Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2842 Demon-Conquering Station! (3 updates)

"Wouldn't it be a little cruel if we just left him like this..."

It was Yujunyao who beat people, and it was Yujunyao who showed kindness in the end.

Halfway there, Yu Junyao began to feel a little uneasy about her conscience.

She was the one who crippled Wang Yue. If Wang Yue died, it was directly her fault.

Although she is unruly and willful, she is still a kind girl in essence.

"Life and death are fateful. In the world of warriors, people die every day."

Ling Feng shrugged. As a doctor, he would never ignore any life.

But for people like Wang Yu, forget it if they die.

"Yes." Yu Junyao nodded, as if to comfort himself, and said in a deep voice: "Who asked him to scold you! If he dies, it will be blamed on you!"


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "Just think of it as my fault."

Bai Xiaotong, whose face was still a little pale, gritted his teeth and said: "Miss Yao, Mr. Ling, you don't have to have any psychological burden. That Wang Yue is not a good person at all. Before he met you, he always touched me. Before I He was injured and almost died, but he was still talking about how to take advantage of the situation, saying that it would be better if he died!"



Ling Feng and Yu Qiulin blurted out at the same time. Only Yu Junyao looked confused, "What's wrong? What do you mean?"

Ling Feng's face turned red. The reason why he knew what Nashare was was because he was influenced by Feng Mo who often went to the library to "study" in his early years at Tianwei Academy. He was also the later king of the Tianbai Empire, Mo Feng. inspiration. (PS: Didi Didi, your friend and veteran driver Feng Mo is online.)

"Kids shouldn't know so much nonsense!"

Yu Qiulin also blushed and glared at Yu Junyao. Both Ling Feng and Yu Qiulin remained silent, which only made Yu Junyao more curious.

For a moment, the team was in a state of embarrassment.

Yu Qiulin is relatively familiar with the map of the demon-suppressing realm. With her leading the way, many unnecessary mistakes will be avoided.

The location they were at before was not far from the entrance to the fourth level area of ​​the Demon-Conquering Domain. It didn't take long for the group of four to arrive at the entrance to the fourth level.

As the space in front of them fluctuated, the group of people had arrived at the fourth floor area.

On the fourth level of the demon-subduing domain, the sky and the earth are the same color without any change. If the aura floating in the air is not more cold and solemn, it would be impossible to tell them apart.

"Go this way."

Yu Qiulin looked around, then pointed to one side and said.

Among the four, she was the only one who had been to the Demon-Subduing Station before. The other three had entered the Demon-Subduing Station for the first time.

There is only one safest and shortest path leading to the Demon-Conquering Station. The so-called safety is relative, because there are many people walking, and the probability of encountering powerful monsters is low.

Low does not mean there is none. At least now, Ling Feng and the four of them have encountered several monsters.

However, after condensing his own divine patterns, Ling Feng didn't have much trouble dealing with the monsters in the fourth level area.

Bai Xiaotong can't help yet, but with the cooperation of sisters Ling Feng and Yu Qiulin, everything can be easily solved.

What surprised Yu Qiulin and Yu Junyao even more was that every time Ling Feng defeated a monster, he absorbed all the soul power. The next time he struck, he could feel that his strength had been significantly improved.

This undoubtedly made them dumbfounded, even though killing monsters can absorb soul power, improve the original divine pattern, and thus improve the level of their own divine power.

But I have never heard of divine power increasing so quickly.

Of course, this is only the early stage. Ling Feng's divine pattern is just like a blank piece of paper at the moment. It couldn't be simpler.

Therefore, there are still large tracts of space that can be filled.

This is why he can quickly increase his divine power.

However, what is even more terrifying is that Ling Feng's Chaos Divine Pattern actually contains two different divine powers, Jiuli Divine Fire and Hunyuan Power.

In fact, because of the condensation of the Chaos Divine Patterns, Ling Feng felt that his Eye of the Emperor could be used again.

Infinite vision, insight and copying, super high understanding, reverse chaos and other abilities are all back!

Now Ling Feng, even in the field of subduing demons, is like an uncle, no longer a younger brother!

However, what makes Ling Feng a little dissatisfied is that his "one-character" divine pattern has always been one-character, without any change.

When other people's divine patterns came out, they were all kinds of fancy, colorful, and sparkling, but his was just a horizontal line.

It's not cool at all, it's really a bit embarrassing, and it's already lost in terms of momentum!

However, Ling Feng didn't know when he would be able to gradually fill in the divine patterns.

There is no way that a hybrid of the two highest bloodlines in the Immortal Realm, the Divine Marks Tiandao Clan and the Xantian Clan, would have his divine marks just like that!

After getting rid of the monsters blocking the road, and who knew how long it had passed, Ling Feng and his party finally saw the so-called "Devil-Suppressing Station" from a distance.

"We're here." Yu Qiulin looked away with a smile on her lips.

After so many days, I can finally have a good rest.

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and looked from a distance. In front of him was a row of fences made of thick iron wood, more than three feet high, forming a camp similar to a mountain village.

There are many towers on the fence, and on the towers are sentries standing ready, taking turns to patrol the surroundings.

Every once in a while, those monsters will riot, forming a terrible tide of monsters, attacking the demon-subduing station where humans are active.

Therefore, the responsibilities of these sentinels are very important.

These sentinels are all elites selected by the major gods. They have joined the Yuan Shen Temple and become the guards of the Yuan Shen Temple. They are also called the Yuan Shen Guards.

The Yuan Temple is a huge alliance, which includes hundreds of gods of all sizes in the Central Yuan Domain. Basically, if you want to gain a foothold in the Central Yuan Domain, you must first join the Yuan Temple.

If you don't even have the certification qualifications of the Yuanshen Temple, then it will be easily annexed by other divine forces.

Joining the Yuan Shen Temple and becoming a Yuan Shen Guardian is, in a sense, one of the ways to gain some say in the Yuan Shen Temple.

The more powerful the protoss is, the more children will become the guardians of the soul.

Of course, except for the three high-level gods.

They are the leaders and masters. As long as they join the Yuanshen Temple, they must be a small leader at the end.

Yu Qiulin led a group of people to the gate of Fumo Station. On the tower, a guard immediately shouted: "Show your identity tokens, otherwise we will not kill you!"

Yu Qiulin took out her token. The guards on the tower twitched their eyelids and immediately ordered people to open the city gate and flew down from the tower at the same time.

The leading guard gave Yu Qiulin a standard military salute and said loudly: "The glory of the three gods is supreme!"

The so-called three gods refer to the Jiuli Divine Clan, the Haotian Divine Clan and the Tai'a Divine Clan.

These three major divine clans symbolize the supreme royal power in the Yuanshen Temple.

Yu Qiulin is a direct descendant of the Jiuli Divine Clan, and her status is extremely noble.

Yu Qiulin just nodded slightly towards them, then led Ling Feng and his party into the Demon-Conquering Station.

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