Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2833 Mortal Ling Feng! (3 updates)

For a moment, Ling Feng felt that all his strength had disappeared.

"Is this what Qin Ming said, a space that only enhances divine power..."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly, raised his palm, and in his palm, a pale yellow vortex slowly rose.

The power of Hunyuan...

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Because he did not have the original divine pattern of the Demon Sealed Clan, Ling Feng's Hunyuan power was like rootless duckweed.

Like a candle flame, swaying in the wind, it will be extinguished at any time.

An unprecedented feeling of weakness surged throughout his body. Ling Feng knew that it was not that he was really weak, but that he was weak because his body was weakened.

His original body was like a cup filled with water. Now it was weakened. The cup did not change, but the water inside became much less.

"With just this little Hunyuan power, I'm afraid I'll even have trouble killing a chicken..."

Ling Feng took back the remaining power of Hunyuan into his body.

Li Chunyang miscalculated Ling Feng's life experience, thinking that he was a descendant of the Jiuli Divine Clan, so he let him go to the demon-suppressing realm.

But it was obvious that his mistake would cause Ling Feng to suffer a lot.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and began to sense another divine power in his body.

Jiuli Divine Fire!

If the power of Hunyuan can barely be mobilized, then Jiuli Divine Fire should also be able to.

After a while, Ling Feng summoned a weak flame.

Like the power of Hunyuan, because Ling Feng also does not have the original divine pattern of the Jiuli God Clan, his flames are also just rootless duckweeds.

However, with two forces at his side, Ling Feng finally felt a little more at ease.

As for the power of the Tiandao clan, Ling Feng is still unable to mobilize it.

Perhaps, this field of subduing demons can only improve the bloodline of the so-called "gods" in Xuanling Continent, but Lingfeng's bloodline is too advanced in comparison.

Ling Feng is now at the outermost area of ​​the Demon-Subduing Domain. According to rumors, this space was created jointly by the ancestors of the three high-level gods and the ten high-level gods.

Therefore, not only the disciples of the Demon-Sealing God Clan, but also all the other God Clan and disciples who have been certified in the Yuan Temple can be transferred in.

However, a large part of the fees they charge must eventually flow into the pockets of the three high-level god clans and the ten high-level god clans in proportion.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng took steps forward and began his journey of experience.

Here, everyone's strength is only related to the strength of their own "divine pattern". In other words, no matter how powerful you are in the outside world, when you get here, all other powers are ineffective, and the only thing you can rely on is being The "divine power" that brings back the origin.

In this place, Ling Feng became an out-and-out younger brother.

Because his two great powers are rootless duckweeds, at a glance, you can tell that he is just a descendant of a certain god clan.

It is not clear how well such a warrior can get along in the outside world, but in this field of demon-suppressing, he is destined to be at the bottom.

Because there is no original divine pattern, Ling Feng's power-enhancing effect is destined to be ridiculously poor.

It was hot and scorching, and you could even see with the naked eye that the air in front was flowing.

This is the thermal air current caused by the intense heat. If he were in the outside world, Ling Feng would not feel it at all. But right now, Ling Feng's body is almost no different from ordinary people.

When he got here, Ling Feng felt that his whole body was soaked with sweat.

This damn place is so hot!

Ling Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead and wanted to find a place to sit down and rest. He found a bare stone, stood on it, and jumped up.

His ass was almost burnt!

Ling Feng felt like crying for a while, but he suddenly changed from a powerful saint to a low-level mortal. This feeling is so difficult!

At this moment, Ling Feng encountered another batch of mummies.

At this moment, the only powers he relied on were the extremely weak Hunyuan Power and the extremely weak Jiuli Divine Fire.

It was hard for him to imagine how these two powers could kill their opponents.

After all, Ling Feng was too trusting. Generally speaking, even those children of the Gods with strong talents would form a team when they first entered the field of demon-slaying.

Because the sudden drop in strength will make them misestimate their own strength.

Just like Ling Feng now, just running on the ground is already very strenuous.

You must know that he is a strong body refiner with the divine power of two thousand dragons and elephants. He can open mountains and rivers with one punch. Now that he has become powerless, it is naturally difficult to adapt for a while.

Ling Feng's scalp was numb, and he punched out, hitting a mummy.


It was as if a punch hit the wall. The mummy only shook slightly, but Ling Feng's fist dislocated with a "click"!


Ling Feng's eyelids were twitching wildly. He had been famous all his life. Could it be that he would be embarrassed by such a group of zombies?

However, before Ling Feng could think about it, two more mummies rushed forward from the left and right sides, making a "rattling" sound with their teeth. It is conceivable that a piece of flesh would be torn off if bitten by these steel teeth. .

Fortunately, Ling Feng's reaction was fast enough. Although he couldn't use any movement skills, he was flexible enough. After dodging the two mummies, he could only use the power of Hunyuan with one hand to hit the mummy hard. On the forehead.


The head of the mummy that was hit on the head by the power of Hunyuan was directly shattered. A dim golden light merged into Ling Feng's fist. Ling Feng faintly felt that the power of Hunyuan seemed to have been slightly improved!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly. It turns out that this is the secret of improving the talent of the divine bloodline in the field of subduing demons?

However, Ling Feng couldn't help but think about the current situation.

The first thing he should do is how to save his own life!

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