Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2810 Come out! (1 update)

"I've met Lord Ling Feng!"

Du Feier stood up straight and gave a standard military salute to Ling Feng, looking like a new sailor on the Poseidon.

"Haha, Du Feier!"

Ling Feng couldn't help laughing when he saw Du Feier's funny look, "Why aren't you on Poseidon Island?"

"Because I am now a crew member on the Poseidon!"

Du Feier looked glorious and said with a smile: "Lord Ling Feng, I said before, I am the man who wants to become the One Piece King!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He didn't know whether this guy was One Piece or not, but this tomboy was still a woman no matter how much he wore men's clothes!

At most, become a sailing queen!

Tuoba Yan on the side couldn't help but smile and said: "Fei'er, don't forget, you are a girl!"

Du Feier pursed her lips and said, "Even if I'm a girl, I want to become the King of One Piece."

"Hehehe, you can."

Ling Feng nodded towards Du Feier and said, "Since you are on the island, that means there should be a Poseidon docked nearby, right?"

"Yes." Du Feier said quickly: "The Poseidon No. 9 driven by my sister is approaching here and will set sail soon."


Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Whirlpool Island."

Du Feier straightened her back, "That is an important port leading to the Central Yuan Territory. After entering the Whirlpool Island, even if it has entered the territory of the Central Yuan Territory, our Poseidon can only stay in the whirlpool at most. The island is docked and we can’t go any further.”

Du Feier pouted, "The guys from Zhongyuan Domain have established a fortress on the border. People from outside the domain have to pay expensive fees to enter, so we usually only send one or two Crew members, go to Zhongyuan Domain to purchase some things that are not available in other domains for trading.”

"Whirlpool Island..."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and said, "Just in time, I am also preparing to go to Zhongyuan Realm. It seems that I will trouble you sisters to give me a ride."

"haha, really!"

Du Feier immediately looked at Ling Feng with excitement, "That's great, Lord Ling Feng, then can't we fight pirates together again?"

"Now that the demon pirates have been eliminated, what other pirates dare to attack the Poseidon?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. This little girl is still a child at heart.


Du Feier showed a disappointed expression, but soon seemed to put the matter behind her, and said with joy: "Sister, if she sees Master Ling Feng, she will be very happy!"


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, what do you mean by this...

Tuoba Yan, on the other hand, gave Ling Feng an angry look and cursed in his heart: You brat who always shows mercy!

Later, under the introduction of Ling Feng, Du Feier met Captain Lin En again.

When Captain Lynn learned Du Feier's true identity, he was so frightened that he trembled all over and quickly knelt in front of Du Feier and begged her for forgiveness.

After all, as a profiteer, although he raised Du Feier since she was a child, he obviously did not give her any good treatment.

Duffield didn't care about what happened in the past, but was very grateful to Captain Lynn.

After all, there was no way she would have survived without Captain Lynn.

At least in her opinion, Captain Lynn was not a bad person.

"Captain, I don't mean to blame you. I have to thank you for raising me!"

Du Feier helped Captain Lin En up, and while the two were chatting, they also talked about how it was Ling Feng who defeated the demon pirates. Captain Lin En was so frightened that he shivered all over.

It turns out that I actually cheated such a "great" person before.

But fortunately, it seems that this big shot is a big man who does not remember the faults of small people.

The next day.

Ling Feng and his party boarded Poseidon No. 9, commanded by Devela.

Now Devela has inherited Captain Kepler's mantle and officially became the captain of Poseidon No. 9. She is probably the first female captain to sit in the captain's seat in the history of Poseidon Island.

Devela was obviously very surprised when she saw Du Feier actually leading Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan to board the ship.

But soon, it was replaced by intense joy.

"Master Ling, we meet again."

Devela was wearing a tight-fitting black outfit and a captain's hat. She looked heroic. After not seeing her for a long time, her skin tone looked darker, a healthy wheat color, but it did not affect her beauty at all.

"Yes, we meet again."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. He had never thought before that he would actually board the Poseidon of Sister Devela.

"Congratulations, now you have become the captain!"

Ling Feng congratulated Devilla. After the demon pirates were wiped out, Devilah became the only devil-powered person in the sea. Moreover, she could also create devil fruit herself and give other people devilish abilities.

With such incredible abilities, she is indeed very suitable to become the captain of the Poseidon.

"This is all thanks to Mr. Ling, otherwise, I might have already..."

Devela bit her silver teeth and did not continue speaking.

She knew that she and Ling Feng were not from the same world after all, so it was better to forget about the little feelings in her heart.

As the whistle sounded, the Poseidon began its voyage. The destination was Zhongyuan Domain, Whirlpool Island.

"Lord Lingfeng, it will take about three weeks to reach Whirlpool Island from here. During this period, you and Sister Yan'er will temporarily live here."

Du Feier brought Ling Feng to a rather spacious and luxurious cabin. If the Poseidon itself is like a huge mobile fortress on the sea, this room is simply like the palace of the city lord. Generally luxurious.

"I'm determined."

Ling Feng nodded. More than twenty days were simply wasted if he did not use them to practice in seclusion.

There is also a corresponding retreat room in this room, and the level of the spirit gathering circle is not bad, which is suitable for your retreat practice.

Of course, combined with the Star Holy Spirit Pill, the effect will be even better.

As for Devela's arrangement of him and Tuoba Yan living together, it was obvious that she had misunderstood her relationship with Tuoba Yan.

But Ling Feng didn't care. Anyway, the room was so big that it was more than enough for two people.

"Then, Master Lingfeng, if you need anything, just call me."

Du Feier left a word and left. This girl had a simple mind, and she must have been thinking about the majestic sea at this moment.

"Come out!"

After Du Feier's figure disappeared from sight, Ling Feng looked at a dark corner of the room and curled his lips.

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