Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2819 The cheap donkey and the ugly sheep! (1 update)

Ling Feng frowned slightly and carefully grasped the sword to destroy it.

Although the opponent is just a sheep-shaped monster, the fact that he can be locked up here also shows that he is not an ordinary sheep.

"Boy, do you want to die or live?"

Before Ling Feng could take action, the sheep-headed monster actually asked a question that surprised Ling Feng.

According to his understanding, the monsters in this Demon Sealing Tower should be the kind of ferocious monsters that want to tear all humans who break into the tower into pieces in a matter of minutes.

And this goat-headed monster, although it looked weird, didn't show much hostility.

"Boy, I'm asking you something!"

The goat-headed monster had a piece of dogtail grass in its mouth, and it looked like a bandit running out of a ravine.

However, it is very different from the bloodthirsty and violent monsters Ling Feng encountered before.

His temperament is more like...


In Ling Feng's mind, the figure of a bitch flashed across his mind.

If this guy didn't have this sheep's head, he would be carved out of the same mold as a bitch.

At this moment, in front of Ling Feng, purple light flashed, and a black shadow jumped out from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

It's true, you bitch!

The bitch looked at the goat-headed monster in front of him, as if he couldn't believe his eyes. He rubbed it a few times, and after a long while, he said with a surprised look on his face: "Ugly...ugly goat?"


The sheep-headed monster was still strange at first, but the boy in front of him suddenly let out a strange-looking black donkey (PS: In the evolution, the donkey not only grew a pair of dragon horns, but was also covered with dragon scales. In addition, it has become much stronger and burlier, and it is completely different from the original black donkey shape). Is it about to start a fight?

As a result, the black donkey actually shouted his "nickname"!

Speaking of which, this is already a very, very long story.

I'm afraid this must have started more than a thousand years ago!

At that time, he was still a little lamb that was at the mercy of monsters and could no longer be weak. Because of his luck, he took a treasure of heaven and earth, so he was born with spiritual wisdom and evolved into a monster.

However, disaster and misfortune also began.

As a weak demon clan with no strong bloodline and no other clan members to back him up, his life was naturally not easy.

Until he met a black donkey.

This is where a wonderful fate begins.

It was a very strange monster. It was obviously very powerful, but it didn't bother to prey on the weak.

But, he is cheap!

He rarely kills his enemies, but he often uses the most insidious means to beat his enemies to pieces.

And he was also rescued from the hands of a human monk by this black donkey.

Later, he followed the black donkey and became a little follower.

He also learned a lot from this black donkey, for example, he created the so-called "Seventy-two Styles of the Divine Donkey".

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than a thousand years.

The goat-headed monster's thoughts gradually returned to reality. He looked at the donkey carefully. He was a little unsure and called out softly with common sense: "Donkey...Brother Donkey?"

"Hehe, it's really your boy!"

The stupid donkey flicked its tail and rushed towards the goat-headed monster. He raised his hoof and patted the goat-headed monster's shoulder several times. "Well, you ugly sheep. It's been a thousand years. You Why is this kid so miserable?"


The ugly sheep looked embarrassed and sighed, "This is a long story."

"Hey, you were caught and locked up in this place by humans. You are such rubbish!"

The bitch sarcastically said, "Don't tell me that you have messed with this beast before!"

This bitch probably forgot that he had been trapped in the misty ghost forest for more than a thousand years. If he hadn't met Ling Feng, he would probably still be trapped in it right now.

At best, he could only laugh at fifty steps and laugh at a hundred steps.

"Hey, Brother Donkey is the boss of our group of divine beast kings. Of course he is gifted and different! We haven't seen you for many years. Brother Donkey, you are more majestic and powerful than before!"

The ugly sheep smiled and patted the cheap donkey. When Ling Feng saw this scene, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Unexpectedly, the bitch actually has his own "fans"!

What kind of mythical beasts are there? It sounds so cool!

Of course he doesn't know that the so-called Divine Beast Heavenly Kings Group consists of a donkey and a sheep. The leader of the cheap donkey and the deputy leader of the ugly sheep form a group of heavenly kings!

"Hey, how long have you been locked up in this corner?"

The bitch narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile.

"Hey, it's been a long time!"

The ugly sheep sighed again, "It must have been hundreds of years. Ever since you suddenly disappeared, brother donkey, I could only wander around alone as a sheep. Then I drifted to this Zhongyuan realm. Who knows?" As soon as the front legs came in, the back legs were caught by a few guys from the Demon Sealing God Clan, and then they were imprisoned in this damn place! "

"This is unreasonable. He even dares to capture the little brother of this divine beast. He is so bold!"

After hearing this, the bitch suddenly became furious and said, "Tell me, which bastard did this?"

"The one who took action was a direct disciple of the Saint level, and the one who plundered the formation for him was an old man from the ancestral realm!"

Ugly Sheep cursed and said: "Brother Donkey, after so many years, I have been promoted to Demon Saint. Brother Donkey, you must be better than me. It shouldn't be a problem to deal with the ancestral realm, right?"

"Ancestral... ancestral realm? Ahem..."

The bitch almost choked out a mouthful of old blood, twitched the corners of his mouth, swallowed, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he changed the topic: "You must have done some criminal activity to get caught here. Yes, you still have the nerve to let this divine beast vent your anger?"

With that said, he kicked the ugly sheep on the butt.

The ugly sheep said with a mournful face: "I was wronged, Brother Donkey, don't you know that I am the kind of monster with no integrity and no morals?"

Listening to the bitch talking about "morality", Ling Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes.

The bitch definitely has no such thing as moral integrity. As for the little brother he brought out, he probably doesn't either.

However, I came here to break into the tower, not just to listen to two guys reminiscing about old times!


Ling Feng hummed softly to show his presence.

Only then did Ugly Sheep remember that there was a human here. He looked at Ling Feng and frowned: "Brother Donkey, who is this guy? Don't tell me that you actually recognize this human as your master, right?"


The bitch immediately yelled, "Will this beast recognize him as its master? Are you kidding? He is just a new little brother of this beast!"

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