Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2835 I remembered it! (2 updates)

After hesitating for a while, Ling Feng decided to break through!

There is no word for retreat in his dictionary.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng stared at the front and soon came to the boundary of the second level of the Demon Subduing Domain.

In order to prevent the monsters inside from running to the outer area, there is a transparent barrier between the two areas. Only the disciples of the major gods under the Yuanshen Temple Alliance can cross it with their identity tokens.

With the fluctuation of the barrier, Ling Feng successfully entered the second level from the first level.

Walking forward aimlessly, Ling Feng soon encountered the first monster in the second level.

This is a giant bear more than three meters tall, covered with bloodstains and wounds, with a pair of scarlet eyes flashing with bloodthirsty light.


With a roar, the giant bear pounced on Ling Feng.

Ling Feng dodged, and with the Nine Li Divine Fire in one hand and the power of Hunyuan in the other, he started a fight with the giant bear.

Ling Feng's body was pitifully weak, so basically if he was hit once by the giant bear, he would lose half his life if he didn't die.

And Ling Feng's palm power, which kept hitting the giant bear, could only cause it a little skin injury.

But Ling Feng firmly believed in one thing.

Ants can kill elephants!

As long as he attacked enough times, even this thick-skinned giant bear would eventually die in his hands.

Not to mention, his Jiuli Divine Fire, as long as it penetrated the giant bear's thick fur and entered its body, would definitely make it drink a pot.

In this way, Ling Feng dodged while constantly attacking the giant bear, until he was out of breath and almost exhausted.

Fortunately, the giant bear also collapsed to the ground with a "bang".

The fur on his body was almost burnt, and its limbs were twitching. It never expected that this tiny human in front of him would be so tenacious.

"I just need to finish off the bear."

Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his lips. After a hard fight, it was finally time to reap the rewards.

Using the power of the Primordial, Ling Feng slowly walked towards the giant bear, ready to slap it on the forehead and end its life.

However, at this moment...


A black shadow passed by and killed the giant bear with a slap before Ling Feng.

The soul power contained in the giant bear was instantly poured into the black shadow.

"Thank you, kid!"

The black shadow stood still, with a sneer on his lips, and turned to leave.

This man had a scar on his left cheek, wearing a black and gold armor, and was tall and burly. He looked like a guy who was not easy to mess with.

Ling Feng was so angry that he was shaking all over. He had worked hard for a long time, and he was just one step away from the last blow, but this guy actually snatched it away!

Thank you?

Thank you for eighteen generations!

"Stop right there!" Ling Feng roared, calling out to the black-armored man. "What's up?" The black-armored man glanced at Ling Feng, his eyes threatening, and a dark divine pattern flashed across his forehead. From the complexity of the divine pattern and the aura it exuded, this man's bloodline was extremely pure, and he was definitely a master! Ling Feng took a deep breath, "I hunted for prey for a long time, and you took it away. Don't you need to give a reasonable explanation?" "Everything I see is my prey!" The black-armored man said coldly, "If you don't know what's good for you, I can't guarantee that you won't become my prey. Although, you are so weak that you don't even deserve to die in my hands!" Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly. If it were in the outside world, he would definitely not care about the consequences and let him know why the flowers are so red. But here, he is indeed very weak! "Get out of the way!"

The aura of the black-armored man was shaking, and the powerful divine power wave directly shocked Ling Feng back several steps.

The next moment, he turned into a black light and disappeared in front of Ling Feng.

With the blessing of divine power, even in this demon-suppressing field, this person can actually exert such strength.

Is this the difference between having the origin divine pattern and not having the origin divine pattern?

Ling Feng clenched his fist tightly. I, Ling Feng, will remember this account!

After that, Ling Feng encountered several more monsters. After spending some time, he finally solved those monsters.

The soul power contained in the monsters in the second layer area is indeed incomparable to that of the first layer.

Although Ling Feng's Jiuli Divine Fire and Hunyuan Power were improved very slowly because of the lack of the origin divine pattern, they still achieved a certain improvement after the infusion of a large amount of soul power.

Now, Ling Feng can at least cover his entire arm with the Jiuli Divine Fire.

In this way, his arm would at least not be easily dislocated or even broken, which reduced a lot of pressure for fighting those monsters.

After an unknown period of time, when Ling Feng was able to cover his entire body with the Nine Li Divine Fire, he finally began to move towards the third level of the Demon Subduing Domain.

According to Qin Ming, the Demon Subduing Domain is divided into seven layers. The outer five layers are open to disciples, and after the sixth layer, only the elders can enter.

It is conceivable that there are ancestral level monsters there.

After Ling Feng's two divine powers were improved to a certain extent, he was naturally unwilling to stay at the second layer.

On the one hand, he wants to condense his original divine pattern, on the other hand, Ling Feng wants to find the black-armored man. After all, Ling Feng is a very "vindictive" guy!

In the third level of the demon-subduing realm, the light seems to be even dimmer, and the strength of the monsters here is naturally more terrifying.

Fortunately, when Ling Feng was in the second level area, he was able to cover his entire body with Jiuli Divine Fire. Otherwise, he wouldn't even dare to touch the monsters here.


There was a loud noise, and after a period of hard fighting, Ling Feng finally defeated the first magical beast he encountered in the third level area, which was a huge magical wolf.

After absorbing the soul power in the demon wolf's body, Ling Feng's two major powers increased again.

And between his eyebrows, a golden pattern flashed away.

However, even he didn't notice this.

"That's right, wealth is indeed found in danger!"

After successfully absorbing the soul power in this demon wolf, Ling Feng couldn't help but smile knowingly as he felt that his Jiuli Divine Fire and Hunyuan Power had gained some increase.

If I had chosen to retreat from the front, how could I have gained as much as I did now?

He glanced around and found nothing. There was no way around it. In an environment like the Demon Suppression Domain, there would be no magical treasures produced at all.

As he moved forward, he was thinking about how much soul power he still needed to absorb to awaken his original divine pattern. Unknowingly, there were shouts in the distance, and it seemed like there was a fight.

Looking closer, they saw three human warriors, one man and two women. One of the women seemed to be seriously injured and unable to join the battle. The other man and woman were fighting with a giant python with three heads.

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