Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2840 Have you already? (1 update)

The third level area of ​​the demon-suppressing domain.

A gust of wind passed by, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Ling Feng looked intently and frowned. In this demon-suppressing realm, even the wind carried a vague demonic aura.

Of course, the main reason was that Ling Feng was pushed aside by Yu Junyao, so he had no choice but to come here to look out.

Not far away, Yu Junyao was applying medicine to her sister Yu Qiulin.

After applying the medicine, Yu Junyao put on Yu Qiulin's clothes completely, took out some of the pills Ling Feng gave her, crushed them into powder, poured them into Yu Qiulin's mouth, and fed them to her Go down some.

In this way, Yu Qiulin's complexion recovered slightly.

After a while, Yu Qiulin woke up leisurely, and when she saw Yu Junyao in front of her, she was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

"Yaoer, you are not dead!"

Yu Qiulin wanted to get up excitedly, but found that her body was in severe pain. She turned around and looked around. Except for "Mu Feng" standing not far away with his back to them, there seemed to be no one nearby. There are no other living things.

"Where's the mutated werewolf?"

Yu Qiulin's eyes were full of doubts. Before she fell into coma, she clearly saw that "Mu Feng" was stepped on by the mutated bone wolf, and his body had been penetrated by bone spurs.

Logically speaking, he wouldn't survive.

But now, not only him, but also Yu Junyao is also full of life.

Or are they already dead?

Yu Junyao shook her head and smiled, pointed at Ling Feng, and said calmly: "That guy took care of him, okay, sister, don't worry, we are no longer in danger."

Yu Qiulin still had a look of disbelief on her face. She even pinched her cheek. Only when she felt pain did Yu Qiulin realize that all this was true.

"How can it be?"

Yu Qiulin's eyes widened and she almost popped out of her eyes when she looked at Ling Feng's back.


Yu Qiulin tried hard to recall what happened before she fell into coma. It was obvious that she was already in a desperate situation with no hope of improvement.

"That's the thing about that guy, he can always do something different."

Yu Junyao narrowed her eyes and smiled, taking a peek at Ling Feng's back, her eyes filled with admiration and a hint of admiration.

Yu Qiulin still couldn't believe it, but with the facts before her eyes, there was no need for Yu Junyao to deceive herself.

"He..." Yu Qiulin took a deep breath and gritted her teeth: "Is he an external disciple of our Jiuli Divine Clan? Why haven't I heard of the name Mu Feng before?"

"What did you say? His name is Mu Feng? Or is he a foreign disciple of our Jiuli Divine Clan???"

Yujunyao was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter. This was really the funniest joke she had ever heard.

However, if you think about it carefully, Ling Feng does have the Jiuli Divine Fire on his body, but he does not have the Jiuli Divine Mark. No wonder Yu Qiulin misunderstood it.


Hearing the whispers of the two women, although Ling Feng did not eavesdrop on purpose, he was afraid that Yu Junyao would tell the truth, so he quickly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Miss Yu, you misunderstood, I am indeed not from the Jiuli Divine Clan. The external disciples just have some relationship with the Jiuli Divine Clan."

"Also, my name is Ling Feng..."

Ling Feng himself explained: "I didn't know about your relationship with Miss Yu before, so I hid my identity."

With that said, Ling Feng pointed at Yu Junyao, indicating that the second jade girl he mentioned was Yu Junyao.

"It's okay. Speaking of which, I haven't thanked Mu... No, it should be Mr. Ling for saving his life, and again, twice."

Yu Qiulin glanced at Ling Feng and then at Yu Junyao. It was obvious that the two people had known each other for a long time.

"You guys..." Yu Qiulin took a deep breath, "Yao'er, how did you meet?"

"Sister, you should tell me how you met, right? What does it mean to be saved twice?"

Yu Qiulin asked anxiously.

"Before coming to support you, Mr. Ling had already rescued me once."

Yu Qiulin smiled. Thinking about it now, it seemed that they had left Wang Yue and Bai Xiaotong aside for a long time.

"So that's it."

Yu Junyao nodded, which could explain the pain and why Ling Feng was able to arrive here in time.

But why did Ling Feng appear here?

"Yao'er, is it your turn to answer me?" Yu Qiulin looked at Yu Junyao, very suspicious of the relationship between Ling Feng and Yu Junyao.

There is an amazing tacit understanding between them, and Yu Junyao seems to be quite dependent on Ling Feng.

Could it be, brother-in-law?

Yu Junyao pursed her lips, "Didn't I sneak into the outer realm before? I met this kid in the outer realm."


Yu Qiulin's eyelids twitched, "How come people from outside the land have my clan's Jiuli Divine Fire? Could it be?"

Yu Qiulin looked at Yu Junyao with wide eyes, "Yao'er, did you share the power of your blood with him? Could it be that you two have already..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Yu Junyao blushed, quickly interrupted Yu Qiulin, rolled her eyes and said: "Sister, don't be too imaginative, okay, the Jiuli Divine Fire on him has nothing to do with me! "

Yu Junyao bit her red lips. She hoped that Ling Feng's Jiuli Divine Fire came from her. In this case, Ling Feng should come to find her when he came to the Zhongyuan Domain, not his cousin Mu Qianxue.

However, sometimes fate is so wonderful. If Ling Feng hadn't met Mu Qianxue first, she wouldn't have gone to the Eastern Spiritual Realm by accident.

In this way, she would never meet Ling Feng at all.

"Uh..." Yu Qiulin was stunned for a moment, and several thoughts flashed through her mind. She couldn't understand why Ling Feng had Jiuli Divine Fire.

"Ling Feng, why are you here?"

Yu Junyao was full of doubts. She was busy dealing with the bone wolf before, and then she had to heal Yu Qiulin's injuries. Now, she just wanted to figure everything out.

"Let's talk as we walk."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Seeing the sisters Yu Qiulin and Yu Junyao starting to ask questions like a barrage of questions, he had to explain how he came to the Zhongyuan Domain and later joined the Demon-Sealing God Clan and became an external disciple of Ling Feng's Demon-Sealing God Clan. The matter was explained briefly and to the point.

In order to distinguish the two jade girls, Yu Junyao and Yu Qiulin, Yu Qiulin is called the big jade girl, and Yu Junyao is naturally the little jade girl.

When Ling Feng finished speaking, the group returned to the place where they fought the three-headed demon snake. Wang Yue and Bai Xiaotong were hiding in a mountain col, meditating and regulating their breath.

Wang Yue was fine, but Bai Xiaotong's situation was not good. She had been seriously injured and had delayed the best time to heal her injuries. Now her situation has begun to deteriorate.

However, she was lucky enough to meet Ling Feng, the successor of the medical saint.

Under Ling Feng's treatment, Bai Xiaotong was successfully out of danger, but he still needed some time to recover completely.

"Given Xiaotong's current situation, it is no longer appropriate to stay in the demon-slaying field."

Yu Qiulin glanced at Bai Xiaotong and said solemnly: "We all have our own injuries, so we should go to the Demon-Conquering Station to recuperate for a few days."

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