Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2806 Two years? (3 updates)

The sky is clear and the wind is gentle and gentle.

Ling Feng walked out of the gate of Wuzu King City, and the shadow of this city in the clouds gradually disappeared behind him.

Also leaving with him were Duan Lingtian, Murong Zijie, Zhang Haoran and other friends Ling Feng met in the Temple of the Witch God.

It's a pity that Ling Feng didn't have extra time to go to Mingguang City to find Shentu Xuance and the others to bid farewell.

There is no banquet in the world that never comes to an end, gathering and dispersing always follow the circumstances.

And the only one following him was Tuoba Yan.

In the end, Yue Yunlan chose to stay with the great wizard Yushuang to practice. When she succeeds in her studies, she may also embark on a journey to the Zhongyuan Realm.

As for Tuoba Yan, she had an attitude of "I'm determined to follow you." She would just continue to follow Ling Feng no matter where he went.

On the tower of Wuzu King's City, a silhouette stood with its head raised, looking at the figure in front of it, disappearing from the field of vision little by little, and could not help but tighten its fists.

"Lan'er, since you can't bear to leave, why not go with him."

A gentle voice came to his ears, and Yue Yunlan turned around to look, but it was none other than the Great Wizard Yushuang.

Having lived for a thousand years, Great Wizard Yushuang could naturally tell Yue Yunlan's feelings for Ling Feng.

"I... don't want to be a burden around him..."

Yue Yunlan took a deep breath. Because of her weakness, she had hindered Ling Feng many times.

Therefore, she was not willing to become Ling Feng's burden.

What's more, there was one sentence that she kept in her heart but didn't say it.

Because there is already Tuoba Yan following Ling Feng.

Compared with Tuoba Yan's character who dares to love and hate, Yue Yunlan is more reserved after all.

"That's right. If our love lasts for a long time, how can we stay together day and night?"

Great Wizard Yushuang gently stroked Yue Yunlan's temples and said softly: "If your fate is not fulfilled, you will meet again eventually."

Yue Yunlan bit her silver teeth and looked at the disappeared figure, her eyes gradually becoming moist.

Riding the bright unicorn transformed by Zifeng, soaring in the sky, vaguely, Ling Feng felt a pair of eyes staring at him behind him.

He couldn't help but look back, shook his head, and sighed softly.

He understood Yue Yunlan's thoughts. This woman who was willing to sacrifice her life for herself undoubtedly occupied a very important position in his heart.

However, Yue Yunlan didn't want to be a burden to him.

Ling Feng didn't want Yue Yunlan to encounter any danger because of him.

After all, the fate he carried destined that he would not be able to obtain much peace in his life.

Even Ling Feng was not willing to take Tuoba Yan with him, but Tuoba Yan just responded to him: My feet are on my body, do you care where I go?

Regarding this, Ling Feng felt a little helpless, but maybe even he himself didn't realize that he was already used to the feeling of Tuoba Yan being around him.

"I'm still not strong enough after all!"

Taking a deep breath, he recalled the moment when the angel patrol came from the fairyland and took Ling Hanyang away.

Just a breath of breath was enough to suffocate him.

That is the power of immortals!

Ling Feng realized more clearly that his road was still very long.

"Why are you sighing?"

Tuoba Yan bit her lips and frowned when she saw Ling Feng looking distracted.

"Just a little emotional."

Ling Feng shook his head and said lightly.

"You can't bear to leave sister Yunlan, right?" Tuoba Yan felt a bit disgusted.


Ling Feng coughed a few times, then shook his head and smiled, "Maybe."


Tuoba Yan snorted and stopped talking. He didn't know who he was sulking at.

Ling Feng shrugged and flew Zifeng to an uninhabited mountain forest before landing and hiding in the dense forest.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he directly sacrificed the Donghuang Bell.

"Brother Huang Di, come out and help!"

Then, Ling Feng called Huang Shaotian out again. After all, he was the only one who could play with the extremely complicated star instrument.

In a flash of golden light, Huang Shaotian yawned lazily and appeared in front of the two of them.

He currently exists attached to the Donghuang Bell, and his soul is already very weak, so he can sleep as long as he can and never waste more power.

"Tell me where you want to go."

Huang Shaotian glanced at Ling Feng. His hope of returning to "Earth" in the future still rested on Ling Feng, so he was quite polite to Ling Feng.

"First go back to the Eastern Spiritual Realm, the Misty Ghost Forest."

Ling Feng said lightly that when he returned to the Misty Ghost Forest last time, he specifically asked Huang Shaotian to set a so-called "star mark". As long as he passed through the East Emperor Bell, he could be teleported there instantly.

Not only that, he also left a star mark in the Dark Soul Palace, which means that as long as Ling Feng is willing, he can enter it anytime and anywhere.

There is a huge amount of desolate energy stored in the Dark Soul Palace. For Ling Feng, cultivating here is more effective than any other paradise.

Huang Shaotian took out the star instrument and started playing with it. After a while, he said calmly: "Okay, let's go in."

As he spoke, the golden glow of the East Emperor Bell bloomed, opening a teleportation channel. Ling Feng glanced at Tuoba Yan, nodded to her, and the two of them stepped into the teleportation channel together.

After a brief period of blindness, things changed and stars moved in front of them. When the light returned to their eyes, the two of them had returned to the Eastern Spiritual Realm, where the Misty Ghost Forest was located.

This Donghuang Bell is still convenient after all.

If we had to cross the endless sea via the Poseidon, it would take more than a month.

However, you must first arrive at the destination and leave a star mark before you can achieve teleportation.

Just like when he was in the West Sword Region, every time Ling Feng came out through the East Emperor Bell, he would definitely end up in the Tagore Desert.

Naturally, Ling Feng came back this time to plant the remaining Forging Qi Hunyuan Lock.

The Hunyuan Lock for promotion to the Emperor Realm has been planted. This time, it is the Hunyuan Lock for the Holy Realm.

According to Emperor Tianbai's Faxiang, there are a total of eighteen Hunyuan Locks. When Ling Feng was in the Emperor Realm, he planted the twelfth and thirteenth Hunyuan Locks respectively. This time, they are the fourteenth and fifteenth. road.

He found the Tianbai Emperor's Dharma in the underwater mineral veins with ease. The old man woke up leisurely and almost jumped out of fright when he saw Ling Feng for the first time.

"What...what's going on?"

Ling Feng's aura really frightened Emperor Tianbai.

The last time Ling Feng came to see him, he was still in the early stage of the Imperial Realm. This time, although it had been about two years, the speed of his improvement was a bit exaggerated.

"Have I slept for a hundred years?"

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang looked at Ling Feng in a daze, because his aura had reached the level of a saint.

It has only been two years since he broke through to the Holy Lord level in one fell swoop from the early stage of the Emperor Realm. I am afraid Tianbai Emperor Faxiang simply cannot believe it.

"It did take a little longer this time."

Ling Feng smiled and said lightly: "In total, it has been more than two years."

"Two...two years!"

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang couldn't believe his ears at all, "Are you wrong? You... it's only been two years since you reached this level? It must have been at least twenty years!"

"Of course two years!"

The black shadow flashed, and the bitch actually jumped out on his own. With a beaming expression, he said with a smile: "Old guy, are you shocked or surprised? This divine beast is already at the holy level, hahahaha …”

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