Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2831 It’s a trick! (1 update)

"Ha ha ha ha!"

At this moment, a sudden laughter came, saying with great sarcasm: "Qin Ming, Qin Ming, do you really dare to think about it? Do you even want to cross the bottleneck of the ancestral realm?"

Upon hearing this voice, Qin Ming's expression suddenly changed, and he clenched his fists, but ultimately did not speak.

Ling Feng looked up and saw a man in rich clothes striding over, surrounded by several losers.

This person looks quite young, and his cultivation level is around the seventh level of the Nine Transformations Realm. He is a saint-level powerhouse.

In total, he should be considered a genius, but his look of contempt is really disgusting.

Qin Ming took a deep breath and ignored the man in fine clothes. He just looked at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "Brother Ling, let's go!"

Obviously, Qin Ming didn't want to cause trouble.

Ling Feng shrugged. Qin Ming, the rightful owner, didn't care, and he didn't bother to deal with such a scum.

However, just when Ling Feng and the others turned around to leave, the handsomely dressed young man waved his hand and asked his thugs to block the way of Ling Feng and the others.

"Chen Wang, don't bully others too much!"

Qin Ming finally couldn't hold it back anymore and stared angrily at the man in fine clothes, but it turned out that this man was named Chen Wang, and he had deep grudges with him.

"What happened to bullying you?"

Chen Wang had a ferocious smile on his face: "Why, I'm still bullying you so much?"

Qin Ming clenched his fists tightly, eyes flashing with anger.

However, Chen Wang's attention quickly shifted from Qin Ming to Tuoba Yan next to Ling Feng.

Tuoba Yan's overwhelming appearance immediately made Chen Wang's eyes light up.

"Huh? Which peak's junior sister is this? Why haven't I seen her before?"

Chen Wang grinned, but when he saw Tuoba Yan and Ling Feng standing side by side, his brows suddenly furrowed slightly.

It was obvious that this Chen Wang had a crooked interest in Tuoba Yan.

"Chen Wang, the grudges between you and me should not harm others!"

Qin Ming took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "If you want to fight, I will fight you to the end today!"

"Hey, your general is defeated, who do you think you are?"

Chen Wang didn't even look at Qin Ming. He just stared at Tuoba Yan and said with a grin: "Junior sister, the most important thing in life is to know people with a clear eye. What kind of people are worth following and what kind of people are not?" It’s worth following, you have to be aware of it!”

Chen Wang adjusted his collar, narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Now I will give you a chance to come to me. From now on, I will ensure that you will enjoy the wealth, wealth and wealth from now on!"

Tuoba Yan frowned, clenched his pink fist, and was about to take action, but was stopped by Ling Feng.

Ling Feng stepped forward and stood in front of Tuoba Yan, completely blocking Tuoba Yan's figure behind him.

When Chen Wang saw this, a chill suddenly flashed in his eyes, "Boy, get out of the way!"

Ling Feng grinned and narrowed his eyes at Chen Wang, "Do you know what a toad looks like?"


Chen Wang stared at Ling Feng, "Boy, do you want to be a hero?"

Ling Feng shrugged, "If you don't know, it's best to pee and take a picture yourself."

"court death!"

Chen Wang's eyes turned cold, and the seven or eight scoundrels around him all took out their weapons, and they were all at war with each other. It seemed that as long as Chen Wang gave an order, they would immediately suppress Ling Feng with thunderous force.

"There are always some people who don't know what they are called."

Ling Feng sighed softly and raised his fingers at Chen Wang, "I also want to know how the toad kills people!"


Chen Wang was completely angry, shouted loudly, and rushed towards Ling Feng.

In his opinion, Ling Feng's aura was only at the early stage of the Nine Transformations. With his strength, he could suppress it with one punch.



There was a loud bang, and the moment Chen Wang rushed in front of Ling Feng, Ling Feng directly dunked, aimed at the back of Chen Wang's head, and hit him hard.

A huge force burst out, and in a short time, Chen Wang was smashed deeply into the ground, with his head facing down, and his whole body was plunged into the ground like a green onion.

It was better for Ling Feng to show mercy, otherwise, his brain would have blossomed long ago.

Ling Feng grinned, looked at Chen Wang's legs kicking, and laughed loudly: "Look, you are indeed a toad!"


Tuoba Yan couldn't help laughing and laughed out loud. This Chen Wang was simply asking for trouble when he ran into Ling Feng's hand.

Chen Wang was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. Although this blow was not enough to cause serious injury to him, it made him lose face.

"What are you still doing?"

Chen Wang cursed loudly and called on his henchmen to pull him out of the ground. He had been smashed to the head and was bleeding, and there was a big bump on the back of his head, which looked very funny.

Chen Wang was so angry that he was shaking all over, and the blood flowing from his forehead blurred his vision.

He glared at Ling Feng angrily, with an extremely malicious look in his eyes, and gritted his teeth and said: "Boy, just wait for me, I will remember you!"

After saying that, this guy led a group of henchmen and left in despair.

Although he is arrogant, he is not a fool.

He already understood that the gap in strength between himself and Ling Feng would only make him more embarrassed if he continued to struggle.

Ling Feng didn't bother to deal with these minor characters. He just shrugged and didn't care as he watched these people leave.


Qin Ming, who was on the side, couldn't help but sigh, and said with a bitter look on his face: "Brother Ling, you have made a mistake!"

Ling Feng grinned, "Really? Why don't I think so?"

The conflicts between the disciples would not alarm the elders. Even so, he had Li Chunyang's support behind him.

With a backer behind him, there is no need to be timid when acting at a high level.

"Did you know that Chen Wang's cousin, Chen Shidao, is one of the top ten most powerful beings among his direct disciples!"

Qin Ming sighed repeatedly: "The reason why Chen Wang is so arrogant and arrogant on weekdays is because he relies on Chen Shidao's reputation to pretend that the tiger is powerful! And Chen Shidao only has a brother like Chen Wang, so he has always been right. Chen Wang's misbehavior, turning a blind eye, even being very partial! As a result, Chen Wang became even worse, hey..."

Qin Ming clenched his fists and said, "If it's just Chen Wang, I won't be afraid of him at all, but Chen Shidao behind him is really not easy to mess with!"

"What about personal disciples?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, raised his hand and patted Qin Ming's shoulder, "Brother Qin, don't forget, I am also a direct disciple!"

Seeing that Qin Ming still looked worried, Ling Feng shook his head and smiled: "Okay, okay, I'm in charge of this matter. If Chen Shidao dares to come to your door, I will let him suffer a bloody blow." taste.”

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