Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2816 The Demon Sealing Tower! (1 update)

Qin Ming took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "Long time no see, there are quite a few masters around Brother Ling!"

Ling Feng shrugged. It didn't matter whether he was a master or not. He was not as good as himself anyway.

"Brother Qin, actually I still have something to trouble Brother Qin when I come here this time."

Ling Feng changed the topic and said in a deep voice: "I just learned that it will take three years for the Demon Sealed God Clan to open its gates and recruit outside disciples. It only takes three years, which is too long. I don't know if Brother Qin can do it. A convenience.”

Qin Ming shook his head slightly, "Brother Ling, I'm afraid I can't help you with this matter. This is a rule set by the clan and cannot be changed by just saying something."

"Isn't it okay?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. If it didn't work, there was nothing he could do.

Anyway, the Demon Clan is not the only one belonging to the Jiuli God Clan.

At worst, I can go to other places and try my luck.

"Sorry Brother Ling."

Qin Ming looked apologetic.

"It doesn't matter, it's just my bad luck."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "In that case, I won't bother Brother Qin anymore."

"Wait a moment."

Suddenly, Qin Ming seemed to remember something and blurted out quickly: "Brother Ling, if you want to join our Demon Sealing God Clan, there is another way."


Ling Feng's eyes lit up, "What method?"


Qin Ming hesitated, pondered for a long time, and then hesitantly said: "Brother Ling, this method is more than ten times more difficult than the normal entry selection, and it will be life-threatening."

"As long as there is a door to enter."

Ling Fenlang smiled and said, "Brother Qin, please give me some advice."

"Hey..." Qin Ming smiled bitterly, "I knew that if Brother Ling knew about it, he would definitely agree. Forget it, I'll just tell you."

After a pause, Qin Mingcai slowly said: "Actually, if you want to join the Demon-Sealing God Clan and become an external disciple, in addition to the normal way, there is another way, which is to break through the Demon-Sealing Tower!"

"The Demon-Sealing Tower?"

Ling Feng looked at Qin Ming. Even Yan Jinghong showed a hint of curiosity and was obviously quite interested in this place.


Qin Ming nodded, "The Demon-Sealing Tower is actually where the demons have been imprisoned by our Demon-Sealing God Clan for many years."

"I see."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and nodded slightly. In other words, the Demon Sealing Tower is actually a prison.

"Although the demons sealed inside are extremely limited in strength, they were once the overlords who caused trouble and were extremely powerful."

Qin Ming took a deep breath and continued: "If Brother Ling wants to pass the Demon-Sealing Tower and join the Demon-Sealing God Clan, then he must prove that he has enough strength, at least..."

Qin Ming stretched out a palm, spread his fingers, and said slowly: "Those who break into the tower must at least pass through the fifth floor before they can be recognized by the elders of the clan and become a member of the Demon Sealing God Clan. Moreover, Once you succeed, you will no longer be an ordinary external disciple, and you will even receive the treatment that only a true disciple can receive.”

"Oh? Sounds good."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, looking eager to try.

"Brother Ling, I must remind you that in each floor of this Demon Sealing Tower, in addition to ordinary demons, there will also be a demon king. After entering, you will not face a situation of fighting alone, but also , every time you pass a level, you will have one chance to come out. If you are unfortunately killed by a demon, no one can save you."

"Is that so?"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, "So, how difficult is this Demon Sealing Tower?"

Qin Ming took a deep breath, "With my strength, I can only reach the fourth level at most. Moreover, I am a demon-sealing god. The power of demon-sealing in my body can be greatly enhanced in the demon-sealing tower." Amplification, so the environment of the Demon-Sealing Tower is favorable to me, but Brother Ling, you are not from the Demon-Sealing God Clan, so..."

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded and said calmly: "I still want to try. Anyway, every time you pass a level, you have a chance to decide whether to leave. If it doesn't work, I will just give up."

"Hey..." Qin Ming sighed softly, "Brother Ling is probably not the kind of person who gives up easily, right?"

"Haha..." Ling Feng grinned, "I'm not the kind of person who seeks death. By the way..."

Ling Feng glanced at Tuoba Yan and Yan Jinghong, "If I can pass the fifth level and join the Demon Sealing God Clan, can I bring two followers into the Holy Mountain?"

"Theoretically, it's possible." Qin Ming nodded, "If Brother Ling can pass, he will naturally get a cave of his own."

"That's good." Ling Feng nodded. In that case, he no longer had any worries.

"I want to break out on my own!!"

Yan Jinghong, who had been silent all this time, finally couldn't help but jump out, "Ling Feng, why do you make decisions for me?"

"Oh?" Ling Feng squinted and smiled, "Yan Jinghong, are you afraid you have forgotten your identity? What should you call me?"

Yan Jinghong clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Master Ling, my... subordinate has to go out on his own!"

"All right."

Ling Feng shrugged and looked at Qin Ming, "Brother Qin, it shouldn't be a problem if one more person breaks in, right?"

"The problem is no problem, it's just..."

Qin Ming shook his head and expressed doubts about the "master-servant relationship" between Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong.

This servant is a bit too "sharp".

"It's okay, just let him."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, Yan Jinghong had the power of Xuntian Ice Soul to protect himself, and his life was very tough.

"Okay, Brother Ling, and this Brother Yan, please come with me."

Qin Ming took a deep breath, then led Ling Feng and others into the mountain gate and headed to the Demon Sealing Tower.

About half an hour later, under the leadership of Qin Ming, they finally arrived in front of a tower that towered into the clouds.

Four thick chains hang from the top of the tower and are wrapped around the four statues of mythical beasts below.

And these four statues of mythical beasts, namely Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, stand on the four sides, exuding a forbidden power to suppress evil spirits.

There are still many disciples guarding the surroundings of the Demon-Sealing Tower, responsible for maintaining the normal operation of the magic circle every day.

After all, if there is even the slightest glitch in this magic circle and all the demons inside run out, it will probably be a huge catastrophe.

In addition to these disciples, there are also some warriors who do not seem to be disciples of the Demon-Sealing God Clan. They are hesitating while listening to others' introductions about this Demon-Sealing Tower.

They seemed to be warriors preparing to join the Demon Sealing God Clan by breaking into the tower.

Of course, in addition to this, there were more children from the Demon Sealing God Clan who came to watch the excitement.

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