Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2836 Yu Qiulin! (3 updates)

Three-headed snake!

However, one of the three heads of the three-headed demon snake has been exploded and has lost the ability to attack.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. This was the first such a huge monster he had seen in the field of demon-slaying.

But then, what surprised Ling Feng even more was that one of the two warriors who were fighting the three-headed demon snake was actually wrapped in a layer of blazing flames.

This layer of flames is very familiar to me, it is clearly the Jiuli Divine Fire!

People from the Jiuli Divine Clan?

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Did he actually meet a disciple of the Jiuli Divine Clan here?

That woman's control over the Jiuli Divine Fire was very exquisite, and the Jiuli Divine Fire covering her body was obviously brighter and more intense than the divine fire around Ling Feng.

But it seemed that the battle between those two people and the three-headed demon snake was at a disadvantage.

According to the current development, the three-headed demon snake should be injured in the end, and the two sons of the gods will die under the giant mouth of the demon snake.

Unless at this time, a third person can intervene.

After Ling thought for a moment, he decided to take action.

In any case, this is an opportunity to contact the Jiuli Protoss.

If you save the disciples of the Jiuli God Clan, you will be able to learn more or less about the Jiuli God Clan.

Taking a step forward, Ling Feng's whole body was covered with Jiuli divine fire, and his figure turned into a fireball and rushed forward.

Although the Jiuli Divine Fire around Ling Feng is far less bright and dazzling than that of the Jiuli Divine Clan woman, his flames are of extremely high quality!

When she saw the flames around Ling Feng, the woman from the Jiuli God Clan was obviously stunned for a moment, but she quickly came back to her senses and concentrated on dealing with the three-headed demon snake.

"Thank you very much!"

The female disciple of the Jiuli Divine Clan gritted her teeth and said: "Your Excellency, we will stop this beast head-on. You can find an opportunity to conduct a sneak attack!"

Ling Feng nodded, quite impressed by this woman's adaptability.

The man next to him saw that Ling Feng didn't even have divine marks on his forehead. He was initially a little contemptuous, but after discovering the Jiuli Divine Fire on Ling Feng, he swallowed back his mocking words.

Right now, the most important thing is to get rid of these three-headed snakes first.

Not long after, the two God Clan disciples entangled the three-headed demonic snake head-on. Ling Feng made a sneak attack in the dark. With the combined efforts of the three of them, the three-headed demonic snake was finally eliminated.

Ling Feng unceremoniously added the last punch, using Jiuli Divine Fire and Hunyuan Power at the same time, plundering all the soul power in the demon snake's body.

Surging soul power poured into Ling Feng's body, and the flames around him trembled slightly, and then became a bit stronger.

A stream of heat converged from the limbs to the center of the eyebrows.

Ling Feng vaguely felt that his original divine pattern might be condensed and formed!

Seeing Ling Feng's actions, the man frowned obviously and was about to speak, but was interrupted by another woman from the Jiuli Divine Clan next to him.

The Jiuli God Clan woman first helped the injured female companion up, then took a deep look at Ling Feng and said solemnly: "Thank you!"

Ling Feng saved them, so it was appropriate for him to absorb the soul power of the three-headed snake.

"You are Welcome."

Ling Feng took a look at these three people. They obviously did not come from the same divine clan, but they were walking together, and it seemed that the majority of them were the woman from the Jiuli Divine Clan.

The Jiuli God Clan woman was also looking at Ling Feng, and said curiously: "The flames on the young master's body seem to be..."

"Yes, it is also Jiuli Divine Fire."

Ling Feng was generous and did not deny it, and denying it was useless.

"You don't have divine marks. It seems that you should be an external disciple."

The Jiuli Divine Clan woman thought about it for a while. There were countless external disciples in the entire Jiuli Divine Realm. It might not be surprising if she happened to meet one.

"Are the monsters in this third-level area already so powerful?"

Ling Feng shrugged, but looked at the three-headed demon snake on the ground a little strangely. The difference in strength between it and the demonic beast he had dealt with before was huge.

If you encounter it alone, you may not be able to win.

"This demon snake has undergone some kind of mutation, and its strength is already comparable to the demon beasts in the fourth level area!"

The woman from the Jiuli God Clan seemed to have remembered something and said quickly: "We also have a companion who led away another demon snake for us. She is also a descendant of our Jiuli God Clan. You..."

"I'd like to help."

Ling Feng nodded, understanding the woman's intention, and said calmly: "My name is Mu Feng."

After thinking about it, Ling Feng still used a pseudonym.

"Is your surname Mu?"

The woman from the Jiuli Divine Clan was stunned for a moment. The Mu surname was the surname of the top nobles among the Jiuli Divine Clan. It was more respected than the Yu surname, Hua surname and other surnames from the side branches.

This "Mufeng" doesn't even have divine marks, it must be just a coincidence.

"Haha..." Ling Feng smiled, "It's just a coincidence."

"My name is Yu Qiulin, he is Wang Yue, and her name is Bai Xiaotong..."

Yu Qiulin, a woman from the Jiuli Divine Clan, introduced the two companions next to her one by one, and then said in a deep voice: "Our other companion is my cousin, named Yu Junyao."


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, his eyes widened, and he stared at Yu Qiulin, "What did you say her name was?"

"Jade...Yu Junyao!"

Yu Qiulin was startled by Ling Feng's sudden loss of composure and blinked, "What...what's wrong?"

"Which direction did she go!"

Ling Feng felt worried. With Yu Junyao's strength of half a bucket of water, why did she come here!

The so-called care leads to chaos, but he forgot that Yujunyao went back to receive the baptism of the holy fire. Today, one year later, Yujunyao is no longer the same Yujunyao as before.

According to the rules of the Jiuli God Clan, the direct descendants of the clan, after awakening the divine fire and retreating, will go to the field of subduing demons to practice to maximize the effectiveness of the divine fire awakening.

But this time, it was Yu Qiulin who came with Yu Junyao. As for Bai Xiaotong and Wang Yue, they were both companions they met on the way. They were said to be companions. In fact, these two people just wanted to fight with the Jiuli Divine Clan. Just make friends and have some connections.

Yu Qiulin was a little surprised. This "Mu Feng" seemed to know her cousin, but she clearly didn't remember that there was such a foreign disciple in their Yu family lineage.


Yu Qiulin pointed in the direction, and the next moment, Ling Feng was covered in flames and rushed out as fast as possible.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared...

"Wang Yue, you stay and take care of Xiaotong, I will rush over to support you."

Yu Qiulin shook her head, handed the injured Bai Xiaotong into Wang Yue's hands, and immediately ran away after Ling Feng's back.

Although Yu Junyao's strength has become better than hers after retreating, there may still be some danger when facing a mutated monster.

As Yu Junyao's cousin, since she brought her in, she naturally had to take her back unscathed.

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