Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2834 Ling Feng’s divine pattern! (1 update)

Ling Feng's aura attracted more and more mummies around him, and surrounded Ling Feng.

His weak "divine power" is definitely a rare delicacy for these mummies at the lowest level in the field of demon subjugation.

After all, these mummies belong to the fifth level of fighting in the field of demon-suppression. They have always been used as cannon fodder by other monsters or the children of the gods who enter here, and are killed instantly.

But Ling Feng could only deal with these mummies with great difficulty.

Fortunately, although Ling Feng's strength was suppressed to the extreme, the skinny camel was bigger than the horse.

Ling Feng's rich combat experience and quick reaction speed still allowed him to dodge left and right among the mummies, and then rely on the weakened version of Jiuli Divine Fire and Hunyuan power to defeat these mummies one by one.

I don't know how long it took, but Ling Feng finally escaped from the group of corpses. He killed dozens of mummies, but the progress of the two divine powers in his body was almost negligible.

The reason is that these mummies are still too weak, and the increase they can provide him is very limited.

Furthermore, Ling Feng does not have the original divine patterns of the Jiuli God Clan and the Demon Sealing God Clan. Even if he absorbs the energy brought by killing the mummies, it is difficult to improve.

Without the original divine pattern, all Ling Feng's efforts would only be half the result with half the effort.

Ling Feng has always relied on his extraordinary talent and the ability of the Eye of the Emperor, which is almost a plug-in. No matter in which aspect, with just a little effort, he can get twice the result with half the effort.

This time, Ling Feng was defeated.

After escaping from the group of corpses, Ling Feng ran far away. Seeing that the group of corpses behind him had disappeared from the end of his field of vision, he stopped panting.

It has been a long time since Ling Feng was so embarrassed.

Moreover, his opponent is not a strong man, but a group of mummies fighting against the five scum.

"I can't even defeat the most ordinary mummies, how can I defeat those more powerful monsters?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and began to feel a little shaken in his heart.

But soon, Ling Feng put this thought behind him.

If you can't withstand even a small setback, how can you fight against those strong men in the Immortal Realm!

Clenching his fists, Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and he once again strengthened his determination and moved forward.

Although the battle with the mummies just now was dangerous, his Jiuli Divine Fire and the power of Hunyuan could indeed cause fatal damage to those mummies.

More importantly, Ling Feng felt that the special energy called "soul power" brought by killing the mummies was not only absorbed by his Jiuli Divine Fire and Hunyuan Power, but also more of it. Part of it seems to have been transferred to his forehead and between his eyebrows.

Ling Feng had a hunch that if he continued to absorb this "soul power", he might be able to condense his own divine pattern!

Different from the Tiandao clan, and also different from the Xantian clan.

After all, his parents came from the two most powerful races in this fairyland. He inherited their talents, and the divine patterns he condensed may even surpass these two great races of gods.

The reason why the Gods are powerful is that when they fight, they can use their original divine patterns. With the increase in the power of the divine patterns, their strength can be greatly increased in an instant.

Before that, Ling Feng had also seen an angel patroller in trouble in the Tianlan Sea Area of ​​the Eastern Spiritual Territory. He also had something similar to a divine pattern.

The gods of the Xuanling Continent were originally the descendants of those powerful men from the Immortal Realm who left behind in the lower realm during the ancient demon-slaying wars. Therefore, the ability of the divine patterns should have been inherited from those powerful men from the Immortal Realm.

And as a member of the Tiandao clan, I should also have my own divine pattern!

Within the realm of subduing demons, there are no sun, moon, stars, no day or night, and the passage of time cannot be felt.

Ling Feng kept moving forward and constantly encountered enemies. There were many enemies of all kinds, including mummies and skeletons, as well as various ferocious beasts, all of which were demonized by ancient evil spirits.

And as Ling Feng gradually became familiar with this frail body, he also began to learn to use his own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses.

As long as he was not surrounded, Ling Feng could rely on his clever movement to consume those monsters bit by bit.

After all, the area where Ling Feng is located is only the outermost part of the demon-suppressing realm.

No matter how strong the monsters here are, they are not that strong.

On the contrary, they occasionally met some geniuses from other protoss clans, and when they saw Ling Feng, an external disciple who didn't even have the original divine mark, they all treated him with more or less contempt.

For the warriors of Zhongyuan Domain, if they were not born into the God Clan, it would be a very sad thing.

After all, in a place like Zhongyuan Domain, among a hundred Ancestral Realm powerhouses, there might only be one or two who do not have the blood of the Gods.

Or maybe, not even one or two.

The reason why the Gods are willing to spend resources to cultivate these external disciples does not mean that they value them very much.

More than that, they are actually an investment, an investment in their future generations.

After all, the descendants born from external disciples and their direct descendants also have a certain chance of awakening the blood of the Gods.

The more excellent the external disciples, the greater the chance of giving birth to a descendant of the divine bloodline.

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of the disciples of the God Clan, most of the roles played by the outside disciples were that of "borrowing seeds".

It exists like a breeding pig.

Therefore, in a place like Zhongyuan Domain, not only does there exist a chain of contempt between the Gods and Gods, but those Gods with poor bloodline can naturally only despise these external disciples who do not even have the blood of the Gods.

But fortunately, Ling Feng seemed to be too "weak", so the disciples of the God Clan were not even interested in coming to ridicule him.

Time passes little by little.

Ling Feng didn't know how much time had passed, but gradually, the monsters on the periphery of the demon-suppressing domain no longer exerted much pressure on him.

His Jiuli Divine Fire and Hunyuan Power have been improved to a certain extent. The most important thing is that Ling Feng's forehead occasionally feels numb and itchy, and occasionally it becomes a little hot.

However, this feeling does not last long. It only appears suddenly for a moment and disappears quickly.

Ling Feng knew that the "soul power" contained in the peripheral monsters might not be enough to stimulate his original divine pattern.

Therefore, he must face a choice.

Either stop here, give up this opportunity, and leave directly. After all, the improvement to him in the outermost area is not obvious.

Or, take a certain risk and go to the depths of the demon-suppressing realm.

There, there are more powerful monsters, which are both opportunities and huge challenges for Ling Feng.

Because if you are not careful, you will die.

If you die here, you are really dead. In fact, Ling Feng doesn't even have a chance to use blood to resurrect.

Because now, he can't feel the existence of his brand blood at all.

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