Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2829 Never come! (2 updates)

Yu Junyao's expression darkened. It's been a year and she didn't know how he was doing.

She couldn't help but think of those days when she was with Ling Feng. Although at the beginning, she often hated Ling Feng so much that she even wanted to cut him into pieces, but gradually, she discovered that the original guy was no longer there. Unknowingly, it entered my heart.

Yu Junyao felt sad for a moment as she heard the past events.

Can I see him again...

He said that he would come to Zhongyuan Realm, but even if he came to Zhongyuan Realm, it would only be for Mu Qianxue...

Thinking of this, Yu Junyao felt pain in her heart again.

One year has passed, and Mu Qianxue's wedding date is getting closer and closer.

She took a deep breath, looked at Red Beard, and said solemnly: "Grandpa, where is cousin Qianxue? Where is she?"

"What's going on at Yulingju? Do you have anything to do with the saint?"

Red Beard gave Yu Junyao a strange look.

"Grandpa, please don't pry about things between girls!"

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes at her red beard, and the next moment, her figure turned into a rainbow and disappeared into the void.

Now Yu Junyao is already a powerful saint!

Yulingju is also the residence of Mu Qianxue, the saint of this generation of the Jiuli Divine Clan.

Mu Qianxue has been living here since she was brought back, or in other words, she was imprisoned here in disguise.

Because she is a saint of the Jiuli Divine Clan, she must complete her engagement with the Holy Son of the Haotian Divine Clan.

This is a fate she cannot escape.

For two years, Mu Qianxue has been like a canary in a golden cage. Although she has received all the best resources in the God Clan, her heart is not here.


What's rare is that there is a little more vitality in Yuling's residence.

Mu Qianxue hugged the black cat Yeyi in her arms and gently stroked the back of Yeyi's head.

In Yu Ling's residence, all the maids were respectful to her, but she didn't even have anyone to talk to.

After a while, Yu Junyao rushed in furiously, and Mu Qianxue smiled softly.

Among the Jiuli Divine Clan, the person he can speak to has finally arrived.


Yu Junyao sat next to Mu Qianxue, gently hugged her arm, and said softly: "How are you, cousin, are you okay?"

"It's like this every day. You can't say what's good or bad."

Mu Qianxue smiled bitterly. She had previously received the news that Yu Junyao had left the God Clan, and later learned that she had returned from the West Sword Region.

After that, she underwent the baptism of the Holy Fire, followed by another year-long retreat.

Therefore, she has not had the chance to meet Yu Junyao for a long, long time.

"Cousin, don't be so depressed."

Yu Junyao narrowed her eyes and smiled: "I'm here to bring you good news!"

Mu Qianxue's eyes lit up and she glanced at Yu Junyao, "What's the good news?"

"Cousin, do you remember what you told me before, Ling Feng?"

Yu Junyao chuckled and said, "I ran away from home this time and found him!"

"What!" Mu Qianxue suddenly exclaimed, " found him! Tell me is he doing?"

"The news I know was a year ago."

Yu Junyao took a deep breath, "However, he is the most outrageous guy I have ever seen! Also, he said that he will definitely come before your wedding date, cousin!"

Yu Junyao opened up a chatterbox and told Mu Qianxue everything about how she met Ling Feng.

"Is he this true!"

For a moment, Mu Qianxue didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

If he comes, what can he do?

Can he resist two major clans of gods on his own?

This is absolutely impossible!


Mu Qianxue shook her head repeatedly, "We can't let him come, he must not come!"

What Mu Qianxue is most worried about is that Ling Feng will encounter misfortune because of him.

She would rather accept her fate than see Ling Feng in any danger.

"Cousin, I understand how you feel, but no one can stop what that guy decides."

Yu Junyao took a deep breath and gritted her teeth: "However, he does not have no chance. A year ago, he was already at the peak of the Emperor Realm, and he has the strength to defeat the Saint-level powerhouse!"

"I know he is not an ordinary person, but..."

Mu Qianxue tightened her fists, "Anyway, I can't let him come to me. Just pretend that he has never known me."

Mu Qianxue took a deep breath and quickly grabbed Yu Junyao's hand, "Yao'er, go find him and tell him not to come to me. There are more good things for him to like around him. woman!"

"Cousin..." Yu Junyao sighed softly, "Why are you so negative? I always felt that he was not good enough for you, so I wanted to see what kind of man your sweetheart is, cousin. Now, I I have seen that his talent is no worse than anyone else, and he is a good man who values ​​love and justice! Although..."

Yu Junyao secretly added in her heart: Although, he is too dull!

"It's not that I'm negative. No matter how much he improves by leaps and bounds, in just a few years, can he reach a level comparable to the ancestral realm? I just don't want anything to happen to him!"

Mu Qianxue bit her red lips and said.


Yu Junyao was slightly startled, Mu Qianxue's worry was not without reason.

No matter how evil Ling Feng is, who can reach the ancestral realm? Who is not an old monster who has been practicing for hundreds of thousands of years?

How can Ling Feng compete with those old monsters in just a few years?

Not to mention, what he has to fight are two high-level gods, two behemoths who hold absolute power in the Zhongyuan Domain.

"Yao'er, go and stop him."

Mu Qianxue looked deeply at Yu Junyao, "Now I have no choice but you, who can stop him."

"But I..."

Yu Junyao was about to cry but had no tears, "Cousin, not to mention that I was also grounded by grandpa, even if I could sneak out, but the world is so big, where would I go to find that guy? He must have been there long ago No longer in the West Sword Region!"

"Whirlpool Island!"

Mu Qianxue thought for a while and blurted out: "If he arrives in Zhongyuan Domain, his first stop will definitely be Whirlpool Island!"


Yu Junyao smiled bitterly, "Okay, I'll do my best..."

In fact, even Yu Junyao herself didn't know whether the reason why she camped in Mu Qianxue was to stop Ling Feng or because she hoped to see Ling Feng.

Or maybe, it's both...

Half a month passed by in a flash.

Ling Feng had been immersed in the library at Tianxiang Peak, studying the classics left by Li Chunyang for half a month.

In this half month, Ling Feng's understanding and perception of the power of Hunyuan has been greatly improved.

Therefore, early the next morning, Ling Feng began to challenge Mr. Xue.

From the beginning, it was almost like being killed instantly by Mr. Xue. After a few days, Ling Feng was able to withstand several attacks from Mr. Xue.

Seeing Ling Feng's rapid improvement, Mr. Xue couldn't help but nodded secretly.

This boy is worthy of being a genius spotted by his master. It seems that within a month, he will indeed have a chance to surpass himself and become an invincible existence in the ancestral realm.

However, he would not act in any way just because he admired Ling Feng.

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