Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2795 You resist! (1 update)

In an instant, I saw the Asura Demonic Dragon, opening its mouth wide, and a terrible suction force swept over, sucking everything around it into its belly.

Yan Jinghong made hand gestures and muttered words, and thick icicles appeared in front of him. His body continued to smash the icicles into pieces, but to a certain extent, it also slowed down the asura demon being sucked into it. Dragon speed.


On the one hand, Yan Jinghong condensed icicles to offset the suction force with collision, and on the other hand, he condensed ice arrows all over the sky, like a heavy rain, and shot them at the Asura Demonic Dragon.

Each icicle contains the power of the ice soul that patrols the sky. Although the Asura Demonic Dragon has rough skin and thick flesh and is difficult to be hurt by swords, he swallowed these ice arrows into his belly, and the power of the sky patrol is in his body. Continuously condensing, sooner or later he will reach the limit of what he can bear.

After all, not everyone can withstand the power of surveying the sky.

Not to mention, the current Asura Demon Dragon is just a half-human, half-demon monster, far inferior to his real dragon body.

On this side, Yan Jinghong faced the Asura Demonic Dragon and fell into an extremely passive situation. On the other side, Ling Feng faced the Jidao Holy Emperor who was at the pinnacle level and was equally unable to resist.

Even with the power of Shura, Ling Feng still felt extremely strenuous every time he neutralized the attacks of the Jidao Holy Emperor.

Unless, he casts it again, Chaos Reincarnation.

But he knew better that no one would reverse time and space to help him this time.

The price of Chaos Reincarnation is too high, and it must not be used again unless it is in a desperate situation.

The Jidao Holy Emperor, who had lost his self-awareness, was like a tireless walking zombie, madly attacking Ling Feng's Zhoutian Chaos Formation. Although it was bounced off again and again by Lingfeng's Zhoutian power, it was within the shortest time. , launched another attack.

If Ling Feng hadn't been through tribulations one after another in the past few months, swallowing the power of tribulation thunder, and the strength of his physical body has been continuously increasing, I am afraid that he would have been unable to withstand such violent power.

Even so, Ling Feng still felt a surge of energy and blood, and had the urge to vomit blood.

"Damn it, with my current strength, I am no match for the Jidao Holy Emperor!"

Ling Feng tightened his fists. He was only at the sixth level of the Nine Transformations Realm. If he could give himself another month to continue relying on a large amount of Star Holy Spirit Pills to break through to the seventh level of the Nine Transformations Realm, he might not be so passive.

The sixth level of the Nine Transformations Realm is still only the peak of the Great Saint, and taking this step is the realm of the Holy Lord.

This one level difference is a world of difference.

As long as Ling Feng can step into the ranks of the Holy Lords, he will be confident that he can compete with the Jidao Holy Emperor.

However, there is no time now for him to make a breakthrough.




The attacks of the Jidao Holy Emperor are fierce and domineering, powerful and heavy. In addition, he does not consider anything at all. He only knows to follow the orders of the Asura Demon Dragon. Every move is almost done with all his strength, without reservation. .


Once again, he used Zhou Tian's power to deflect the Jidao Holy Emperor's punch, and Ling Feng spurted out a blood arrow.

His body was almost unable to support itself.

Although there is no fear of his life yet, or in other words, even if he is wiped out, as long as there is a drop of branded blood left, he can be reborn.

But the recovery time required for blood rebirth is too long. By the time he recovers, Yan Jinghong will probably be cold.

The entire Jidao King City, and even the entire Southern Witch Territory, will face a huge catastrophe.

"I can no longer be passively beaten."

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, withdrew the defense of Zhoutian Chaos Formation, wiped out all directions in his hand, and directly used the killing move of the Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique.

"Eight Swords in One!"

Under the violent offensive, the Jidao Holy Emperor was pushed back a few steps. However, in just a moment, the Jidao Holy Emperor defeated Ling Feng's attack and attacked again.

"Xuan Tian Po Yun Sword!"

Ling Feng shouted loudly, and the divine power of a thousand dragon elephants exploded to the extreme. With this set of fairy swordsmanship, he killed the Jidao Holy Emperor forcefully.


Ling Feng was knocked away by Shengsheng, and everything in the ten directions was destroyed, and he flew out from his hands.

As for the Jidao Holy Emperor, his right arm also suffered a deep gash, and blood slid down his fingertips.

The next moment, a purple light flashed, and before the Jidao Holy Emperor could react, it penetrated into the body of the Jidao Holy Emperor.

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng spat out a few mouthfuls of blood foam and said in a deep voice: "Zifeng, I leave it to you!"

But it turns out that the reason why Ling Feng fought hard to be severely injured and to confront the Jidao Holy Emperor was to create opportunities for Zifeng.

Since the Asura Demonic Dragon can control the Jidao Holy Emperor, Zifeng can also directly invade the spiritual sea of ​​the Jidao Holy Emperor and try to control the Jidao Holy Emperor.

However, he may face the powerful spiritual thoughts of the Asura Demonic Dragon.

But Ling Feng believed that Zifeng should be able to hold on.

After all, the original Zifeng had successfully occupied the body of the light and dark unicorns and "annihilated" them all.

Although that was partly due to the light and dark unicorn's carelessness and underestimation of the enemy, coupled with Zifeng's innate racial suppression, it had now reached a critical juncture and could only be used as a living doctor.

"You bitch, hold on here!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, summoned the donkey, and immediately flew towards the Asura Demonic Dragon.

Only by defeating the Asura Demonic Dragon first can we help the Holy Emperor regain his consciousness.

Otherwise, all of them together might not be able to deal with a demonic Ji Dao Holy Emperor.

"Leave it to me!"

The bitch's tail swept away, and the moment Zifeng invaded the Jidao Holy Emperor's body, there was a brief moment of sluggishness.

The cheap donkey took advantage of this moment and immediately got close to the Jidao Holy Emperor.

"Seventy-two postures of the divine donkey!"

The bitch roared and opened his mouth, revealing his big white teeth.

The next moment, the bitch seemed to turn into a black light, hugged the Jidao Holy Emperor in his arms, and started a crazy combo of physical skills.

As long as he is entangled in his seventy-two divine donkey postures, there will be no chance of escape.

And this also created better conditions for Zifeng to seize the initiative as soon as possible.

"Lotus flowers are floating!"

"Lion's Paw!"

"The falcon has landed!"

"The giant ax chops down the big tree!"

"The crow sits on the dragon!"

Before Jie Dong's physical skills combo ends, it is impossible for the Jidao Holy Emperor to escape from his control. Ling Feng is still very relieved about this.

With his eyes fixed on the Asura Demonic Dragon, the first target to deal with now is this demonic dragon!

"Eight Swords in One!"

Ling Feng's body is like a rainbow, he raises it high to destroy all directions, and kills the Asura Demonic Dragon head-on.

The sword spirit Xiaobai merged with the Ten Directions Destruction. In an instant, there were blazing flames, monstrous floods, rolling thunder, and howling hurricanes...

Multiple visions appeared at the same time, and Ling Feng seemed to turn into a shocking dragon and slammed into the Asura Demonic Dragon.

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