Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2823 Pie or trap? (2 updates)

"You have the blood of the Jiuli Divine Clan in your body, but you are a member of the Tiandao Clan. If you marry our clan and give birth to an offspring, the Tiandao bloodline in your body may have already swallowed up the Jiuli bloodline. Therefore, between you and our Jiuli clan, There shouldn’t be any blood relationship between the Li Shen clan.”

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, just listening quietly without speaking.

After a moment of pause, the voice sounded again, "Since there is no blood relationship, then there is only another way, which is for members of the Jiuli Divine Clan to voluntarily sacrifice their blood and inject their own blood into your body. Is that right?"

Ling Feng swallowed, this guy was pretty much guessing.

At the beginning, it was indeed Mu Qianxue who, in order to save her life, was dying, and after performing Chaos Reincarnation, her realm plummeted, she did not hesitate to inject her own Jiuli blood into her body.

All of this is pretty much what this guy who claims to be the ancestor of the Jiuli Divine Clan guessed.

But what exactly does he want to do?

"Although the Jiuli bloodline in your body is thin, it is the most noble among the Jiuli God Clan. Therefore, the person who sacrifices blood for you should be the new generation saint of our Jiuli God Clan, right? She Being able to do so much for you probably has a lot to do with you!”

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Senior, there is no need to make insinuations. If you have anything to say, please say it directly."

"Okay!" The voice was a little louder, "My request is very simple. I hope you can go to the Jiuli God Clan, marry the saint, and become the new patriarch of the Jiuli God Clan!"

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng almost choked to death on his own saliva. This guy really dared to speak!

Not to mention the issue of marrying Mu Qianxue, what does it mean to become the patriarch of the Jiuli Divine Clan?

Is this appropriate for me as an outsider?

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I'm just an outsider, isn't it appropriate?"

"You are no longer an outsider if you can obtain the blood of the saint as a sacrifice, not to mention..."

Suddenly, a red light suddenly lit up at the dantian of the mummy. Before Ling Feng could react, he saw the red light fly out with a "whoosh", and then fell into Ling Feng's air. , going down the throat.

In an instant, a hot feeling spread throughout his body, an unprecedented hot feeling that almost made his whole body feel like he was in a sea of ​​fire.

"This is the fire elixir condensed from my original divine fire. Now integrated into your body, it will completely stimulate the Jiuli bloodline in your body. Now you have controlled something far more pure and pure than the ordinary direct descendants of the Jiuli God Clan. The powerful Jiuli Divine Fire, even if you are a true descendant of the Jiuli Divine Clan, there will be absolutely no problem. "


As soon as Ling Feng opened his mouth, a ball of flames spurted out from his mouth.

And then, a ball of blazing flames began to ignite all over his body.

The power of this flame is greater than the previous flame swallowing, and it is more than one level higher!

The reason why the Jiuli Divine Clan is so powerful is because of the Jiuli Divine Fire. Ling Feng has completely inspired the Jiuli bloodline today. The Jiuli Divine Fire he controls has definitely reached the strength that is enough to burn the peak saint.

Moreover, it seems that as the power of the fire pill continues to flow into his body, the power of his Jiuli Divine Fire continues to increase.

"Senior, what are you..."

"Do what you want to do and take back the woman who belongs to you. That's what a man should do!"

"Hahahaha! Ye Motian, can you count? Hahahaha..."

Along with a burst of laughter, the void directly behind Ling Feng was torn open again.

Then, his vision went dark, and he was torn into the void again.

Take back your woman?

When Ling Feng heard these words, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Did he know that Mu Qianxue was already engaged?

And his last words, "Ye Motian, can you count?"

What does this mean?

Ling Feng shook his head. Right now, he only had one feeling, that is, he was confused.

Inexplicably, he was dragged into the eighteenth floor, and inexplicably he met the ancestor of the Jiuli God Clan again.

Then the Jiuli God Clan's original divine fire was inexplicably activated, and their strength suddenly increased dramatically.

Finally, he was inexplicably allowed to marry Mu Qianxue?

All of this is inexplicable!

The dark passage in front of him disappeared, and Ling Feng fell from the sky. He looked around and saw that this was the ninth floor of the Demon-Sealing Tower.

"Come back again?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Everything just happened seemed like a dream.

But the blazing fire pill in his dantian and the power of fire in his body told him that all this was not a dream.

Fortunately, as he moved away from the mummy, the restless and blazing fire core gradually calmed down.

The heat was reduced to a level that Ling Feng could bear.


After a long while, Ling Feng let out a long breath and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He had to digest today's events.

One day passed...

Two days have passed...

Three days have passed...

The people waiting outside the Demon Sealing Tower were all impatient.

After three days, if he died inside, the grass on his grave would be several feet high!

Qin Ming frowned deeply. There was still no news that Ling Feng died inside, and he didn't know how many levels Ling Feng had broken into.

However, after such a long time, he won't go to areas above the ninth floor, right?

of course not!

After Ling Feng returned to the ninth floor, he actually started meditating on the spot.

The fire aura on his body surged to an exaggerated level. He had to control this power before it came out. Otherwise, he would spit out fire as soon as he opened his mouth, which might harm innocent people.

Finally, the red light surged above the Demon Sealing Tower.

Then, a figure descended from the clouds!

Surprisingly, it is Ling Feng!

Moreover, it is an intact Ling Feng!

"This guy wasted three days in there, how many tests did he pass!"

"Damn it, if he doesn't get past the fifth floor, I'll have to beat him to death. It's a waste of time to wait!"

Everyone was talking about it, and they all looked at Ling Feng with unfriendly eyes.

Qin Ming also looked Ling Feng up and down. This guy didn't look like he had been through hard battles at all!

"The final score is..."

The disciple responsible for recording the final results recovered the wooden sign in Ling Feng's hand and tested it on a sophisticated device.

This device can detect the areas that the wooden sign has reached. As long as it is placed next to a pocket version of the Demon Sealing Tower model, which floor it has reached will light up.

Wherever Ling Feng's wooden sign passed, the nine-story model all shone brightly.

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