Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2830 The field of subduing demons! (3 updates)

In the blink of an eye, one month has passed since the appointment between Ling Feng and Li Chunyang.

On this day, Li Chunyang arrived as scheduled. Early in the morning, he had already appeared in Tianxiang Peak.

On weekdays, Li Chunyang rarely comes back, but on such an important day, he obviously won't be late.


Ling Feng bowed to Li Chunyang. Today's assessment is related to whether he can continue to stay, and also related to whether he can get out of this Tianxiang Peak.

Although Tianxiang Peak has complete resources and everything you need, it is difficult to achieve any qualitative leap by staying in one place and working behind closed doors.

Ling Feng didn't have much time left, so he had to race against time, seize any available time, and strive for the greatest improvement in the shortest time.


Li Chunyang nodded slightly, looked at Ling Feng, and said calmly: "The one-month period has arrived. This is the period you set yourself. If you cannot defeat Lao Xue, I will expel you from the mountain without hesitation. "

"That's how it should be."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, "However, I won't lose!"

"Okay, you kid, get angry with me!"

Li Chunyang laughed loudly, raised his hand and patted Ling Feng's shoulder several times, "Then, let's get started!"

After saying that, he winked at Lao Xue.

Lao Xue nodded, took a step forward, and bowed to Ling Feng, "Little master, please!"

Although Ling Feng had competed with him many times before, both sides only touched the point and did not show their full strength.

"Mr. Xue, please!"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, and his face looked more calm than a month ago.


Two figures suddenly shot out and collided violently in the void.

Then, the figures suddenly separated, and one of them held his chest and knelt on the ground with one knee.

With one move, the winner has been decided.

There is no increase in momentum, nor are there any fancy moves or the application of various rules and phenomena.

But this moment of collision only happened in a matter of milliseconds, and was full of dangers. It seemed like one move defeated the enemy, but in fact, it was a collision and conflict between the Hunyuan forces of both sides.

"I lost."

Mr. Xue smiled bitterly, "My young master's talent is indeed terrifying!"

Ling Feng stepped forward to help Mr. Xue up and said with a modest smile: "It was Mr. Xue who gave in."

"Hmph, I can tell whether Lao Xue has let you or not!"

Li Chunyang stood with his hands behind his hands, his eyes shining brightly.

In just one month, Ling Feng was able to cultivate the power of Hunyuan to such an extent without anyone's guidance.

If Ling Feng could reach this point within the one year he set, he would be considered a genius.

But now, it only took Ling Feng a month to surpass Lao Xue in mastering the power of Hunyuan.

This boy is indeed a piece of jade!

Li Chunyang couldn't help but sigh, could it be that the bloodline of the Jiuli Divine Clan was so outstanding? He was just an illegitimate child living outside, but he was so outstanding.

If Ling Feng knew what Li Chunyang was thinking, he would probably laugh out loud.

He is not an illegitimate son of the Jiuli God Clan.

However, speaking of it, the reason why my Jiuli Divine Fire was awakened was really thanks to the guy who claimed to be the ancestor of the Jiuli Divine Clan.

But vaguely, Ling Feng always felt that the old monster might have some conspiracy.

However, this is just an intuition.

"You have done very well. From now on, I will officially accept you as my disciple."

Li Chunyang smiled faintly, "Besides, you can freely enter and exit Tianxiang Peak. However, I still hope that you can spend more time to experience the field of subduing demons."

"The Demon-Subduing Domain? What is that place?"

Ling Feng felt a little curious. It sounded like it should be a place similar to the battlefield of the Demon-Sealing God Clan.

"Old Xue will tell you."

Li Chunyang raised his hand and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, "I hope you can continue to improve at this speed. I am very optimistic about you!"

After that, Li Chunyang simply waved his hands and left.

With a talent like Ling Feng's, he didn't need to bother to teach him anything. Just giving him a few appropriate hints would be enough.

Ling Feng shrugged. This cheap master was the most laid-back among all his teachers.

However, it is quite suitable for me at this time.

After asking Lao Xue some questions about the field of demon-suppressing, Ling Feng left Tianxiang Peak with Tuoba Yan.

This is Ling Feng’s first time down the mountain since joining the Demonic God Clan!

The Demon-Sealing Holy Mountain is a very large city that contains hundreds of peaks. If you want to visit them all, it will probably take a lot of time.

After getting off Tianxiang Peak, Ling Feng asked around about the boss before finally finding Qin Ming.

"Brother Ling, I haven't seen you for a month!"

When Qin Ming saw Ling Feng, he jumped down from a stone platform. He seemed to be sitting cross-legged on the stone platform, comprehending the power of Hunyuan.

This is a Hunyuan platform that can only be used by true disciples. Because there are a lot of true disciples, even if you want to use it on weekdays, you need to register and make an appointment in advance.

"Yeah, it's been a month."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Li Chunyang set a rule for himself. He was not allowed to go down the mountain before defeating Mr. Xue. He had no choice but to be locked up in Tianxiang Peak for a whole month.

But fortunately, I can now come and go at will.

"By the way, Brother Qin, how is my little follower doing?"

Ling Feng asked casually, this guy Yan Jinghong still owes him a lot of debt, don't think that you can not pay back the money just because you are his direct disciple!

"He, several elders took turns teaching him. About half a month ago, he chose to become the disciple of Elder Nanhua."

"Ice type?"

"No, it's the wind element."

"Wind element? It's a smart choice."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, Yan Jinghong had already obtained the power of Xuntian Ice Soul, and in terms of controlling the power of ice, perhaps no one among the elders could be better than him.

Therefore, instead of becoming a disciple of the ice element elders, he chose the wind element. In fact, he hoped to integrate the two powers of ice and wind and reach a higher level.

However, Ling Feng didn't expect that in addition to his talent in the ice system, this guy also had a talent in the wind system.

"I really envy you. As a direct descendant of the Demon Sealing God Clan, I haven't been able to become a direct disciple."

Qin Ming shook his head and smiled bitterly. This is probably the so-called comparison between people, which can make people angry.

"It's just that the time has not come yet. Brother Qin, with your character and talent, you will definitely be able to rank among the powerful ones in the ancestral realm in the future."

Ling Feng smiled and comforted him with a few words.

"hope so."

A bitter smile appeared on Qin Ming's face. Regarding this point, he was not as optimistic as Ling Feng.

The difference between the Holy Realm and the Ancestral Realm is indeed a world of difference.

In fact, it is already very rare for one of the thousand peak saints to be able to take that step.

If there is no great opportunity, great perseverance and great understanding, it is impossible to take the leap.

This is why, even among the first-class gods with tens of thousands of foundations like the Demon-Sealing God Clan, there are no more than twenty strong people in the ancestral realm.

The ancestral realm is not something you can just cross!

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