Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2811 Pauper! (2 updates)

"Come out!"

Ling Feng grinned and looked at a shadow-covered corner in the room.

The next moment, a tall figure walked out of the shadows, his whole body covered with a faint layer of cold air.

"We meet each other everywhere in life. Yan Jinghong, are you here too?"

Ling Feng had a smile on his lips, and the guy hiding in the dark turned out to be Yan Jinghong!

Although after he and Yan Jinghong separated, he delayed another month in order to advance to the Saint level, but he never expected to meet him here.

"You can enter this Poseidon, but I can't?"

Yan Jinghong looked indifferent. He had naturally noticed Ling Feng's aura a long time ago, although his aura seemed to have become much weaker.

In his opinion, he was even several times weaker than when they separated a month ago.

"That's not true."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "It's just that some people actually board the Poseidon secretly. Why, are they short of money?"

Yan Jinghong frowned, obviously being poked in a sore spot.

He is no longer the wealthy young man before. He is strapped for money, but he is normal.

What's more, the voyage from the Southern Witch Territory to the Zhongyuan Territory is not short, and naturally requires expensive expenses.

Yan Jinghong is not like Ling Feng. He doesn't know how to make elixirs, and he doesn't bother to put his treasures up for auction.

Compared with Ling Feng's ability to make money, there is a huge difference.

Therefore, now he is a complete pauper.

If he wanted to reach the Central Yuan Territory from the Southern Witch Territory, the only way was, of course, to "smuggle across".

"Humph, whatever you say!"

Yan Jinghong gritted his teeth and sat down on the sofa beside him, looking like "What can you do to me?"

"It would have been over if you had gone on the road with me earlier."

Ling Feng shrugged and did not try to expose Yan Jinghong's intentions. Anyway, he was also a free prostitute. From beginning to end, he did not spend a single Yuan Stone.

However, Yan Jinghong could only "smuggle in" without spending any money, but he could enjoy the highest VIP treatment.

So, it’s so comfortable to have friends when you’re away from home.

"Okay, I'll talk to the captain and arrange another place for you."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows. Although he didn't dislike Yan Jinghong now, but letting him live under his nose, Ling Feng asked himself that he couldn't be so generous.

After all, the two of them were once life-and-death rivals, so it was pretty good to be able to treat them with a normal attitude.

After arranging a place for Yan Jinghong, the half-month-long voyage finally began.

Ling Feng continued to swallow the Star Holy Spirit Pill every day, hundreds or thousands of pills a day. Unfortunately, as he swallowed more and more pills, his resistance to the medicine continued to increase. The effect of the Star Holy Spirit Pill on him was no longer It's becoming less obvious.

Of course, this is also because Ling Feng's Dantian has been opened up hundreds of times during this Holy Lord Tribulation. Every time he advances to a small level, the amount of spiritual energy he needs to consume is simply immeasurable.

Therefore, Ling Feng simply stopped wasting the Star Holy Spirit Pills and kept the remaining less than 10,000 pills.

Part of it can be shared with friends around you, or it can be auctioned.

Such an immortal elixir, even if placed in a place like Zhongyuan Domain, would probably be sold at a sky-high price.

After refining a large amount of Star Holy Spirit Pills, although Ling Feng was not miserable enough to become a pauper like Yan Jinghong, he was not much richer either.

The wealth recovered from his body was basically turned into full pills, which were transformed into his cultivation.

However, if it were not for burning money in this way, Ling Feng would not have been able to reach the seventh level of the Saint from the third level of the Nine Transformation Realm in just a few months.

There are gains and losses!

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed.

On the deck of Poseidon.

On this day, Ling Feng came to the deck as usual and began to practice swordsmanship and boxing.

Although the room Devela arranged for him was spacious enough, once he made a move, he would inevitably release his excess power. It would be bad if he poked a hole in the hull.

On the deck, he could control his power exquisitely and shoot directly into the sky without damaging the Poseidon.

After half a month, although Ling Feng's cultivation level has hardly improved, his adaptability to the 14th and 15th Hunyuan Lock has obviously been greatly improved.

As soon as the Qi Forging Hunyuan Lock is opened, his strength will immediately increase several times.

The divine power of two thousand dragon elephants and the Qi-forging Hunyuan Lock also gave him considerable capital and confidence to be able to show off his talents in the Zhongyuan Domain.

"I thought your aura had become weaker and your cultivation had regressed. It turns out that's the case."

At some point, Yan Jinghong had been watching for a long time. When he saw Ling Feng opening the Hunyuan Lock, he couldn't help but frown.

He is stronger!

No, it’s even more terrifying!

Is the speed of his progress still so terrifying?

Yan Jinghong took a deep breath, feeling a little depressed.

Although his strength also improved rapidly after he obtained Ye Xiu's incomplete Sky Patrol Ice Soul power, he was still far behind Ling Feng.

"What, didn't you say you wanted to surpass me? Have you lost confidence?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, he needed a rival in life.

It would be boring if there were no evenly matched opponents.

"It's not the first time I've lost to you. There's nothing to be upset about."

Yan Jinghong clenched his fists, as if to comfort himself, and said calmly: "Anyway, I will surpass you sooner or later."

"Haha, your ambition is commendable, but it's a pity that you don't have a chance."

Ling Feng thought for a while, then threw a bottle of pill into Yan Jinghong's hand, "With a thousand star holy spirit pills, it's up to you to what level you can rise to."

"This is……"

Yan Jinghong opened the bottle cap and his expression suddenly changed. The porcelain bottle itself was also a space magic weapon and could contain a huge amount of elixirs.

The spiritual energy contained in each pill shocked Yan Jinghong.

At least these were immortal elixirs, and Ling Feng was actually willing to give a thousand of them to himself!

"Why give it to me!"

Yan Jinghong looked at Ling Feng with some confusion.

"Why, don't want it? Then give it back to me!" Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly.

Yan Jinghong put away the elixir, "You are a bastard if you don't take advantage of it! You said this!"

"Ha ha!"

Ling Feng laughed loudly and said, "Why, do you remember every word I say in your heart? Unexpectedly, you also regard me as a life mentor?"

Yan Jinghong ignored Ling Feng's teasing and just asked in a deep voice: "Why?"

"If you are too weak, you are not qualified to go with me to rescue grandpa."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and rarely showed a serious expression, "In this matter, you and I are fellow travelers!"

"I won't be grateful to you." Yan Jinghong squeezed the porcelain bottle, "Besides, I will still beat you mercilessly!"

"Haha, I hope your strength can be as powerful as your tone!"

Ling Feng smiled. Suddenly, the ship's hull shook, and all the crew members on the Poseidon were on guard.

Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong also grabbed a mast nearby and looked at the rough sea.

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