Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2794 A hard fight! (3 updates)

"Are you done with the sweet dream?"

At this moment, the roof of the palace was directly smashed into pieces by a violent sword energy. The next moment, a young man in white stood with his hands behind his back, suspended in the air, and appeared in front of the Asura Demon Dragon. in front of my eyes.

"It's you!"

The moment he saw Yan Jinghong, Asura Demon Dragon's eyelids twitched suddenly, "How is that possible? How did you escape?"

"You disgusting and ugly monster, your death has come!"

Yan Jinghong's eyes flashed with anger, but his whole body was covered with a layer of icy blue frost.

This is Ye Xiu's form during battle. When protected by this layer of frost, his strength, speed, and defense will all be greatly increased.

In just an instant, the entire hall was covered in frost, and all the prisoners were shivering under this terrible cold air.

"Huh, boy, no matter how you escaped, you are so stupid!"

The Asura Demonic Dragon laughed ferociously, "Since you escaped, you didn't know how far away you were, and you dared to come to me to die!"

"My defeated general still dares to show off his evil deeds here?"

A frost blade condensed in Yan Jinghong's hand, and with a sweep of the giant sword, the entire palace was split into two directly from the middle.

Asura Demonic Dragon, however, did not dodge or dodge, allowing the sword light to chop down, and it was about to land on top of his head.


Before the sword energy arrived, the terrifying strong wind had already caused the entire palace to collapse.

Boom boom boom!

The next moment, a violent collision sounded, like thunder rolling across the ground, deafening.

However, in the smoke and dust, a tall and burly figure appeared, blocking the Asura Demonic Dragon.

That figure turned out to be none other than the Holy Emperor of the Supreme Dao!

However, the eyes of the Jidao Holy Emperor were extremely empty, and it was obvious that he had been completely controlled by the Asura Demonic Dragon.


Asura Demonic Dragon laughed ferociously, "If you want to touch me, you have to get past him first!"

Even though the Jidao Holy Emperor is controlled by the Asura Demonic Dragon, he is still a pinnacle saint!

After the violent collision, the power of Yan Jinghong's sword had been weakened to the extreme, and the moment the sword blade fell, it was pinched by the Jidao Holy Emperor.


The frost blade shattered, and a terrifying force rolled back, knocking Yan Jinghong away.


Yan Jinghong suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and when he came face to face with him, he was already secretly injured.

"Humph, that's all."

Asura Demon Dragon sneered, "Boy, just surrender and capture him, so as not to suffer any physical pain!"

Asura Demonic Dragon smiled ferociously and stretched out his hand to grab the prisoner on the side. However, his grasp was in vain.


Asura Demon Dragon's eyelids jumped because all the prisoners who were originally tied up by him in the hall disappeared!

Leave no one behind!

Even if a few people were killed by the aftermath of the collision in the fierce battle just now, it's not like there weren't even any bodies left behind.

"Demon Lord, we meet again! Oh no, you are no longer the Demon Lord now, right?"

Suddenly, a joking laughter came.

Asura Demonic Dragon's pupils shrank, followed the sound, and suddenly became furious.

"It's you!"

In an instant, the Asura Demon Dragon was furious.

It was this human being who made him fall short. He was just one step away from being able to collect all eight Origin Magic Orbs and successfully escape.

But now, he can only use the body of the demon lord. After hiding for so long, he can finally see the light of day again!

This is simply a great shame and humiliation for the noble Asura Demonic Dragon Clan!

"It seems that you miss me very much!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "Asura Demon Dragon, long time no see. It turns out you are so ugly!"

"Give it to me and kill him!"

The Asura Demonic Dragon roared, not caring about Yan Jinghong.

Originally, he didn't want to provoke Ling Feng so quickly, but now, Ling Feng actually threw himself into the trap, so he couldn't blame him.

Under the command of Asura Demon Dragon, the Holy Emperor of the Supreme Dao abandoned Yan Jinghong, flew towards Ling Feng, and launched a fierce offensive.

"Ling Feng, thank you for helping me attract firepower!"

Yan Jinghong sneered, "I will definitely win this competition!"

After taking care of the difficult opponent of the Jidao Holy Emperor, Yan Jinghong pounced directly on the Asura Demonic Dragon.

The bet between him and Ling Feng, whoever kills the Asura Demon Dragon first will be the final winner!

"Damn it!"

Ling Feng frowned. He had a benevolent thought and couldn't bear to see those innocent people die in vain, so he came to the rescue and exposed himself prematurely.

However, even if he chooses it ten thousand times, he will not regret this choice.

The most important thing right now is how to deal with the Jidao Holy Emperor in front of him.

Under the fierce offensive of the Jidao Holy Emperor, Ling Feng could only rely on Jiuyou's teleportation technique to keep dodging. However, even so, the domineering power of the Jidao Holy Emperor, crushing the void, also made Ling Feng While dodging, he was also seriously injured.

Is this the strength of the peak saint?

Ling Feng tightened his fists. Although Ling Feng's level had risen again and again in the past two months, it was only an increase in Yuan Li, and the increase for Ling Feng was not too big.

Especially in the face of the Jidao Holy Emperor, who has already controlled the rules before taking action, the existence of law, heaven and earth, and the improvement of Yuanli are actually of little significance.

Bang bang bang!

Dozens of consecutive attacks left Ling Feng with almost no room to fight back.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, and a dark red blood line loomed between his eyebrows.

The power of Shura circulates throughout the body, and in an instant, the formation of Zhou Tian spreads out under his feet.

He could only rely on the power of Zhou Tian's circulation to fight against the Jidao Holy Emperor and barely remain invincible.

And the other side.

Yan Jinghong faced the Asura Demon Dragon, but everything was not as simple as he thought.

Indeed, Yan Jinghong once beat the Asura Demon Dragon so badly that he could only run around, exhausted.

However, in this month, the Asura Demonic Dragon has devoured a large amount of the blood of the Ji Dao Gods, and his power has made a qualitative leap.

And the moment Yan Jinghong pierced the chest of Asura Demonic Dragon with his frost blade, he realized something was wrong.

The sword blade in his hand seemed to pierce the void, without any real touch, and then, a dense mass of black energy came back from his own sword blade.


Although Yan Jinghong hurriedly shattered the edge of his sword, a wave of demonic energy had already invaded his body along his arm.

Yan Jinghong groaned and immediately activated his power to patrol the sky to resist the invading demonic energy.

However, the demonic energy that could be easily shattered in the past seemed to be deeply ingrained in his body this time and could not be eradicated at all.


Asura Demonic Dragon kept laughing ferociously, "Boy, since you can't wait any longer, today is the day of sacrifice, hahahaha..."

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