Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2808 The reclusive Yan Cangtian! (2 updates)

After the Hunyuan Lock was planted, Tianbai Emperor Dharma Image gave Ling Feng a few more instructions before falling into a deep sleep again.

The spiritual energy in this underwater mineral vein was not enough to keep him active for too long, so Ling Feng did not disturb him much. He just helped Tianbai Emperor Dharma Image to upgrade the grade of the spiritual gathering array, which greatly increased the speed and conversion rate of spiritual energy gathering.

During this period of time, Ling Feng's attainments in array formations have also risen.

After upgrading the array, Ling Feng left the underwater mineral vein, and after reuniting with Tuoba Yan, he left the Misty Ghost Forest directly.

Time was running out, and the three-year deadline for Mu Qianxue was getting closer and closer, so Ling Feng did not visit his old friends, but went directly to the southernmost port of the Eastern Spiritual Domain. If he wanted to reach the Zhongyuan Domain, he still needed the help of the Poseidon.

After all, before this, he had never been to the Zhongyuan Domain, and could not be directly teleported through the portal of the Donghuang Bell.

Summoning Zifeng for transportation, Lingfeng and Tuobayan rode on Zifeng and headed south.


The bright unicorn transformed by Zifeng flapped its huge wings and landed dozens of miles away. It was so fast that it was almost impossible to catch it with the naked eye.

One day and one night later.

Lingfeng and Tuobayan arrived at Bitao Port again.

Looking back, the last time they came here, they were looking for a boat to go out to the sea and head to the Mermaid Bay.

It was also at that time that they met Du Fei, oh no, it should be Du Feier, the tomboy.

Lingfeng shook his head and smiled. Looking back, it was just like yesterday.

But this time, their destination was already Zhongyuan Domain.


Suddenly, Lingfeng’s eyelids jumped, sensing a familiar breath, and immediately patted Zifeng on the back and asked him to land.

“Master, what’s wrong?”

Zifeng looked back at Lingfeng. After a day and a night of rushing, this guy was already very tired.

Of course, with his physical strength and endurance, he would not feel tired physically, mainly because this guy was too lazy.

"Yan'er, Zifeng, wait for me here."

Ling Feng told Tuoba Yan, then turned over and jumped off the horse. His figure flashed and disappeared into a dense forest.

Tuoba Yan bit her lips and looked at Ling Feng's disappearing back, muttering in her heart.


After passing through a dense forest, there was a relatively simple wooden house in front.

Outside the wooden house, there was a field of spiritual plants, including some rare medicinal materials.

In this medicinal garden, there was a middle-aged man with gray hair but a radiant face, who was watering some spiritual liquid on the spiritual plants.

And this middle-aged man was none other than Yan Cangtian!


Ling Feng looked at the man in the medicinal garden and couldn't help but call him softly.

Since the day they parted in the imperial capital (PS: Yan Jinghong turned into a demon and usurped the throne with the help of the Empress Dowager, Ling Feng rushed back to quell the rebellion, see "Chapter 1597 Yan Cangtian's Request" for details), Ling Feng has never seen Yan Cangtian again.

For Yan Cangtian, Ling Feng not only regards him as a teacher, but in a sense, he is more like filling the gap in his lack of family affection.

In Ling Feng's heart, Yan Cangtian is like half of his grandfather.

However, Yan Cangtian at that time had gray hair, untidy beard, and even a little unkempt, looking more like a madman.

At this moment, the old man actually looked radiant.

"Xiao Feng!"

Yan Cangtian threw the wooden spoon in his hand aside, rushed over in one step, and stopped until he came in front of Ling Feng, looked at Ling Feng deeply, and then hugged Ling Feng.

"Good boy, it's been more than two years, you've grown stronger!"

Ling Feng burst into tears, "Teacher, you left the imperial capital without saying goodbye, and it turns out that you've been hiding here in seclusion."


Yan Cangtian narrowed his eyes and smiled, "When I was young, I wasted everything. This is not to take advantage of the fact that I'm still not buried, so I'm going to walk around and have a look."

"It's not just that."

Ling Feng grinned, and he also sensed another breath in the wooden house.

It was also very familiar, it was the Empress Dowager of the Tianbai Empire, the peerless beauty who was known as the most beautiful woman in the empire in the past, Yan Ning.

That day, Yan Cangtian asked him not to embarrass Yan Ning, and Ling Feng agreed.

However, with her identity, it was indeed not suitable for her to continue staying in the imperial capital.

Unexpectedly, the two of them "eloped" together.

I think Yan Cangtian has been infatuated with Yan Ning for half his life, and now he has achieved his goal.


Yan Cangtian's face turned red, "Since you know everything, you still tease me. Why, now that you are stronger than me, you don't take me seriously?"

"Hehe, once a teacher, always a father."

Ling Feng grinned. Although he didn't like Yan Ning, since Yan Cangtian liked her, he couldn't say much.

After all, Yan Ning is now his "master's wife".

"Good boy, you haven't forgotten your roots!"

Yan Cangtian grinned, "Ning'er said she likes to see the sea, so I brought her here to live in seclusion."

"Teacher is worthy of being the first pervert in the empire, ahem, a seed of infatuation!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. Seeing Yan Cangtian living so happily, he was relieved.

"Okay, you brat, stop teasing me."

Yan Cangtian glared at Ling Feng angrily, "Where's your kid? Don't tell me, after all these years, you're still a bachelor, right?"


Ling Feng coughed a few times and quickly changed the subject: "It's better to invite Master's Wife out. This disciple hasn't paid his respects to Master's Wife yet."

"whispering sound!"

Yan Cangtian was getting younger and younger as he lived, grinned and said: "You guys really don't know how to cherish, that girl Yue from Cangqiong Sect, that girl Tuoba next to you, and the acting head of your Lingshen Sect, Lin Girls, they are all good girls... If it doesn’t work out, I think that Shuying girl from the Yan family (Yan Shuying) is a good match for you. "

"Teacher, when did you change your profession to be a matchmaker?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and said, "Please don't mess around with me."

"Hmph, after all, I brought you here. I have long regarded you as my grandson. If you could give birth to a baby earlier, wouldn't I be a great-grandfather?"

"Teacher is young and strong, and in the prime of life, it's better to have a little junior brother by yourself."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly.


Yan Cangtian looked back at the hut behind him, rubbed his hands, and said with a smile: "We are still working hard, aren't we?"


Ling Feng almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. After not seeing him for several years, he never expected that he would turn into Yan Cangtian like this!

"Goodbye, farewell, teacher, disciple, I'd better say goodbye first!"

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, and had the thought in his heart that "sooner or later, my pure self will be led astray by him."

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