Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2820 You are my brother! (2 updates)

"It turns out he's the new little brother!"

The Ugly Sheep chuckled, "Boy, come on, I'm your Brother Sheep!"

"Brother Yang?"

Ling Feng smiled and greeted him with a fist in advance.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the ugly sheep was beaten by Ling Feng until stars appeared in his eyes, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. This guy's fighting ability is not very strong, but like the cheap donkey, he can also do the seventy-two moves of the divine donkey. After being entangled by him, , but it is difficult to deal with.

It's a pity that Ling Feng already knew the basics of Jie Don's physical skills.

Using this method to deal with Ling Feng is completely ineffective.

Ever since, this ugly sheep was tortured miserably by Ling Feng.

If he hadn't been friends with the bitch, Ling Feng would have pulled his horns off.

"Now, who is whose brother?" Ling Feng grabbed the horns of the ugly sheep and asked with a smile.

"You are my brother, you are my brother!"

Ugly Sheep looked sad and was completely convinced by Ling Feng.

"And you?"

Ling Feng glanced sideways at Jian Donkey, "Jian Lv, why haven't I heard that I'm your little brother?"

“Little brother, little brother, there’s nothing wrong with you, little brother!”

Feeling the murderous look in Ling Feng's eyes, Bitch couldn't help but tremble all over. Although Ling Feng would definitely not kill him, he was now a monster with two thousand dragon powers. It would be uncomfortable to punch him!

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, let go of the ugly sheep's horns, and said calmly: "Since he is your friend, I won't be rough with him."

"Isn't this called violence?"

The ugly sheep rubbed his cheeks. He was beaten to the point where he looked like a human... Oh no, he didn't look like a sheep anymore.

"Huh?" Ling Feng glared at Chou Yang, who quickly changed his mind and said, "Thank you for your mercy, brother!"

Ling Feng shrugged and prepared to go directly to the next floor.

"Wait...wait a moment..."

But the ugly sheep looked at Ling Feng cautiously, hesitated for a moment, and then called out to Ling Feng.

"Can...can you help me get out?"

The ugly sheep took a deep breath and said slowly: "I can help you!"

The bitch on the side also said: "Boy Lingfeng, although the ugly sheep is a bit ugly, it's not bad. Can you do me a favor?"

Ling Feng looked at the ugly sheep and said calmly: "It's not impossible to take you out, but..."

Ling Feng paused for a moment before continuing: "How can you help me?"

"Brother, aren't you going to break into the Demon-Sealing Tower? I can help you pass the fifth floor in one go. How about that?" Ugly Sheep grinned, revealing his white teeth.


Ling Feng glanced at Chou Yang and said, "Do you have any idea?"

"Of course, I, Yang Xuanfeng, have gained a reputation in vain. I also have some reputation in this area. As long as they see me, they will naturally not dare to block your way, brother."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and raised his hand to press the ugly sheep's eyebrows. After a while, a dark golden inscription appeared on his eyebrows, which was the restriction that the Demon-Sealing God Clan had penetrated into his body. On the one hand, it suppressed these monsters. The power, on the other hand, can also prevent them from escaping from the Demon Sealing Tower.

With a thought, Ling Feng wanted to dispel the mark. However, the mark was closely connected with the ugly sheep's soul and could not be erased easily.

"This inscription..."

Ling Feng frowned and said in a deep voice: "I can't take you out of the Demon Sealing Tower unless the inscription is removed."

"No need to worry about this."

The ugly sheep said quickly: "Any true disciple can learn this mark. Brother, you come to the tower because you want to join the demon-sealing god clan. As long as you pass the fifth level, you can naturally become a true disciple. Waiting for you Once you learn this sealing technique, you can come back and unseal it for me. You are Brother Lu’s friend, I can definitely trust you.”

In fact, when Chou Yang asked Ling Feng whether he wanted to die or live, he wanted to make a deal with Ling Feng.

"It's just that the fifth floor won't work. I want to go to the seventh floor!"

Ling Feng glanced at Chou Yang and said, "How about it? Can it be done?"


The ugly sheep was slightly startled, "Brother, the demons on the seventh level are not easy to deal with. To join the Demon Sealed God Clan, only the fifth level is enough!"

Ugly Sheep reminded with a smile.

"Seventh level, if it works, that's fine. If it doesn't, I won't force it."

Ling Feng shrugged. Anyway, with his own strength, it would not be difficult to fight. However, this would save a little time.


The Ugly Sheep gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, "Boss, if you want to play something exciting, you can have as many floors as you want!"

"It's been an hour!"

"I don't know what's going on inside."

Outside the Demon-Sealing Tower, the warriors who were watching couldn't help but start talking.

One hour is a relatively normal time, neither too long nor too short, but generally speaking, results can be obtained within one hour.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Ling Feng, like Yan Jinghong, is a fierce man who can break through the seventh level.

Qin Ming also narrowed his eyes, sometimes looking at the Demon Sealing Tower, sometimes looking at Yan Jinghong who was meditating and adjusting his breath.

If Ling Feng could still beat Yan Jinghong's results and break through the eighth level or even higher levels, it would probably immediately cause shock to the sect's senior officials.

As everyone knows, this Demon-Sealing Tower actually has eighteen floors in total!

Above the ninth floor, that is an area that only the elders can enter.

And even if it is the ninth level, among the disciples, the only ones who can break through are the direct disciples of the elders in the ancestral realm.

Not far away, the old man responsible for guarding the Demon Sealing Tower was still lying on his rocking chair, gently fanning his cattail leaf fan, looking leisurely and contented.

"It's the seventh floor!"

Chou Yang looked at Ling Feng, took a deep breath and said, "Brother, my mission has been completed. The rest is up to you."

Ling Feng nodded. This ugly sheep did have some abilities. The monsters encountered below, whether alone or in a group of monsters, did not stop Ling Feng for the sake of the ugly sheep.

In fact, Ling Feng could see a bit of fear in their eyes.

Of course, this is not surprising. Although the ugly sheep was easily defeated by him, after all, he was brought out by the cheap donkey.

With the seventy-two moves of the Divine Donkey, he also has a certain ability to fight at a higher level.

In addition, his acting style is similar to that of a cheap donkey. I am afraid that these monsters have suffered great losses at his hands.

Therefore, basically everyone will give him some face.

Anyway, all they need to do is save one less fight.

"Okay, you can go back."

Ling Feng nodded, "I will remember the thing about rescuing you."

"Thank you, little brother!"

The ugly sheep quickly thanked him profusely, thought about it, and then reminded him: "Brother, you must remember, at most, the ninth floor is the limit. Going up, the demons there, Every one of them belongs to the ancestral realm!”


Ling Feng nodded, feeling slightly shocked. Unexpectedly, there were actually ancestral level monsters imprisoned in this Demon Sealing Tower.

The gods in Zhongyuan Domain are indeed completely different from the gods in other major domains.

And this is just the Demon-Sealing God Clan. As one of the three upper-level God Clan, the Jiuli God Clan will have such a strong foundation.

Ling Feng simply couldn't imagine it.

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