Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2815 Qin Ming’s shock! (3 updates)

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and Ling Feng had already made up his mind. No matter what, he would sneak into the Demon Sealing God Clan first.

As for Yan Jinghong, a follower, his opinion is not important.

With the abilities of Ling Feng and the other three, it would be easy for them to pass the promotion assessment.

In fact, if you want to obtain the access orders of major major cities, it is more than enough to have the cultivation level of the Emperor.

To put it bluntly, this Yuanshen Temple just wants to earn an extra fee.

The pass orders of Ling Feng and the others were directly upgraded from Huang level to Xuan level. In this way, even the main cities of the three high-level gods can be visited.

However, it cost Ling Feng tens of millions of high-grade Yuan Crystals.

This time, Ling Feng didn't have much money on hand.

Fortunately, as an alchemist and a grand master of alchemy, Ling Feng would definitely not starve to death.

That's right, if you have one skill at your disposal, you won't be afraid of traveling all over the world.

As for Yan Jinghong, he can only feel envious.

The Demon-Sealing Holy Mountain stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles and is the largest and longest mountain range in the Demon-Sealing God Realm. The vitality of heaven and earth here is a bit richer than in other places in the Demon-Sealing God Realm.

The main city of the Demon-Sealing God Clan is located within the Demon-Sealing Holy Mountain.

When he arrived at the foot of the holy mountain, Ling Feng discovered that a lot of people had gathered at the foot of the mountain, and it looked very lively with people coming and going.

Standing under the Demon Sealing Holy Mountain, looking up, there are countless peaks, one after another, endless, towering as if straight into the sky.

Among the mountains, you can faintly see green tiles, flying rafts, carved beams and painted buildings. The entire Demonic Holy City is built against the mountains.

Without wasting any time, Ling Feng directly deployed his body skills, formed a line with Yan Jinghong and Tuoba Yan, and headed straight to the mountain gate of the Demon Sealing God Clan.

The mountain gate is majestic, standing from ancient times, and the pressure of the demon-sealing power is very strong. On the top of the mountain gate, the four characters of the demon-sealing God Clan are lifelike, with dragons and snakes running around, as if they are coming to life. It contains an amazing meaning that makes people unable to resist. Dare to look directly.

These four characters are said to be left behind by the ancestors of the Demon Sealed Clan, and the strong men of that era reached their peak far beyond the ancestral realm.

In front of the mountain gate, there are four warriors wearing standard robes, who are the children of the Demon Sealing God Clan.

If someone wanted to visit, they would naturally take out the invitation card and give it to the disciple guarding the mountain gate. The disciple guarding the mountain would hand it over and wait for arrangements.

The Demon-Sealing God Clan is the absolute overlord in this Demon-Sealing God Realm. The visitors are all well-known figures. Like Ling Feng and the others, they are "bumpkins" from the outside world and have no reputation. Even if they are presented to worship Posts will also be discarded.

However, Ling Feng did not come to visit the Demon-Sealing God Clan, but wanted to enter the Demon-Sealing God Clan and become an external disciple.

The inheritance of the divine bloodline is not 100%, which means that even if both parents have the divine bloodline, the offspring may not receive the power of this bloodline.

This is also the reason why the major protoss have always been in a minority in number.

In the huge mountain gate and the huge city of the Demon-Sealing God Clan, there are probably less than five percent of the children who actually have the pure bloodline of the Demon-Sealing God Clan.

Therefore, in addition to their direct descendants, all the major divine clans have actually cultivated a large number of external disciples.

Among them, outstanding disciples with outstanding talents may even be lucky enough to marry into the Gods, and the offspring they give birth to will also have a certain chance of becoming heirs of the awakened Gods bloodline.

Ling Feng's goal is to first become an external disciple of the Demon Sealing God Clan.

Unfortunately, Ling Feng's luck was obviously not very good.

"What? Three years from now?"

Hearing what the Shoushan disciple said, Ling Feng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. It turns out that the Demon Sealed God Clan recruits disciples from outside the family only once every five years, and they just recruited disciples once two years ago. In other words, the next time they recruit disciples from outside the family, It will be three years later.

Three years?

The day lilies are cold!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, took out the Demon Sealing Order from the book, handed it to the disciple guarding the mountain, and said in a deep voice: "This eldest brother, my younger brother Ling Feng, I was actually introduced by eldest brother Qin Ming and Qin. If it's convenient, , Could you please help me invite Brother Qin?"

With that said, Ling Feng handed over another bag of Yuan Jing, "It's just a small thing, I'm inviting some of the older brothers to tea."

The Shoushan disciple picked up the Yuan Jing in his hand and saw that it was heavy. He then grinned and said, "It turns out he is a friend of Senior Brother Qin. Okay, just wait here for a moment!"

"In the end, Yuan Jing is the best."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. No matter which field he came from, he recognized money.

Not long after, the disciple guarding the mountain came with Qin Ming.

In fact, when he mentioned Ling Feng's name, Qin Ming rushed over immediately.

Qin Ming still has fresh memories of Ling Feng.

When he first entered the Saint level, he triggered the four catastrophes of life and death, and even passed the catastrophe of life and death in a way that defied heaven. Can such a monster be an ordinary person?

With such a talent, even Qin Ming, a descendant of the God Clan with the blood of the Demon Sealed Clan, would be ashamed of himself.

"Brother Ling!"

Qin Ming was overjoyed when he saw the young man standing in front of the mountain gate, with a smile on his face, "Haha, Brother Ling, I never thought it was really you!"

"Brother Qin, long time no see!"

Ling Feng stepped forward and hugged each other tightly with two strong arms.

"Unexpectedly, in just one year, we would meet again!"

Qin Ming looked at Ling Feng and smiled lightly: "It seems that Brother Ling's matter has been finished?"


Ling Feng nodded, "It's all done. I'm afraid I'm going to disturb Brother Qin for a while this time."

"That day on Alcatraz Island, I didn't even thank Brother Ling for his help, so why bother?"

Qin Ming patted Ling Feng's shoulder affectionately and said with a smile: "What, Brother Ling is planning to join our Demon Sealing God Clan?"

"My little brother does have this intention."

Ling Feng smiled and said, "This is Yan'er. Brother Qin has met him before, so there is no need to introduce him. As for this one..."

Ling Feng pointed at Yan Jinghong and said with a smile: "He is my new follower, Yan Jinghong. His qualifications are pretty good, so-so. He should be able to join the Demon Sealing God Clan and become an external disciple."

Qin Ming took a look at Yan Jinghong, and his expression suddenly changed slightly. Even he felt afraid of the cold air emanating from Yan Jinghong's body.

Such a person is actually just Ling Feng's follower?

It’s really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

As for Tuobayan...

When Qin Ming discovered that even Tuoba Yan also exuded the power of a saint, he was immediately startled.

Darling, Ling Feng is just a monster, why are the people around him all monsters too!

How long has it been since then, Tuoba Yan has actually broken through to the Saint level? Moreover, it’s not just the first level of the Ninth Transformation Realm!

Now it seems that Ling Feng's performance is the most ordinary, because his aura does not seem to be much stronger than that of Alcatraz a year ago.

But this is normal. After reaching the Saint level, you cannot advance one level in a year. This is the normal speed.

Of course, Qin Ming didn't know that Ling Feng was actually at the Saint level, otherwise, he would probably be so shocked that his eyes would fall out.

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