Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2796 The power of a clan! (2 updates)

The Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique, the divine power explodes!

The billowing sword energy cleanses the heavens!

In an instant, eight different types of sword energy with completely different attributes, as dense as a rainstorm, were shot at the Asura Demonic Dragon.

At this moment, Asura Demonic Dragon has absorbed a large amount of the power of Xuntian Ice Soul, and half of its body has been frozen. At this moment, it is Ling Feng's best opportunity to perform a decisive blow.

The Asura Demonic Dragon is inevitable!

"Damn it! Damn it! No!"

The Asura Demonic Dragon roared up to the sky, and its body that had begun to transform into a demon suddenly surged, constantly shattering the ice cubes condensed around it.

However, the speed at which the ice fragmented was far less than the speed at which Ling Feng's sword edge landed on his head.

Just before his eyes, this demon dragon was about to be killed by Ling Feng's sword.


At this critical moment.


Asura Demonic Dragon, the ice cubes all over its body were shattered, Asura Demonic Dragon broke free, and a huge tail behind it swiped violently, setting off a violent hurricane.

Boom boom boom!

The sword energy in the sky exploded in the void. The terrifying destructive power knocked the Asura Demon Dragon away and blasted bloody holes in his body. However, it did not hurt his life.

"What are you doing!"

Ling Feng's eyes were filled with anger as he stared at Yan Jinghong.

At that moment, it was clear that the Asura Demonic Dragon could not instantly shatter the ice condensed by Xuntian Ice Soul, but he broke away.

And the person who helped him break free from the ice blockade was none other than Yan Jinghong!

"I told you, it's mine!"

Yan Jinghong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said coldly: "I won't make your wedding dress in vain!"

Ling Feng frowned. How old is this guy? He still can't tell which is more important.

"You idiot!"

Ling Feng cursed lowly, saying that there would never be a chance as good as before, and now, the Asura Demonic Dragon seemed to have completed some kind of evolution.


The ferocious laughter echoed in the void.

The Asura Demonic Dragon climbed up from the ruins and let out a hair-raising laugh.

"Thanks to the internal strife between you, hahaha! There is no chance! You will never have the slightest chance again! You all must die!"

Asura Demon Dragon's blood-colored pupils stared at Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong respectively.

At this moment, he almost lost his human form, but turned into a demonic dragon seven to eight feet tall, with a pair of black wings spread out from his back, looking extremely ferocious and terrifying.

(PS: Divine dragons such as the Ten Ancestral Dragons are generally in the form of Eastern dragons, while Demonic Dragons are in the form of Western dragons. For example, Xiao Ming, the underworld dragon next to Ling Feng, also belongs to the Demonic Dragon family, so in the previous article As described, it is also a Western dragon form).

As his wings flapped, strong winds surged, and a dozen palaces around him collapsed in an instant.

The battle just now has undoubtedly alarmed the people in the Imperial City, and even the entire Jidao King City.

Many warriors flew into the air and witnessed this terrible battle.

"Then...what's going on?"

"What kind of monster is that? A dragon?"

"Oh my God, the demons...the demons have invaded again!"

The guards and elders of the Jidao God Clan were all shocked. When they arrived, they only saw a black donkey, which seemed to be pestering the Jidao Holy Emperor and blasting him with a hammer.

On the other side, there were two teenagers confronting a huge demonic dragon.

"That kid seems familiar!"

A general leading a group of forbidden troops fixed his gaze on Ling Feng, and in the next moment, he immediately recognized his identity.

"It's him!"

This person was the general of the Jidao God Clan. When Tianhe was practicing martial arts, he once used the Sifang Qiankun Cauldron to make things difficult for Ling Feng, but unexpectedly, Ling Feng stole the spotlight.

Therefore, it was naturally impossible for him to forget Ling Feng's appearance.

"How come he is here!"

The general frowned, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Although he hates Ling Feng, his position is on the side of the human race.

The demon dragon is a demon creature. Even if he hates Ling Feng, he cannot help the demon dragon deal with Ling Feng and the others.

On the other side, what is the situation with the Jidao Holy Emperor?

How could he be beaten by a black donkey? Moreover, he seemed to have something wrong with his demeanor.

In fact, not only now, the Jidao Holy Emperor seems to have been very wrong with him for a long time.

"General, what should we do now?"

A guard commander looked at the general. The two sides were fighting, but they didn't know who to help.

"No matter what, let's rescue His Majesty the Holy Emperor first."

The general took a deep breath and led people to rescue the Jidao Holy Emperor.

"General, wait!"

At this moment, Princess Wu Yue arrived with a group of royal children, gritted her teeth and said: "Father...Father, he has been controlled by that demon dragon. General, you all go and help Ling Feng. Help him deal with that demon dragon!"


There was an uproar in the general's heart, but he soon calmed down.

Indeed, the performance of the Jidao Holy Emperor over the past month has been too abnormal.

Not to mention the Jidao Holy Emperor, even any clan leader with brains would not be able to risk the disapproval of the world and let the people sacrifice their children and hold so-called sacrifices.

"As the princess wishes!"

The general nodded, his reason still prevailed over his personal grudges. He swung his long sword and flew away with hundreds of elites under his command, killing the Asura Demonic Dragon.

"It seems that the reaction of the Ji Dao God Clan is quite fast."

Ling Feng looked back and smiled knowingly when he saw the actions taken by the Ji Dao Clan.

His eyes locked on Wu Yue among the crowd, and he nodded slightly towards her.

If Wu Yue hadn't come forward, the Jidao God Clan wouldn't have taken the right move so quickly.

"You are such a bold evil beast. You dare to control His Majesty the Holy Emperor. Why don't you quickly remove your evil spell and let His Majesty go!"

The general raised his sword high and stared at the Asura Demonic Dragon with his cold eyes.

At the same time, the elders of the Zunji Dao God Clan also surrounded the Asura Demonic Dragon.

"It looks like that's the end of it!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly. The combined power of the entire Ji Dao Clan was obviously more than enough to deal with a half-assed Asura Demon Dragon.

After all, he didn't even have an original magic bead.

Yan Jinghong looked indifferent. He had a bet with Ling Feng, so he only cared about the outcome with Ling Feng.

If the Asura Demonic Dragon was killed by the Ji Dao God Clan, it would not matter.

"Is it useful if there are more people?"

Asura Demon Dragon laughed ferociously, "I said, there is no chance!"

I saw Asura Demonic Dragon grabbing it with his big hand, the void in front of him was shattered, and from the crack, he actually grabbed a bunch of bundles...


And these people are surprisingly the children of the royal family who have disappeared in the imperial city before, including Wu Xuan, a peerless genius who is rare to see in thousands of years among the Ji Dao Clan!

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