Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2839 Ling Feng’s divinity! (3 updates)


Ling Feng's mind seemed to explode, and his whole head felt hot.

On his forehead, a bright red mark was condensing little by little.

It's not a complicated inscription, but a very simple horizontal line that spans the entire forehead.

This is an extremely simple divine pattern, and it can't even be called a pattern.

However, at the moment when the extremely simple divine patterns were condensed and formed, an extremely terrifying aura erupted from Ling Feng.

Is this the original divine pattern of the Tiandao clan?

No, it's more than that.

Ling Feng has two major bloodlines, the Tiandao clan and the Xantian clan, thus giving birth to the complete power of chaos.

His original divine pattern should be called the Chaos Divine Pattern!

The simplest tattoo burst out with the most incredible aura.

At the moment when Wen Yao condensed, Ling Feng's gaze was cold and ruthless, as if he was outside the world of mortals, peering into everything, high above.

"Ling...Ling Feng?"

Yu Junyao looked at Ling Feng stupidly. The Ling Feng in front of her made her feel strange, as if she had never known him before.

He stood up slowly, looking at the huge soles of the bone wolf as if they were nothing.

Bone Wolf looked at Ling Feng in great surprise. He was a little confused as to why this human being suddenly became so powerful.


The bone wolf roared loudly, and five sharp nails grew rapidly on the soles of its feet. In an instant, the five sharp claws pierced Ling Feng's body, and blood spurted out.

However, Ling Feng's expression didn't seem to change at all.

His body flashed with golden light, and then the bone wolf's soles actually melted!


The bone wolf roared incessantly, watching the golden holy light continue to spread, and it was actually going to melt his entire body.

He is scared!

He quickly tore off one of his legs and ran back like crazy.

However, Ling Feng just raised his hand slightly, and the golden light enveloped them. The bone wolf that originally posed a death threat to them was completely melted by the golden light in an instant.

It's as if it has never appeared in this world.

Then, Ling Feng's body quickly recovered and healed under the golden light.

The "soul power" originating from the bone wolf's body also converged towards Ling Feng's forehead.

The simple "one" divine pattern flashed for a few times and then disappeared.

Ling Feng's eyes were dull for a while, and then gradually regained their clarity.


Ling Feng subconsciously covered his lower abdomen, because in his impression, his lower abdomen should have been pierced.

However, what surprised him was that there were no wounds at all on his body.

In fact, he just feels that he is energetic and lively now.

It's like being able to tear apart a tiger and a leopard alive.

"what's the situation?"

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment. He quickly turned around and saw Yu Junyao looking at him in surprise.

"Hey Hey hey……"

Ling Feng walked forward, squatted in front of Yujunyao, and patted her cheek gently, "Hey, what happened just now? Where is the werewolf?"

Yu Junyao was a little dumbfounded. First she glanced at Ling Feng in horror, then took a deep breath and said, "You... don't know what happened?"

"Of course I don't know!"

Ling Feng frowned, "However, I have a vague feeling that I seem to have...condensed divine patterns?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Yu Junyao nodded repeatedly, "Just now, a golden-red mark suddenly appeared on your forehead. Then, your whole person seemed to have changed. Then, you killed the werewolf."

"The divine pattern?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and tried to feel his "divine pattern".

After all, he once had a divine mark, which was passed down from the ancestors of the Nine Nether God Clan. However, he was suppressed by the bloodline of Tiandao and had no future.

So Ling Feng simply sent it back to the young master of Jiuyou, Jun Jiuyou. Now he is the leader of the Jiuyou Divine Clan.

Sure enough, his forehead felt slightly hot, and then a straight red mark appeared on his forehead.

Is this simple horizontal line his own divine pattern?

The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. Generally speaking, the more complex and flashy the divine patterns are, the stronger the divine bloodline is.


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. It seemed that he had probably only condensed the first one of his divine patterns.

But no matter what, this is indeed the feeling of having divine patterns, and I already have divine patterns, which can be regarded as a qualitative leap.


Yu Junyao glanced at Ling Feng strangely, "Why didn't you change your face?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "Why should I change my face?"

"When you condensed the divine patterns just now, you became so scary..."

Yu Junyao recalled Ling Feng just now. He had no human side at all, more like a legendary god.

He is full of divinity, but has no humanity at all.

Ling Feng shrugged. He didn't know why. It was probably because the moment his Chaos Divine Patterns condensed, some special opportunity inspired some kind of power hidden in his body.

Helping Yujunyao sit up, he saw that Yujunyao's body was covered with blood, her limbs and body were covered with scratches, and her lower abdomen was directly penetrated.

With such injuries, if it were an ordinary person, he would probably be dead long ago.

Ling Feng took out some elixirs that restored Qi and blood, fed them to Yujunyao, took out some ointment, scooped out some, spread it evenly on the palms of his hands, and then wiped it on Yujunyao's wounds.


Yu Junyao froze and glanced at Ling Feng blankly, "What are you doing!"

"I'll apply some ointment to you. If you don't apply some ointment to such a serious injury, I'm afraid there will be scars in the future." Ling Feng shrugged, "If you don't want to, then forget it."

Ling Feng didn't care anyway, he just applied medicine to Yu Junyao from the perspective of a doctor.

In the eyes of doctors, there is no difference between men and women.

"I...I didn't say I wouldn't let you wipe..."

Yu Junyao bit her lips and turned her head, not daring to look at Ling Feng again.

Ling Feng carefully applied the ointment on Yujunyao. At this time, Yujunyao's cheeks were as hot as a stove, so red that they could almost bleed.

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched Yu Junyao's forehead, and found that her forehead was extremely hot. He couldn't help but frowned, "No way, your God Clan's constitution won't allow such a small injury to be infected."

"I feel sorry for you, you big-headed ghost!"

Yu Junyao slapped Ling Feng's hand away, gave Ling Feng a look, and then limped towards her cousin Yu Qiulin. Ling Feng couldn't look past her, so he stepped forward to help Yu Junyao along.

Yu Qiulin had fainted, but luckily, apart from some shock injuries, there were only some claw marks.

Ling Feng took out the remaining ointment, applied it evenly, and continued to apply the ointment to Yu Qiulin.

"you dare!"

Yu Junyao suddenly backed away from Ling Feng, "You are not allowed to apply it!"


Ling Feng rolled his eyes and whispered in his heart: Is this woman mentally ill?


Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng fiercely, snatched the ointment from Ling Feng's hand, gritted her teeth and said, "My cousin, I will do it myself!"

Deep down in Yu Junyao's heart, she still didn't want Ling Feng to have physical contact with other women, not even her own cousin!

Oh no, not even more!

Ling Feng shrugged, "Okay, okay, you come, you come..."

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