Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2814: Sealing the Demon Realm! (2 more)

After producing 15 million high-grade Yuan Crystals, Ling Feng and the others each obtained a pass with their respective information entered.

As long as you carry the token with you, a miniature magic circle will operate on its own, emitting a certain aura, proving that this person can legally enter the city covered by the Yuanshen Temple's forces.

Moreover, as the token level increases, the level of the areas that can be entered will also increase.

For example, the tokens in the hands of Ling Feng and others are the lowest-level yellow-level tokens. Basically, all major cities cannot enter. When entering, they will be stopped by guards.

If you want to improve the level of the token, you need to go to the Yuanshen Temple in a city with assessment qualifications to take the assessment. In addition, you need to pay another fee to upgrade your qualifications.

Of course, this fee is not too high.

Whirlpool Island is just a small island on the border of Zhongyuan Domain. Although it is at the core of maritime trade, it does not have the qualifications for assessment.

Therefore, Ling Feng and the others could only go on the road with yellow-level tokens.

However, with the yellow-level token, you can at least use the teleportation circle on the island to enter the Zhongyuan Realm.

Not long after, Ling Feng and others arrived at the teleportation array at the center of Whirlpool Island. After paying a certain fee, Ling Feng adjusted the other end of the array to the Demon-Sealing God Realm where the Demon-Sealing God Clan is located.

His first stop was to find a place to stay.

I have some friendship with Qin Ming from the Demon-Sealing God Clan. At least, I can go to the Demon-Sealing God Clan first and get a firm foothold. As for other things, I can figure it out later.

After stepping into the teleportation circle, everything went dark at first, and then things changed and stars moved.

It seemed like a thousand years, and it seemed like it was just an instant. Stars flashed past him like falling. Ling Feng felt as if he had passed through something. His feet landed on the ground, and behind him was a teleportation circle.

The Demon Sealing God Realm has arrived!

The Zhongyuan Domain is a realm controlled by many gods. Among them, each major god has its own territory and is king. The stronger the power, the larger the territory it occupies.

The places occupied by each tribe are named after their respective races. For example, the territory of the Demon-Sealing God Clan is called the Demon-Sealing God Domain.

The territory of the Jiuli Divine Clan is naturally the Jiuli Divine Clan, and so on.

In order to facilitate management and rule, there are Yuan Temples in each of the major divine realms.

Among the three most eye-catching stone pillars that Ling Feng saw in front of the Yuan Temple on Whirlpool Island before, the patterns engraved on them represented the three high-ranking divine races in the Zhongyuan Domain.

Jiuli God Clan!

Haotian God Clan!

and the Tai'a Clan.

The Jiuli God Clan is naturally the one who controls the flames, the Haotian God Clan is the one in the middle who controls the Haotian Divine Mirror, and the Tai'a God Clan is famous for its Tai'a Divine Sword.

These three high-level gods are also the highest-ranking people behind the Yuanshen Temple. As for the so-called ten high-level gods, they are, at best, just subordinates of the high-level gods.

The city that Ling Feng and the others arrived was not the main city of the Demon Sealed God Realm, but a secondary town.

Here, they already have assessment qualifications and can improve the level of their identity tokens.

"The Zhongyuan Realm is the Zhongyuan Realm after all. It's so rich in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Although the level of aura here is not as good as Taihua Immortal Palace, you must know that there is a broken immortal realm, and this is finally just the lower realm.

But even so, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this town that is not the main city is at least several times purer than that of the Jidao King City.

This also means that practicing here is much faster than in places like Jidao King City.

In addition to the difference in the vitality of heaven and earth, the space constraints and barriers of the Zhongyuan Domain are more powerful than those of the Southern Witch Domain.

Just like the same punch, it may be able to destroy a mountain in the Southern Witch Territory, but in the Zhongyuan Territory, it can penetrate a mountain at most.

The gap between these is still very obvious.

The power of space is more stable, which also means that this place is more suitable for the birth of strong people.

It is indeed the core place of Xuanling Continent!

Ling Feng took a deep breath and felt refreshed and energetic.

"In addition to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, there is another special power, which is also very strong."

Yan Jinghong on the side narrowed his eyes and felt it carefully.

"This is the Demon Sealing God Realm, and this power is naturally the Demon Sealing Power of the Demon Sealing God Clan."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "Let's go, find a place to upgrade the token level first, and find a way to enter the main city of the Demon Sealing God Realm first."

"Going to the main city of the Demon-Sealing God Clan?"

Yan Jinghong glanced at Ling Feng, "What are you doing there?"

"As a follower, just follow his master honestly, why do you talk so much?" Ling Feng said sarcastically, reminding him by the way, the current Yan Jinghong signed a "deed of sale."

Yan Jinghong gritted his teeth, but he still didn't have an attack.

"What are you doing there? Looking for that...Qin Ming?"

Tuoba Yan had experienced the devil pirate battle with Ling Feng before, so he still knew something about Qin Ming.

"It's more than that."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "When we first arrived in the Zhongyuan Domain, we first need to find a force to establish a firm foothold. At present, it seems that although the power of the Demon Sealing God Clan cannot compare with the so-called high-level God Clan, it is also among the high-level God Clan. First, go to the Demon-Sealing God Clan first, you can’t go wrong.”

With my current situation, how can I meet Mu Qianxue?

Go directly to Jiuli Divine Realm?

I'm afraid that before she saw Mu Qianxue, she would have been killed by those strong men from the Jiuli Divine Clan.

After all, there are ancestral realm experts among the Jiuli Divine Clan, and there are definitely quite a few of them.

Ling Feng didn't dare to be too big. In front of the powerful people in the ancestral realm, he was just a little powerful grasshopper at best.

Therefore, he needs to establish some of his own foundation in Zhongyuan Domain.

At least, one needs to achieve a certain level of fame before one can enter the eyes of the Jiuli God Clan.

I chose the Demon-Sealing God Clan because I had some friendship with Qin Ming, which would be a little bit helpful.

Secondly, he also found out that the Demon Sealing God Clan was actually a force belonging to the Jiuli God Clan.

The three high-ranking divine clans jointly control the Yuan Temple. On the surface, they seem to be in harmony, but they are indispensable for their open and covert struggles.

The following ten advanced protoss, more or less, also need to express their positions, which involves a question of taking sides.

For example, the Demon Sealing God Clan is from the Jiuli family. This kind of thing can be found out by just asking around. It is not a secret.

The reason why Ling Feng chose the Demon Sealing God Clan was because of this.

After becoming a disciple of the Feng Mo God Clan, I believe that his name will be spread to the ears of the higher-ups of the Jiuli God Clan before long.

He has absolute confidence in this.

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