Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2813 Yuanshen Temple! (1 update)

"Let's go to Yuan Temple!"

Ling Feng took the lead and walked at the front with a proud look on his face.

Trampling your opponent under your feet is not fun if you do it too often. However, it is really special to take your former rival into your account and become your follower.

Yan Jinghong took a deep breath and secretly vowed to work hard to make money and regain his freedom as soon as possible.

Tuoba Yan on the side was holding back his smile, and it was very hard to hold it in. She was quite repulsive towards Yan Jinghong before, but now Yan Jinghong is indeed completely different from before.

He no longer had the ferocious aura before, but was still as calm as a floating cloud. This is why Ling Feng was willing to help him, and even gave him the Star Holy Spirit Pill.

If it were the violent and cruel Yan Jinghong, Ling Feng would have killed him with one sword, not to mention the pills, and wouldn't even give him a fart.

The Yuan Temple of Whirlpool Island is the direct controller of this island.

In other words, this is an alliance composed of representatives of the major gods, controlling this important port.

All comings and goings must be recorded in the Yuanshen Temple.

After inquiring, the three of them quickly found the location of the Yuan Temple. What they saw was a majestic hall with a pure white and atmospheric color. There were huge white stone pillars standing in front of the door.

The three most eye-catching stone pillars are engraved with three different patterns.

The one on the left is a warrior who controls flames with both hands, the one on the right is a warrior holding a strange ancient sword, and the stone pillar in the center is engraved with a warrior holding a magic weapon similar to a mirror.

The patterns on the three stone pillars gathered together to form a picture of three strong men, each showing their magical powers and suppressing all demons.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the warrior on the left who was controlling the flames, thoughtfully.

The guard in front of the palace looked at Ling Feng and the other three, and after discovering that they all had saint-level cultivation, they looked a little more respectful, but only slightly respectful.

Saint-level powerhouses, and young saint-level powerhouses like Ling Feng and the others, are actually not uncommon in places like Zhongyuan Domain.

"This big brother, this guy is a warrior from the outside world. I hope to get some travel orders to go to Zhongyuan Realm. I wonder if big brother can give me some guidance."

Ling Feng asked the guard with a smile.

"A warrior from the outer realm?"

The guard in front of the palace looked at Ling Feng again. It would be a bit rare for a warrior from the outside world to reach the holy level at such a young age.

"Enter the door and turn left!"

The guards did not embarrass Ling Feng and the others, they just responded casually and ignored Ling Feng.

The people in Zhongyuan Domain are really awesome. Even a mere gatekeeper can't even look down on a saint-level powerhouse.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Of course, this was also because although Ling Feng and the three of them were all Saints, their auras were only at the Elementary Saint level.

If Ling Feng showed a saint-level aura, the guard would probably have to shake three times.

Even in the Zhongyuan Realm, the powerful Saint Lord has quite a status.

Following the guard's prompts, the three of them quickly found the so-called Outland Warrior Pass Office. To put it bluntly, they just paid money to apply for a pass.

If warriors from outside the realm want to enter the Central Yuan Realm, they must first have a pass from the Yuan Temple. Having this certificate means that they are being taken care of by the Yuan Temple behind their backs. Generally speaking, the children of ordinary forces will not embarrass them too much.

If you don't apply for this pass and sneak into the Zhongyuan Realm, it's certainly not impossible, but in this case, no one will care about your life and death, and you will be responsible for the consequences.

Yuanshen Temple is equivalent to a public security management organization in the entire Central Yuan Territory. It is jointly composed of many representatives of the gods. It still has a certain prestige and has strongholds in major cities in the Central Yuan Territory.

It can be said that having a certificate in hand can solve a lot of troubles.

Therefore, if you don’t want to get into trouble, it is still necessary to apply for this general order.

The person in charge of issuing passes was an ordinary-looking middle-aged woman. After sizing up Ling Feng and the others, her eyes finally fell on Tuoba Yan.

It seemed that she was a little jealous of Tuoba Yan's majestic appearance. The woman's attitude was not very good. She just said in a rather mean tone: "Five million top-grade crystals per person. If you have it, pay it and get out!"

"five million!"

Yan Jinghong almost jumped up. He had a hunch that this thing might not be cheap, but when would it be possible to get five million top-quality Yuan Crystals?

One of the best Yuan Crystals is as good as ten high-grade Yuan Crystals.

In other words, five million top grade yuan crystals, that is, 50 million high-grade yuan crystals. At this price, you can buy a pretty good immortal weapon.

"Five million is too expensive."

Even Ling Feng couldn't help but frown. The three of them were worth 15 million top-quality Yuan Crystals. Ling Feng could get it, but this had basically wiped out most of his remaining wealth.

"Haha, how can you, the country bumpkins from the outside world, just enter the Zhongyuan Realm? If you have money, pay, if you don't have money, get out!"

The middle-aged woman had a mean look on her face, and her eyes and tone all revealed a sense of superiority.

After all, to be able to get a good position, he is also a disciple of one of the ten high-level gods of the Yuanshen Temple.

Ling Feng frowned. Although he didn't want to cause trouble, the other party's attitude made her have the urge to slap her.

Wasn't it just that he was born in the Zhongyuan Realm and was lucky enough to have a good pregnancy? Why do he look so arrogant?

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng suppressed his anger, thought for a moment, took out the Demon Sealing Order that Qin Ming gave him, and slapped it on the table.

The middle-aged woman's expression changed slightly when she saw the Demon Sealing Order.

The Demon-Sealing God Clan is also one of the ten high-level God Clan in the Central Yuan Domain. Although they are at the lower level, they also control a certain degree of voice within the Yuan Temple.

"Do you really think I don't know the exact price?"

Ling Feng glanced sideways at the middle-aged woman, and in conjunction with the murderous sword intent, the middle-aged woman was frightened to the point of trembling all over.

"I...I remembered wrongly, it's not the best Yuanjing, it's...the high-grade Yuanjing."

The middle-aged woman swallowed hard, but she didn't expect that the other party actually had the Demon Sealing God Clan as a backer.


Ling Feng snorted, this old lady is really greedy, she opened her mouth and asked for ten times the price!

Why didn't she grab it?

If he didn't want to cause trouble, Ling Feng would have to teach her a lesson.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng suppressed his inner dissatisfaction, took out a supreme black card from the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, and slapped it on the table, "Can I use the VIP card from the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce?"

"Ok, Ok!"

The middle-aged woman nodded repeatedly, which made Ling Feng a little surprised. Unexpectedly, the power of the Tianmeng also covered the Zhongyuan Domain.

Could it be said that the headquarters of Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce is located in Zhongyuan Domain?

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