Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2832 Fighting the devil alone! (2 updates)

"Brother Ling, you must not underestimate Chen Shidao..."

Qin Ming wanted to persuade him a few more words, but seeing Ling Feng's completely unconcerned look, he couldn't help but sigh again.

Monsters are monsters after all, but they have their own confidence!

In order to avoid annoying others by talking too much, Qin Ming stopped talking and just advised Ling Feng to act with caution.

"By the way, Brother Ling, it's rare that you come down from Tianxiang Peak. Do you want to see me for anything?"

Qin Ming changed the topic.

Ling Feng nodded, "Indeed, my master told me that I can go to the demon-subduing field to experience it, but I would like to find out more information about this demon-subduing field from you."

Although Ling Feng had asked Mr. Xue before, unfortunately, Mr. Xue was a typical person who was ruthless and didn't talk much.

In his words, the field of subduing demons is a place where disciples gain experience.

Does he need to say this?

After a conversation with no results, Ling Feng had no choice but to come to Qin Ming.

"Demon-suppressing Realm!"

Qin Ming's eyelids twitched and he stared at Ling Feng with wide eyes, "Brother Ling, you have only been a member of the Sealed Demon God Clan for just one month, and you probably haven't even mastered the power of Hunyuan yet, so quickly. Isn’t it too early to just go to the demon-suppressing realm?”

"It should be okay."

As Ling Feng spoke, a flame ignited in his palm. The next moment, the flame was extinguished and turned into a rotating cyclone, glowing with a dim red light. It was what Qin Ming called, the power of Hunyuan.


Qin Ming swallowed hard, and after a long while, he finally accepted this reality.

As a foreigner, Ling Feng could actually master the power of Hunyuan several times faster than most of the geniuses in his clan!

This guy is truly a monster among monsters and a freak among monsters!

Probably only the word "pervert" can describe a person like Ling Feng!

Tuoba Yan, on the other hand, had long been accustomed to Ling Feng's "perverted" talent. If one day Ling Feng stopped being so "perverted", she would not be used to it.

"Brother Qin, Brother Qin?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and waved it in front of Qin Ming's eyes. Qin Ming shook his head, took a deep breath and said, "Now that Brother Ling has mastered the power of Hunyuan, he can indeed go to the field of subduing demons to practice."

Following Qin Ming's explanation, Ling Feng roughly understood some information about the field of demon subjugation.

The so-called Demon-Subduing Domain is an independent special space. Among the high-level gods in the Zhongyuan Domain, there will be a teleportation gate leading to the Demon-Subduing Domain and they can be teleported directly there.

Within the realm of subduing demons, all power will fail, leaving only one's own "divine power".

This kind of divine power has different effects on different gods.

However, experience in the field of subduing demons can greatly improve the level of the original divine pattern.

For example, a disciple of the God Clan whose original bloodline talent can only be regarded as average will have the opportunity to improve his bloodline talent after being tempered in the field of demon subjugation.

Of course, this only makes sense to the children of the God Clan.

As an external disciple, Ling Feng could only improve his control over some Hunyuan power even if he entered the field of demon-slaying.

But in fact, the reason why Li Chunyang let Ling Feng enter the field of demon-slaying was because he believed that Ling Feng was a descendant of the Jiuli Divine Clan.

In this way, the role of the field of subduing demons will naturally be infinitely magnified!

Of course, Qin Ming didn't know this.

"I see……"

Ling Feng pondered for a moment, and he probably understood Li Chunyang's intention of letting him go to the Demon-Conquering Field.

It is indeed well-intentioned!

Unfortunately, I am not from the Jiuli God Clan...


Since this field of subduing demons can enhance "divine power", maybe it will be of certain benefit to one's own heavenly bloodline.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

I still have to experience this field of demon subjugation!

"Brother Qin, take me there!"

Ling Feng didn't hesitate anymore, he immediately pulled Qin Ming and said anxiously: "I'll leave now and go to the demon-suppressing realm!"

Qin Ming shook his head and smiled bitterly. However, if Ling Feng went to the Demon Subduing Domain, he could temporarily avoid the limelight of Chen Shidao, which was a good thing.

"Yan'er, just go back to Tianxiang Peak and wait for me."

Ling Feng glanced at Tuoba Yan. There was plenty of spiritual energy in Tianxiang Peak, and Mr. Xue was in charge, so Chen Wang didn't dare to go to Tianxiang Peak to cause trouble.

Tuoba Yan bit her silver teeth. Although she also wanted to visit the Demon-Subduing Domain, she could only be regarded as a maid next to Ling Feng. She had no direct status in the Demon-Sealing God Clan and would definitely not be able to enter the Demon-Subduing Domain. field.

Secondly, since he did not have any kind of "divine power", he could only become Ling Feng's burden when he entered the field of demon-slaying.

Not long after, under the leadership of Qin Ming, Ling Feng and the others came to the front of a main hall.

Outside the main hall, there is a huge altar, shaped like a huge sphere, with inscriptions circling around the huge sphere.

Before them, there were already many disciples lining up here.

"There are quite a few people who want to go to the demon-suppressing field!"

Ling Feng looked back at Qin Ming and said lightly.

"That's natural. Even among the descendants of our Demon Sealed God Clan, the proportion of people with strong enough bloodline talents is not high. Although most people can become inner disciples, their strength may not be as good as that of outer disciples. For them For me, the demon-suppressing realm is the only place where I can change my destiny.”

Ling Feng nodded, it was indeed true, although genius comes from 99% sweat and 1% talent.

But in fact, the one percent talent often determines the limit of achievement!

Talent is indeed very important!

"It's just that it's not free to enter the field of demon-slaying. You need to pay an expensive fee to enter."

Qin Ming said calmly: "But as a direct disciple, you can enjoy three free opportunities every year."

"Haha, the benefits of being a direct disciple are actually reflected."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows. He didn't have much money now, so he would save money if he could.

Soon, it was Ling Feng's turn and he showed his identity token. After verification, Ling Feng could enter the demon-suppressing realm for free.

As for Qin Ming, he is only a true disciple and has only one free opportunity a year. He has already used this opportunity before, so he does not plan to go in with Ling Feng this time.

Therefore, Ling Feng could only enter the battlefield of the demon-suppressing field alone.

After stepping through the portal, time and space changed before my eyes. After an unknown amount of time, the darkness came out and a ray of light came.

The next moment, Ling Feng's clothes were sent out from the teleportation gate and fell into the demon-suppressing realm.

This is a world that looks very desolate, like a demonic realm.

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