The current Jidao Holy Emperor is exactly the same as before. Apart from the same appearance, he has almost nothing in common.

"What on earth do you know?"

Wu Yue bit her delicate lips, Yan Jinghong's words caused an uproar in her heart.

It can even be said that his words can stir up huge waves in the entire Ji Dao Clan.

"That monster has controlled your father, and he will destroy the entire city."

Yan Jinghong stared at Wu Yue and said word by word: "Take me out, maybe I can turn things around."

"I...why should I trust you? What if you are a bad person?"

Wu Yue looked at Yan Jinghong warily.

"Bad guy?"

Yan Jinghong smiled mockingly, "It's up to you whether you believe it or not."

He is not a good person. He used to be a playboy who regarded human life as nothing.

But now, after experiencing the cycle of life and death, he understands even more how precious life is.

Wu Yue gritted her silver teeth and looked into Yan Jinghong's deep eyes. His eyes were clear and clear, without any impurities.

"I trust you."

Wu Yue finally nodded, raised her palm, and grabbed the chains wrapped around Yan Jinghong.

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