Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2793 Demonic Dragon! (2 updates)

"Ling Feng, you're out!"

Princess Wu Yue saw Ling Feng and hurriedly asked, "How is it, what happened to that person?"

"He's not going to die as long as I'm here."

Ling Feng replied calmly, "Now, he's meditating inside. Why, do you seem to care about him?"


Princess Wu Yue quickly denied it, fearing that Ling Feng would misunderstand her.

But in fact, she was obviously overthinking it, because Ling Feng just asked casually.

"I just have something to ask him."

Princess Wu Yue gritted her teeth and said, "He said that the current father is no longer my father. What does he mean by this?"

"Your father should be controlled by a guy I met in the Endless Sea before."

Ling Feng glanced at Princess Wu Yue and said in a deep voice, "But don't worry, I will kill that guy and give you your original father."

"Thank you, Ling Feng!"

Princess Wu Yue looked at Ling Feng deeply, her eyes slightly red, "At this time, only you can help me."


Ling Feng saw Princess Wu Yue's pitiful look and subconsciously stepped back a few steps, otherwise, this woman would probably jump into his arms.

After being kissed by Princess Wu Yue before, Ling Feng decided to keep a good distance from her in the future.

Seeing that Ling Feng didn't react at all, Princess Wu Yue couldn't help but glared at Ling Feng. This guy doesn't know what it means to be sympathetic to women!

At this time, he didn't even say a word to comfort her.

"Ahem... by the way..." Ling Feng coughed dryly a few times and changed the subject: "Where is Prince Wu Xuan? Didn't he notice anything unusual?" "Brother Wu Xuan..." Princess Wu Yue's eyes turned red when Wu Xuan was mentioned. "Brother Wu Xuan also disappeared a few days ago. In fact, in the past month, not only the people outside the imperial city, but also dozens of royal family members in our Jidao God Clan have disappeared." "Brother Wu Xuan also..." Ling Feng clenched his fists, "No, we can't wait any longer!" If we continue to waste time, the demon lord will only become stronger and stronger, and it will be more difficult to deal with. "Yes, we can't wait any longer!" Bang! A burst of energy directly opened the door, and a figure flashed, but it was Yan Jinghong who had appeared in the yard. "You're okay!" Princess Wu Yue looked at Yan Jinghong in surprise. Not long ago, he looked like he was dying, but now he was full of energy and intact. "It's all right. Thank you for saving me, Princess."

Yan Jinghong nodded to Princess Wu Yue, then looked at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "The competition between us can begin now."


Ling Feng laughed dryly and thought to himself: I saved him from the gates of hell, but he didn't say a word of thanks. Instead, he looked very grateful to Princess Wu Yue.

If you want to put love before friendship, this guy is definitely the best.

No, he is not my friend.

At most, he is a competitor!

"Since you think you are good again, then let's get started."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows. Although his elixir is indeed powerful, he can recover in such a short time thanks to Yan Jinghong's strong physique.

No wonder he can even tame the power of Xuntian Bingpo.

He is indeed a fierce man.

"What are you going to do?"

Princess Wu Yue bit her lips, looked at the two of them, and said worriedly: "Father is the peak Saint of the ninth level of the Nine Transformations Realm, but he is still controlled by that bad guy. You two, can you really..."

"If I can defeat him once, I can defeat him a second time."

Ling Feng glanced at Princess Wu Yue and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will kill him with my own hands!"

"Hmph, I have defeated him more than once?"

Yan Jinghong sneered. In the first month before, he had always chased the demon lord all over the world.

"But I didn't get beaten to death by him, right?"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled. Yan Jinghong was so angry that he leaped up and flew into the sky to settle accounts with the Asura Dragon.


Ling Feng grinned. Yan Jinghong was still young after all. He couldn't stand being provoked by him.

Ling Feng deliberately provoked him to find trouble with the demon lord. His strength was not weak, so he could be used to test his strength.

He was sure to win this bet!

"Ling Feng, you will change my father back to his original appearance, right?" Princess Wu Yue looked at Ling Feng with red eyes and pleading. "I will." Ling Feng took a deep breath, "Stay in your princess's house, don't run around, wait for me to come back!" "Yes!" Princess Wu Yue nodded, "I believe you!" ... Deep in the Jidao Palace, in a hall. "Ah!" Asura Dragon threw a bloody arm directly into his mouth, swallowed it in one gulp, and finally spit out a white bone. He patted his round belly, lying on the golden dragon chair, showing a satisfied expression. In the palace, there were dozens of palace maids and guards, all tied to the pillars in the hall, their mouths stuffed with rags, unable to make any sound. The ground of the hall was full of bones.

There are the palace maids and guards, the royal family of the Ji Dao God Clan, and even the boys and girls who were captured by the guards below and made so-called sacrifices.

His sacrifice was actually just to his own belly.

Demonic creatures are a bloodthirsty race. Under extreme conditions, they will even devour their own kind and continue to evolve.

The Asura Demonic Dragon is even more outstanding among them.

He was sealed in the statue for countless thousands of years, and all eight of the original magic beads were taken away by Ling Feng. His strength was already extremely weak.

However, his talent has not disappeared.

As long as he continues to devour other bloodlines, especially higher-level bloodlines, his power will continue to increase bit by bit.

Before that, in order to avoid being besieged by strong men, he only dared to attack some rather remote and weak villages.

But now, he is strong enough.

As long as he takes everyone in the entire Jidao King City as his blood food and refines the divine power in Yan Jinghong's body, he can at least step into the level of the Taoist Ancestor Realm.

Moreover, this step is not far away anymore!


Thinking of this, the Asura Demonic Dragon couldn't help laughing loudly, its white teeth showing an eerie chill.

As long as he is strong enough, the entire Xuanling Continent will become his slaughterhouse.

Along with his laughter, all the prisoners in the palace trembled and trembled, leaving only deep despair!

"It won't be long!"

Asura Demon Dragon's mind flashed with Ling Feng's figure. As long as he took back his eight original magic beads, everything, the whole world, would be stepped on by him! ! !

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