Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2789 Familiar Demonic Aura! (1 more)


High in the sky, a ray of white light flashed across like a rainbow. It was so fast that it was almost unbelievable.

Suddenly, the white light fell straight from the sky and immediately disappeared into a mountain forest.

But it turned out that this white light was actually a huge white Pegasus with a single horn on its head and a pair of huge white wings on its back.

This pegasus is naturally Zifeng.

Two figures jumped down from the back of the white horse, namely Ling Feng and the great wizard Brahma.

"Ahead is the Jidao King's City."

Ling Feng looked at a majestic city in front of him. The last time he came here, from a distance, there was a ray of light, a dense purple atmosphere, and an auspicious aura.

But at this moment, the entire royal city was shrouded in a gloomy demonic aura.

"I never expected that the majestic Ji Dao God Clan would end up in such a situation..."

The Great Wizard of Brahma shook his head and sighed. The Jidao Divine Clan is the head of the three major divine clans in the Southern Witch Territory. It is the strongest and has the deepest foundation. In terms of high-level combat power, apart from the high priest, the entire Witch God Temple can hardly match it.

The power of the high priest also comes from the power of the wizard god within the temple, and he cannot leave the temple for life.

If it were to fight in the outside world, even the high priest would be far inferior to the Holy Emperor.

It is really unbelievable that such a powerful man could be controlled by evil heretics.

"This demonic energy feels vaguely familiar to me."

Ling Feng frowned. The "friendship" between him and the demons was quite deep.

Leaving aside the demon queen Keveli, there are many demon creatures or void beings sealed by ancient powers, and I have already dealt with them a lot.

Ling Feng was also very familiar with the demonic energy that lingered around the Jidao King's City.

Asura's demonic energy!

Not only was Ling Feng familiar with it, but he also contained the same demonic energy in his body.

The reason why Ling Feng was able to advance to the Saint level in the first place was because he relied on the Asura Demonic Dragon's original magic beads and fellow Immortal Demons to break through the bottleneck of the Saint level in one fell swoop.

"It seems like that guy is really coming back from the dead."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself.

Relying on the strength after his breakthrough, he and Qin Ming of the Demon Sealed God Clan defeated the Demon Lord, but unfortunately, he escaped in the end.

However, Ling Feng couldn't believe that since the demon lord was defeated by himself who had just broken through the holy level, now, his strength can be said to have skyrocketed and advanced by leaps and bounds, but he still dare not say that he can surely defeat the Jidao Holy Emperor. Such a strong man.

However, how can Sephiroth, the leader of the Demon Island, control the Holy Emperor of the Ultimate Dao?

Thinking back carefully, the guy did look a little weird when he was escaping, as if he had changed.

Could it be that in his body...

A very bad thought came into Ling Feng's mind.

If the owner of the eight origin magic beads, that is, the Asura Demon Dragon from ancient times, really escapes, then the consequences will be disastrous.

I just regretted that I didn't have the extra strength to chase down the demon lord, but in the end, he was able to catch his breath.

"Brother Ling, what are you thinking about there?"

The great wizard Brahma glanced at Ling Feng strangely, "What's wrong? Do you see any clues?"

"It's hard to say for now. Let's go into the city first and then talk."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Although he had no good impression of the old guy from the Jidao Holy Emperor, after all, he owed Princess Wu Yue a favor, and Prince Wu Xuan was also a respectable opponent.

The two of them still need to be saved.

"Well, we can only take one step and see what happens."

The great wizard Brahma stood up and was about to fly into the royal city, but was pulled back by Ling Feng.

"Brother Brahma, it would be too ostentatious for us to go in like this."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He and the demon lord were old acquaintances. Now that he was going to appear under his nose, he naturally had to change his appearance first.

"Haha, it was very thoughtful to kill Brother Ling."

The great wizard Brahma nodded, and the two of them immediately changed their appearance, pretending to be a pair of grandfather and grandson, and walked towards the city gate.

The guards guarding the city did not stop the two of them. They just glanced at them casually and let them pass.

On the other hand, all those who wanted to leave the city were stopped. Anyone who dared to escape would be killed directly with thunderous means.

It seems that, as Manager Na Hua said, the entire Jidao King City is no longer allowed in or out.

As soon as you enter, you can see that there are soldiers in teams of three or five everywhere, searching from house to house in areas where ordinary people live. Whenever they encounter children under the age of eight, they will arrest them mercilessly. Go, even if it is just a swaddling baby, you will never let it go.

Although everyone in the Xuanling Continent is martial, as the saying goes, the poor in culture and the rich in martial arts.

How many people can truly have the opportunity to enter the ranks of martial arts?

Only one percent of a million people can truly become a warrior, and most of them are just mortals.

These mortals are the most numerous existences in the human kingdom.

They are also like ants, existing at the mercy of others.

They may have practiced martial arts before, but at most they only stayed in the realm of acquired body training.

Facing the powerful imperial guards, they had no room for resistance.

"Please, please, my child is only less than a month old, please let him go!"

In an alley, a guard wearing armor was snatching an infant baby from a woman. No matter how the woman cried, the guards were completely indifferent. Moved.

"Everyone, go back. This is the order of His Majesty the Holy Emperor. Do you want to rebel?"

The leading guard's face was livid and terrifyingly dark. Perhaps he did not despise doing such a thing, but a soldier's bounden duty is to obey.

"Holy... So what about His Majesty the Holy Emperor? He is the Holy Emperor, so he can take away other people's children and make their wives and children separated?"

A middle-aged man holding a hoe, who was the father of the child, and several relatives and friends gathered around him cautiously.

They are no match for these guards, but they cannot watch helplessly as their children, who are not yet one month old, are sent away for so-called sacrifices like this!

"Are you looking for death?"

The leading guard was distraught for a while, his eyes widened, and a terrifying murderous aura swept over him.

"If you want to kill, let's kill us too!"

Although the child's father was shaking with fear, he would never back down for the sake of his child.

"Master Jun, please! Please!"

The child's mother hugged a guard's calf tightly and cried loudly.

The baby held in the guard's arms seemed to feel the mother's grief, and also cried loudly.

For a time, the entire alley was filled with the sounds of extremely sad and painful cries.

"We are only following orders. If you dare to hinder us from doing things, everyone will die!"

One of the guards became impatient and kicked the poor mother away. The long knife in his hand was pulled out with a "clang" sound, and the terrifying killing intent suddenly struck those who had not even cultivated their true energy. The ordinary people sat paralyzed on the ground in fear.

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