Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2822 Virtual Immortal! (1 update)

"Who? Who's there?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and looked around. The ethereal voice echoed throughout the space.

It seems to be close to my ears, and it seems to be far away.

"My physical body is right in front of you, but my soul has been wandering in the sky for thousands of years."


Ling Feng's eyes widened as he looked at the mummy bound by chains in front of him. There was obviously no breath fluctuation and no trace of vitality.

That voice actually said, this is his true body?

"No need to be surprised. According to ordinary people, I am already dead."

The voice sounded again, Ling Feng looked at the mummy in front of him and took a deep breath.

Judging from his title and tone, he must be a person who existed a long time ago.

After forcing himself to calm down, Ling Feng finally asked: "Senior, why did you bring me here? Do you want me to take you out of here too?"

That voice laughed.

"How can a mere demon-sealing tower trap me? If I hadn't voluntarily been trapped here, who in this world could trap me?"

There was a slight sweat on Ling Feng's forehead. Indeed, judging from the fact that this guy just smashed a demon at the level of a peak saint with just one thought, he was indeed very powerful and terrifying.

Moreover, according to him, his physical body had already died here.

And his soul, wandering beyond the sky, is not here either.

Then, this ray of thought that communicates with myself is probably transmitted from an extremely distant place.

In other words, the so-called outer world?

Who is this guy, and what is his level of strength?

Everything is unknown, but Ling Feng knows that if the other party wants to kill him, even a hundred of him will probably have to sit back and wait for death at this moment.

"I brought you here just because you have the same aura as me."

"Same origin?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

I have a lot of aura on my body, Tiandao Clan?

No, Ling Feng didn't feel the aura of the Tiandao clan at all. Even though he had died long ago, the original power of the Tiandao clan was too powerful. Even in the corpse, there should be the aura of the Tiandao clan.

Therefore, he is not from the Tiandao clan.


No, even the high-level demons like the Demon Queen Keveli still have some characteristics of demon creatures. Although this mummy is very shriveled and cannot be seen as human, it is very... Clearly, he is a human being.

Moreover, the demon clan invaded Xuanling Continent more than a million years ago.

And this person is trapped in the Demon-Sealing Tower for a few thousand years at most.

"I thought you were from the Jiuli tribe, so I brought you here. Unexpectedly, I discovered something more interesting."

The misty voice entered Ling Feng's mind again, "You are actually the Tiandao clan that should have been extinct after the ancient demon-slaying war."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, the secret of his identity was actually seen through.

"But don't worry, I don't have a good relationship with the angel patrols stationed in the Xuanling Continent. Or it can be said that if it weren't for me, I'm afraid you would have been beaten as early as the moment you stepped into the Zhongyuan Realm. The angel patrol was on his radar."

A look of disbelief flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, "Why did senior say this?"

"Because, the last angel patrol left in Xuanling Continent has been killed by me."

"you you……"

Ling Feng has learned a lesson today because he refuses to say anything shocking.

The amount of information in each sentence of that ethereal voice was extremely huge, making it difficult for Ling Feng to digest.

Is this person so powerful that he can kill the Angel Patroller?

Although they are just angel patrollers who are sent to patrol the lower world, they are also beings with the blood of the Tiantian clan. They are truly immortal gods!

"Are you surprised? People in the Immortal Realm are called Immortal Gods, but in this world, there are also existences close to the Immortal Way, which are called Virtual Immortals."

"Xu Xian?"

"Above the ancestral realm, there is the Void Immortal!"

Ling Feng took a breath of cold air, "Senior, is he also a virtual immortal?"

"My soul is wandering in the sky, looking for a way to ascend. If I can't ascend to the immortal realm for one day, I will be a virtual immortal."

There was an uproar in Ling Feng's heart. He had opened his eyes today.

Unexpectedly, there is a higher realm above the ancestral realm!

"Wait a minute, senior just mentioned the Jiuli clan? Could it be that you... you are..."

"You guessed it right. I am indeed a predecessor of the Jiuli clan, a predecessor who should have passed away."

"Ancestor of the Jiuli clan? is this possible?"

Ling Feng swallowed hard, almost unable to believe his ears.

The Demon-Sealing God Clan is theoretically affiliated with the Jiuli God Clan, and that is a superior-subordinate relationship.

Even if they had a hundred courages, they wouldn't dare imprison the ancestor of the Jiuli God Clan, right?

"You want to ask why, as an ancestor of the Jiuli Divine Clan, I am imprisoned here?"

Ling Feng nodded repeatedly at first, then shook his head again and again, "No, no, senior just said that you stayed here voluntarily."

"It's said to be voluntary, but that's not entirely true."

There was a hint of anger and resentment in that voice, but it eventually turned into a long sigh.

Ling Feng didn't ask any more questions. He didn't want to get into the muddy waters of these powerful virtual immortals.

The ancestral realm is enough to make oneself irreversible, Xu Xian?

Please spare me!

What's more, this person keeps saying that he has killed the Sky Patrollers. If he comes into contact with him, the possibility of being exposed to the Sky Patrol Clan will increase.

Before you have enough strength, it is unwise to contact the Xantian clan.

Because he may have been the last hope of the Tiandao clan, and grandpa has already paid too much for himself.

He must not live up to his grandfather's high expectations.

"Senior, if you don't have anything else to do, why don't you let me go? My strength is low, so I'm afraid I won't be able to help you much."

Ling Feng forced a smile, but just standing here, he felt that all his strength was about to be exhausted.

"I don't need any help from you, but I want to do you a favor."

The misty voice sounded again.


Ling Feng was stunned, was this pie in the sky about to fall?

However, it is still difficult to say whether it is a pie or a trap.

Ling Feng didn't dare to believe this person easily. Although he kept saying that he was locked up here voluntarily, judging from the strong chains on his body, it was probably not just voluntary.

He might have an old enemy, and it's very likely that he's from the Jiuli God Clan!

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