Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2828 Junyao comes out of seclusion! (1 update)

Li Chunyang did not lie to Ling Feng. Soon after he left, a disciple sent Tuoba Yan to Tianxiang Peak.

Although it was only a brief contact, Ling Feng could clearly feel the envy in that disciple's eyes.

An external disciple who had just joined the Demon Sealed God Clan was directly made a direct disciple, and could also live in the Elder's Peak. This was a treatment that ordinary direct disciples did not have.

Not to mention, although Li Chunyang does not have any substantial power within the Demon-Sealing God Clan and is just a guard of the Demon-Sealing Tower, disciples who have stayed in the Demon-Sealing God Clan for a little longer know Li Chunyang's strength. , even if we look at the entire Demon Sealing God Clan, it is definitely the top existence.

If you can become his personal disciple, your future will be limitless.

"How about that senior, has he accepted you as his disciple?"

Tuoba Yan blinked his beautiful eyes, stared at Ling Feng and asked.

Ling Feng nodded, "That's right, but I must meet his requirements within a month, otherwise I still won't be able to stay."

"Master, your requirements are too strict."

Tuoba Yan pouted, what kind of test does someone with Ling Feng's qualifications need to undergo?

Of course, she didn't know that Li Chunyang originally gave Ling Feng one year, but he cut it to one month.

Ling Feng shrugged, "It's also a good thing to be stricter. By the way, where is that guy Yan Jinghong? Who did he choose in the end?"

"How do you know?" Tuoba Yan was stunned for a moment, then rolled his eyes at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Not long ago, many old men with terrifyingly powerful auras suddenly arrived. After sizing up Yan Jinghong for a while, they began Fight with each other."

"What about the last thing? That guy should have chosen the ice element, right?"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows. Yan Jinghong was born with the Frost Holy Body. He has always majored in the Frost Path, and now he should be no exception.

Tuoba Yan shook his head, with a hint of playfulness in his eyes, "You would never guess that his final choice was to bow to no one!"

"Don't worship anyone?"

Ling Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes. This guy has more backbone than him!

It seemed that in his heart, only Ling Hanyang was qualified to be his teacher.

Just when Ling Feng had some respect for Yan Jinghong, Tuoba Yan continued: "He is really smart. After knowing that the power of various attributes can be transformed into the power of Hunyuan, he actually proposed to let him go. These elders take turns teaching themselves, and whoever teaches the best will be his teacher!"


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth couldn't help but twitch, he swallowed, and then continued to ask: "Those elders, do you agree?"

"I didn't agree at first, but when I finally saw the senior guarding the tower coming back, I immediately agreed."

Tuoba Yan shook his head and smiled, "At this moment, Yan Jinghong has been driven away by the elders. It is estimated that he will not be able to leave seclusion for a long time."

"This guy is so treacherous!"

Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry for a while. He originally thought that Yan Jinghong was an upright guy, but in the end, he turned out to be the most upright person.

But that’s okay.

As the saying goes, biting off more than one can chew, at present, it seems good to be under Li Chunyang's sect.

His education model is very suitable for me. The so-called master leads the door, but the cultivation is up to the individual!

After settling down Tuoba Yan, Ling Feng began to immerse himself in Li Chunyang's library.

Ling Feng still knew very little about the Hunyuan power of the Demon Sealing God Clan.

However, the reason why Mr. Xue was able to control himself easily was probably because of the power of Hunyuan.

At the last moment when he was running his divine energy, it was suddenly cut off. This must be the effect of the power of Hunyuan.

With these doubts, Ling Feng began to study with great concentration. The collection of books here made him fascinated.

And at the same time.

When Ling Feng arrived at the Zhongyuan Domain and successfully joined the Demon Sealing God Clan, he was in another divine realm in the Zhongyuan Domain.

In a cave suspended high in the sky, fire flashed, and then, from the overlapping curtains of fire, a tall and graceful figure walked out.

"Haha, Yu girl, it's been a year and you are finally out of seclusion!"

There was a flash of red light, and an old man with red beard and long beard flew towards him.

This old man was the ancestral realm strongman, Red Beard, who brought Yu Junyao back from the West Sword Region to the Jiuli God Clan that day.

"Grandpa Red Beard."

Yu Junyao threw herself into the old man's arms, with a friendly expression on her face, "Thank you, grandpa, for protecting me."

But it turns out that during this year, Red Beard has been staying outside, which can be regarded as doing his best.

Every direct descendant of the Jiuli Divine Clan must receive the so-called baptism of holy fire when they reach the age of twenty.

This will be a huge transformation for every descendant of the Jiuli Divine Clan.

And Yu Junyao, with the help of Ling Feng, had been promoted to the holy level before receiving the baptism of the holy fire. Originally, she could only be regarded as a child with average qualifications, but now, she is valued by the clan and is very top-notch. What a good seedling.

After the baptism of life, generally speaking, the children of the Jiuli God Clan will go into retreat for one to several years. This period is also the most critical and important time.

Because the Jiuli Divine Fire in the body has undergone a qualitative change, and its power suddenly becomes too strong. If it is difficult to control, it will even be backfired by its own Jiuli Divine Fire, causing spontaneous combustion and death.

Although the chance was not high, this red-bearded grandfather still guarded Yujunyao for a full year.

This shows how much this red beard loves Yu Junyao.

"As long as you don't run around like a ghost girl from now on."

Red Beard gave Yu Junyao an angry look.

Yu Junyao stuck out her tongue, "If I hadn't been running around, how could I have reached the holy level before receiving the baptism of the holy fire?"

Redbeard was at a loss for words. He couldn't explain Yu Junyao, an eccentric girl.

After the divine fire in her body was completely awakened, Yu Junyao's strength could be said to have made a qualitative leap.

She is only twenty-one years old, but she already has a saint-level cultivation.

Even among the Jiuli Divine Clan, there are very few disciples with such cultivation at this age, and they can even be considered rare.

Of course, except for the saints or saints of the past generations.

As soon as they are born, they already have extremely powerful power. They don't need to do any training. As long as they awaken step by step, they can directly reach the ancestral realm.

However, as saints and saints, they all have missions that must be carried out...

Their innate talents and powers are only for that mission.

Red Beard felt lucky because his granddaughter was just an ordinary Jiuli tribesman, but not a saint.

"Anyway, just don't run around!"

Redbeard glared at Yu Junyao and emphasized, "Especially in the West Sword Region, you'd better forget about what happened there as soon as possible."

Mentioning the Western Sword Territory, Yu Junyao couldn't help but bite her delicate lips, and a handsome face flashed in her mind.

Already, a year...

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