Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2821 The Eighteenth Floor! (3 more)

"Then, I'm leaving first!"

Chou Yang took a deep look at Ling Feng, his eyes full of hope. He believed that he would soon be free again.

After all, this relationship with a bitch in it is more credible than any deal.

On the seventh floor, Ling Feng encountered a monster that was good at controlling thunder, so he was destined to be a tragedy.

After a while, Ling Feng easily dealt with the monster and entered the eighth floor.

Yan Jinghong was able to pass the seventh level, so he was going to try the ultimate level that a saint-level powerhouse could reach!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng once again chose to continue upward and broke into the eighth floor of space.

The sight in front of me once again changed from a vast expanse of white to a huge change.

The hurricane roared, and a huge golden-winged roc appeared in front of me.

The wings shook, and the entire space seemed to be disintegrated by the storm.

"Have the bloodlines of the divine beasts appeared?"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, and he offered to destroy all directions. At the same time, he displayed his true form of chaos, transformed into a giant ape, and fought with the golden-winged roc.

Half an hour later, after Ling Feng paid a certain price, he finally defeated the roc bird.


Running the immortal golden body, Ling Feng's wounds healed quickly, but it also consumed about 30% of his energy and blood.

Without too much hesitation, Ling Feng directly entered the ninth floor area.

The moment he entered the ninth floor, Ling Feng dispersed ten drops of branded blood and hid them in the surrounding space.

At this level, life is likely to be in danger. To be on the safe side, it is better to leave a few drops of branded blood as insurance.

Of course, the branded blood in his own body can also be reborn with drops of blood. Ling Feng only prevents himself from being completely destroyed physically and mentally. By then, even the branded blood will not be left.

On the ninth floor, the entire space was filled with darkness, and the air was filled with a terrifying and evil aura.

It can be imagined that the demons imprisoned on this level are probably the most ferocious and terrifying existences in the ancestral realm.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and his whole body was ignited with flame-eating fire, expelling the cold, bone-crushing, and slightly sticky aura in the air.

That kind of aura gave Ling Feng an unnatural feeling all over his body.


In the darkness, there were bursts of terrible laughter, which made people's hair stand on end.

The cold breath, along with the sharp and harsh laughter, approached little by little.

Then, Ling Feng only saw a pair of huge wingspan, which suddenly spread out, from left to right, more than a hundred feet wide.

Ling Feng's expression changed slightly, and a violent and surging aura came towards him, like a huge wave rolling down, as if one wave could kill him.

"What a tyrannical monster!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. The ninth floor was indeed the ninth floor. The demons here were probably no less generous than the master of the Hall of All Spirits in his prime.

However, Ling Feng is no better now than before.

Now he is already at the Saint level!

"Fifteen Hunyuan Locks, open!"

Click! Click! Click!

In Ling Feng's body, there was an explosion like fried beans, and with a loud bang in his joints, Ling Feng's whole body's aura suddenly increased.

Without the restraints of Hunyuan Lock, Ling Feng's power completely exploded and doubled!

The two breaths collided in the void, and for a moment, it was like the tip of a needle facing a wheat awn.

However, at that moment, the monster lurking in the darkness is about to reveal its mystery.

In the void, a terrifying power seemed to be conveyed.


That force, in just an instant, crushed those huge wings into a bloody mist.

Then, Ling Feng felt a terrible attraction sweep through his body, pulling him into the dark void.

The next moment, Ling Feng had lost consciousness.

In my mind, only endless darkness remained.

An hour...

Another hour...

In the blink of an eye, the sun sets and the sun rises, and it is already early morning the next day.

The disciples guarding outside the Demon-Sealing Tower came and left, and came and went again. In total, it had been a whole day and night before Ling Feng entered the Demon-Sealing Tower.

"Why did it take so long?"

Twelve hours, this time is indeed a bit exaggerated.

The disciples were whispering for a while. Even Qin Ming was waiting and seemed a little impatient.

He frowned and finally walked towards the old man who had been napping on the rocking chair from the beginning.

"Elder Li, what's going on inside the tower? It's been twelve hours!"

Qin Ming asked in a deep voice, and Tuoba Yan also stared at the old man closely, seeming to be waiting for her answer.

"He's not dead yet."

The old man just said something lightly, then continued to close his eyes and rest his mind.

"Damn it, it's been twelve hours, and he's not dead or coming out. What on earth is that guy doing?"

"I guess he must have stopped inside, deliberately delaying time and attracting attention, right?"

"Damn it, when he comes out, I must teach him a lesson, this is a waste of everyone's time!"

"That's right, I have to beat him until he can't take care of himself!"

"Haha, maybe you don't have this chance at all, and it's not necessarily that he might die inside!"

Everyone was talking to each other, which made Tuoba Yan even more anxious: Ling Feng, Ling Feng, what are you doing in there?

Yan Jinghong also frowned. If he could pass the seventh floor, Ling Feng would definitely be able to do it too.

Could it be said that he has already reached the ninth level?

In fact, Ling Feng is indeed in a state of being unable to take care of himself now.

He only remembered that he was sucked into darkness, and then lost consciousness.

I don't know how long it took, but when he opened his eyes again, he was startled by the scene in front of him.

In front of me, there was a mummy sitting cross-legged!

It was a body made of skin and bones. The skin and flesh all over the body were completely shriveled, but they were not completely rotten and were still stuck to the skeleton.

There are also extremely thick chains wrapped around the mummy's body, and the ends of the chains are directly nailed into the skeleton of the mummy.

Apparently, this is a repeat offender!

What's even more strange is that there is no rotten smell of mummy on his body, and there is even a faint fragrance.

"What is this place?"

Ling Feng frowned. He had seen a lot of dead people. It was just a mummy, but Ling Feng didn't make a fuss.

"Demon Sealing Tower, the 18th floor!"

In the void, an ethereal and insubstantial figure came, making Ling Feng tremble all over.

Just hearing the other party's voice made Ling Feng feel his soul tremble.

What kind of terrifying existence is the speaker!

Ling Feng swallowed hard, but since the other party just brought him here, it meant that his life should not be in danger for the time being.

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