Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2797 Join forces to defend against the enemy! (3 updates)

"It's Prince Wu Xuan!"

"No wonder Prince Wu Xuan disappeared. He was caught by this evil beast!"

They saw that Wu Xuan had already fallen into a coma and was tightly tied up. Also tied with him was the eldest prince, Wu Qi.

And the second prince, Wu Ming!

Wu Qi was obsessed with persecuting his two younger brothers and seizing the throne of the next Jidao Holy Emperor, but he never thought that one day he would be in such a situation with them.

"what are you up to?"

The general panicked. The demonic dragon actually captured the three princes of the God Clan at the same time!

"The sacrifice has begun!"

Asura Demon Dragon opened its mouth wide, threw the bundle of "prisoners under the stairs" in front of it directly into its mouth, and then started chewing it.

Blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth, and the bones were swallowed into his stomach as well.

And his body, like an inflated balloon, swelled up against the storm!

Ten feet!

Fifteen feet!

Twenty feet!

Thirty feet!

In the blink of an eye, it had transformed into a behemoth more than thirty feet tall!

"no no!--"

Seeing her brother being devoured by the Asura Demonic Dragon, Wu Yue rolled her eyes and fainted on the spot.

The three princes of the Jidao Divine Clan all died here!

"Damn bastard, seeking death!"

All the members of the Ji Dao Clan were angry. The general's eyes were burning with raging anger. He waved the sword in his hand and killed the Asura Demonic Dragon with his elite troops.

"Don't go there!"

Ling Feng reminded them loudly, but these angry divine warriors had all lost control.

They just wanted to kill the dragon in front of them and avenge their prince.

However, the moment they rushed over, they were captured one by one by the Asura Demonic Dragon.

Like moths to the flame, they were all burned to charcoal by the demonic flames surrounding the Asura Demonic Dragon.

However, even so, he could not escape the fate of being swallowed by the Asura Demonic Dragon.

The more essence and blood it absorbs, the more powerful and terrifying the Asura Demonic Dragon becomes!

"Stop rushing over!"

Ling Feng began to take action to stop the warriors of the Ji Dao God Clan, and Yan Jinghong also formed an ice wall to trap the elites of the Ji Dao God Clan.

At this moment, Yan Jinghong's eyes flashed with a trace of regret. If he hadn't been obsessed with winning or losing, he wouldn't have been in this situation.

However, it is no longer useful.

No matter how hard Yan Jinghong and Ling Feng tried, the field was completely out of control.

The elite group of several hundred people led by the general was almost completely wiped out.

Even the general himself became a feast in the belly of the Asura demon dragon.


Yan Jinghong clenched his fists tightly, and his whole body was covered with cold air. He turned into an ice man and flew towards the Asura Demonic Dragon.


A heavy punch hit his head, knocking Yan Jinghong to the ground.

"Idiot, do you also want to die like them?"

Ling Feng stared at Yan Jinghong and cursed loudly.

"It's not your turn to take care of my affairs!"

Yan Jinghong's eyes were blood red, and the scene in front of him reminded him of the village where innocent people were massacred.

That innocent little girl.

Last time, he couldn't do anything. Could it be the same this time?

He thought that he was no longer the same as before. He thought that with Ling Hanyang by his side, he had been transformed!

However, at this moment, he had personally caused this situation.

"If you want to save more people, cooperate with me!"

Ling Feng grabbed Yan Jinghong's collar and said coldly: "Otherwise, get out of here!"

After saying that, Ling Feng threw Yan Jinghong away, took a deep breath, fixed his eyes on the Asura Demon Dragon, and was about to fly into the sky.

However, a cold hand held his shoulder.

In his ears, a cold voice came, with a bone-chilling chill that came from ice purgatory.

"How to cooperate?"

Ling Feng looked back, took a deep look at Yan Jinghong, and said word by word: "Find a way to freeze him again!"

Yan Jinghong stared at the behemoth and nodded heavily.

"Okay, I'll create a chance for you!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and the next moment, his body turned into a bolt of thunder and rushed towards the Asura Demonic Dragon.

The sword domain sweeps across!

The Shura Killing World also broke out at the same moment!

The realm of divine consciousness was also pushed to the extreme without reservation.

At this moment, Ling Feng was almost unreserved.

"Master, I'm almost...I can't hold on any longer!"

In his mind, Zifeng's voice came. As the Asura Demonic Dragon continued to grow, the ray of divine thought he left in the spiritual sea of ​​the Holy Emperor of the Ultimate Way also continued to grow.

Immediately afterwards, a panting voice came from the bitch, "You brat, this beast is almost exhausted, and I can't control this guy anymore! Damn it, this guy is too thick-skinned!"

"No matter what, hold on!"

Ling Feng issued the final order to Jianlu and Zifeng, "Try your best to resist me!"

One Asura Demonic Dragon is enough. If we add a Ji Dao Holy Emperor, the situation will not be optimistic.

And so far, those ancestors who usually remain hidden from the world have not appeared. I'm afraid...

A bad thought flashed through Ling Feng's mind.

I'm afraid those ancestors have already been plotted and eaten by the Asura Demonic Dragon.

Otherwise, his strength would not recover so quickly!

Now, no other help is possible.

The only chance is for him and Yan Jinghong to join forces and find the same opportunity as before to completely kill this Asura Demonic Dragon.

"Asura's true form!"

Ling Feng roared, and the Asura Demon Eye on his forehead suddenly opened. The power of Asura flowed through his body, and he suddenly transformed into a tyrannical Asura.

At the same moment, Ling Feng activated the power of chaos in his body, and the true body of chaos opened.

Hair covered the body, and Ling Feng's form transformed into a three-eyed giant ape with dark golden hair.

Different from Chaos Reincarnation, what opened on his forehead was not the Eye of Shura, but the Demonic Eye of Asura.

The mixture of the two forces, although far less than the level of Chaos Reincarnation, also caused Ling Feng's power to skyrocket in an instant.


In the roar, Ling Feng had transformed into a giant ape that was over thirty feet tall. His whole body was filled with terrifying and arrogant power, and he slammed into the Asura Demonic Dragon.

"Despicable ant, how dare you absorb my great magic power!"

The Asura Demonic Dragon roared angrily, and he clearly sensed that the reason why Ling Feng had such a powerful Asura Demonic Dragon was because he absorbed his own original magic bead!

"Farmer three punches!"

Ling Feng did not answer the Asura Demon Dragon's words, but just punched out three times. With the burst of power, the Asura Demon Dragon was knocked back several steps.


Several blood holes exploded on the Asura Demonic Dragon's body, and the moment those blood holes exploded, Yan Jinghong had already controlled the power of Xuntian Ice Soul to freeze the wounds.

The essence of blood is also a kind of water. As long as it is water, it can be controlled by Yan Jinghong to a certain extent.

For the first time, the two of them put aside their past feud and fully cooperated, and it seemed that they had finally achieved results!

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