Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2812 Whirlpool Island! (3 updates)

"what is that?"

Yan Jinghong frowned. He clearly saw a huge black shadow under the sea.

Ling Feng quickly opened his infinite vision, and a giant beast suddenly appeared directly under the Poseidon!

It was a giant beast shaped like a poisonous snake, with a triangular head that was actually a bit bigger than a mountain!

The whole area of ​​the Poseidon is nearly a thousand meters, and the length of this giant beast is actually much longer than that of the Poseidon, and it is also thicker.

Visual inspection showed that the giant snake-shaped beast was more than one thousand meters long. It was winding directly under the Poseidon at an extremely fast speed. It exuded a cold aura, which made Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong both I can't help but feel heart palpitated by it.

Immediately, the triangular head of the venomous snake beast broke out of the water, and a pair of green eyes fell on the Poseidon.

For a moment, all the crew members on the deck were trembling. An extremely cold feeling swept through their bodies, and even their souls were trembling.

As if looking down on it, the giant snake-like beast turned its head and walked away. When Ling Feng came back to his senses, he found that his back was completely soaked.

It was so terrifying. The look of that giant snake-like beast made him feel threatened by death.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Ling Feng took a breath, never expecting that such a terrifying beast actually existed in the depths of this endless sea.

"This should be the ancient beast that my father talked about."

Devela came over from a distance and said in a trembling voice: "Father said that we, the Poseidon, would occasionally encounter such strange beasts while sailing, but they would not attack us without any reason."

Ling Feng nodded. Fortunately, they would not take the initiative to attack. Otherwise, everyone on this ship would probably have to answer for it.

Just now, it was probably just because Yan Jinghong opened the porcelain bottle filled with the Star Holy Spirit Pill, and the spiritual energy emanating from it attracted the attention of the ancient beast by chance.

However, the tiny human beings are obviously not enough for it to fill its teeth.

"It is said that these ancient and strange beasts have survived for endless years, and have existed in the Xuanling Continent since hundreds of thousands of millions of years ago. No one knows how strong they are, but you only need to One thing I know is that from ancient times to the present, even the powerful ones in the ancestral realm have not dared to cross the endless sea with their own strength. It is said that this is because they are also afraid of attracting the attention of these ancient beasts. "

Ling Feng nodded solemnly, his understanding of the world was still too one-sided after all.

Fortunately, after encountering such an ancient beast, the rest of the voyage went very smoothly.

It was smooth sailing along the way, and we arrived at the port of Whirlpool Island two days earlier than the planned three weeks.

The prosperous scene in front of me is no less than the Jidao King City in the Southern Witch Territory!

And this place is just a small island on the edge of Zhongyuan Domain!

Not long after, Devela controlled the Poseidon to dock in the port. For the port of this whirlpool island, the Poseidon was considered a "regular customer".

Passengers who needed to disembark here left the Poseidon one after another, and Devela also brought a team of crew members to disembark and conduct trade at this port.

The profits that can be obtained from maritime trade are far beyond what ordinary commerce can compare with. Poseidon Island has mature conditions. Now there are no demon pirates to hinder it. With their abilities, I believe that it will not take long before it will become more powerful than before. Wealthy.

"Mr. Ling, we are going to the trading house at the port to do business, so we say goodbye."

Devela bowed to Ling Feng and said: "If you want to enter the Zhongyuan Realm, you need to register your information at the Yuan Temple and pay a certain fee before you can officially enter the Zhongyuan Realm."

"Yuan Shen Temple?"

Ling Feng nodded, cupped his fists and saluted Devela, "Thank you for letting me know, I understand."

"Then, Mr. Ling, see you again when we are destined!"

Devela took a deep look at Ling Feng. She knew that saying goodbye this time would probably be a luxury.

"See you soon."

Ling Feng nodded and looked behind the Whirlpool Island, which was a mysterious and unknown territory.

"Lord Ling Feng, goodbye!"

Du Feier also said goodbye to Ling Feng, looking very reluctant to leave.

Ling Feng gently pinched her little nose and said with a smile: "Next time we meet, you must at least become a captain first!"


Du Feier nodded heavily and said with a smile: "Of course, I want to be the man of One Piece, hehe!"

Ling Feng smiled lightly and took out a porcelain bottle, which contained ten Star Holy Spirit Pills, and handed it to Devela.

"Miss Devela, this is my little thought, accept it! If you take it at the peak emperor level, you can break through to the saint level in one fell swoop."

Ling Feng handed the porcelain bottle into Devela's hands. Although there were only ten of them, they could add several saint-level experts to Poseidon Island.


Devela glanced at Ling Feng gratefully. In the previous battle with the demon pirates, although Ling Feng defeated the demon pirates, Poseidon Island still lost many strong men.

With these pills, Poseidon Island can be temporarily relieved.

After saying goodbye to Sister Devela, Ling Feng looked at this bustling island and secretly shouted in his heart: Zhongyuan Realm is finally here!

"Next, let's go to the Yuan Temple first."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and glanced at Yan Jinghong, "Yan Jinghong, the scandal comes first. You have to pay a fee to enter the Zhongyuan Realm. Don't even think about counting on me."

The corner of Yan Jinghong's mouth twitched slightly, but he had forgotten about it.

Taking a deep breath, Yan Jinghong took a deep look at Ling Feng, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll lend it to you!"

"No borrowing!"

Ling Feng chuckled, "Unless..."

"Unless something!"

It is said that a penny can stump a hero. Yan Jinghong is penniless now, and he is in an unfamiliar place, has no friends, and has no other means of making money.

Unless he goes to rob homes and houses, he can only rely on Ling Feng.

"Stay with me and be my attendant. When will you pay back the money and when will you regain your freedom? What do you think?"

"You!" Yan Jinghong's face suddenly darkened.

Ling Feng chuckled, "You don't have to agree, anyway, I don't lack followers!"

"Okay! I agree!"

Yan Jinghong clenched his fists. He had to lower his head under the eaves.

Otherwise, by the time he had accumulated enough Yuan Stones here and finally managed to sneak into the Zhongyuan Domain, Ling Feng would have already become famous and famous all over the world.

"He is indeed a man, capable of bending and stretching!"

Ling Feng gave Yan Jinghong a thumbs up, "Come on, call the young master and come listen!"

"Master Ling!"

Yan Jinghong gritted his teeth, his voice almost coming out from between his teeth. Thinking back to the beginning, as the young master of the Yan family and a legendary figure in the empire, wherever he went, others would call him young master, but he had no business calling others young master.

This time, I admit defeat!

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