Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2807 Fifteen Hunyuan Locks! (1 update)

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang glanced at Bitch Donkey and couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

In just two years, Ling Feng and Jian Lu both broke through to the Saint level!

Moreover, Ling Feng is an exaggerated and terrifying saint-level person.

If you go up to the Saint level, you will reach the ancestral realm.

A strong man in the Ancestral Realm, looking at the Zhongyuan Realm, is also a dominant figure!

"Good boy, the speed of your growth has really not disappointed me!"

After a brief shock, it was replaced by immense excitement and ecstasy.

The faster Ling Feng's strength improves, the closer it will be for him to ascend to the Immortal Realm.

Only when Ling Feng becomes stronger can he have a chance to recover.

After all, just relying on such a wisp of remnant soul, although relying on the mineral veins under the underground river, to linger on is not a long-term solution.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

His strength was not obtained out of thin air. Every step he took cost him a lot.

However, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and face the difficulties.

"Hey, hey, hey! I think this beast is just air!"

The bitch on the side had an unhappy expression on his face. He came out to show off his power to Emperor Tianbai, but as a result, this old man ignored him, which made him feel very frustrated.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, threw this guy back into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, closed all the entrances and exits, and prevented this guy from running out and wasting time before the Hunyuan Lock was planted.

"You brat, please remember this!"

The dissatisfied voice of the bitch came, but Ling Feng strategically ignored it, looked at Tianbai Emperor Dharma, and said calmly: "Okay, senior, we can start."


Tianbai Emperor Faxiang nodded slightly, "Then I will plant the fourteenth and fifteenth Hunyuan Locks for you. When I created these eighteen Hunyuan Locks, I thought that no one could succeed in cultivating them. Unexpectedly, you You have actually come this far. If you go one step further, when you advance to the ancestral realm, all eighteen Hunyuan Locks will be implanted in your body!"

"By that time, this magical power will be considered completely accomplished."

There was a hint of excitement in Emperor Tianbai's eyes.

Even he never thought that this great initiative would be so close to Dacheng.

"bring it on!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Every time he implanted the Forging Qi Hunyuan Lock, the heartbreaking pain he felt was still fresh in his memory.

Even though his strength has increased thousands of times compared to the first time he was implanted into the Hunyuan Lock, the pain can still only be resisted with strong willpower.

This is not a pain that can be ignored with the improvement of strength or the increase in physical strength.

About an hour later.


Ling Feng let out a long breath, his whole body was soaked with sweat, like a drowned rat fished out of the sea.

However, after being implanted into the Hunyuan Lock so many times, Ling Feng has become more or less accustomed to this kind of pain.

Although it was still unbearable, at least Ling Feng didn't faint from the pain again.

"Okay, fifteen Hunyuan Locks have been implanted in your body."

Emperor Tianbai glanced at Ling Feng with satisfaction. For the first time, he felt that he was so lucky that he could meet such a monster and obtain his inheritance.

After all, before this, every inheritor who came to him was painfully killed alive, and even the first Hunyuan Lock failed to be successfully implanted.

"Thank you, senior."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and as the fourteen-fifteen Hunyuan Locks were implanted in his body, he felt that his breath had been completely suppressed.

The previous thirteen Hunyuan Locks were not enough to suppress his saint power, so those with higher cultivation levels than him could judge his cultivation level at a glance.

But that's different now.

With the 145th Hunyuan Lock, even the power of the saint has been completely hidden, and there is no need for Ling Feng to hide his aura on his own.

Moreover, the Yuan Power in the body has once again been compressed to the extreme. On the surface, Ling Feng now looks like a junior saint who has just crossed the threshold of the saint level, without any aura of a saint at all.

In comparison, the huge pressure brought by the Hunyuan Lock was not very difficult for Ling Feng.

After all, after breaking through to two thousand dragons, Ling Feng still felt that his power was too strong and difficult to control.

With the suppression of Hunyuan Lock, I feel more adaptable.

It is foreseeable, but he has also returned to the power of the saint level when the Hunyuan Lock is closed. So, once the Hunyuan Lock is opened, it will inevitably be a qualitative leap.

This is also the ingenuity of Hunyuan Lock.

"I should be the one thanking you."

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang looked excited, "It is because of you that my great initiative can be realized!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said again: "By the way, senior, you mentioned the other day that Emperor Tianbai has three inheritances in total. I have practiced the Hunyuan Lock to the fifteenth level. As for Yi Divine Bow, I also helped before. I’m quite busy, but gradually I’m not putting it to good use.”

Ling Feng looked at the last stone door at the edge of the cave, narrowed his eyes and smiled, and said lightly: "Now I am preparing to go to the Zhongyuan Domain. I wonder if the senior has any good magic weapons for me?"

"You kid!"

Emperor Tianbai gave Ling Feng a white look, "The third inheritance can only be given to you when you have planted all eighteen Hunyuan Locks. Before that, there is no use if you get it."

Ling Feng shrugged, not in a hurry to get the third inheritance.

"However, I didn't expect that in such a short time, you would be ready to go to the Zhongyuan Realm."

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang took a deep breath and said slowly: "Back then, I was also very ambitious, thinking that one day I might be able to go to the Zhongyuan Domain and make a fortune. Unfortunately, I died before my ambition could be fulfilled..."

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang is an external incarnation of the Immortal Realm Venerable, and originally had the qualifications to be promoted to the Immortal Realm.

It's a pity that before he could grow up, he died first, and as a result, his clone also died.

Fortunately, he found such a place before he died, otherwise he might not be able to leave even a hair behind.

"Leave the unfulfilled ambitions of the seniors to me."

Ling Feng smiled casually. Although he had many teachers and masters, the one who taught him the most was the Dharma of Emperor Tianbai.

"I can only leave it to you."

Emperor Tianbai patted Ling Feng's shoulder lightly, "However, the Zhongyuan Realm is extraordinary. It is the realm of the gods, and geniuses emerge in large numbers. Remember not to be impulsive and reckless, otherwise, you will inevitably cause trouble."

Ling Feng nodded, bowed to the Heavenly White Emperor, and said, "Young man, please remember the teachings of your seniors."

However, whether Ling Feng heard it in his heart is another matter.

After all, one of his targets when he went to Zhongyuan Domain this time was the saint of the Jiuli God Clan among the three high-ranking God Clan.

I'm afraid it will be difficult not to cause trouble.

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