Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2843 Tai Ah Clan! (1 update)

A group of people entered the Demon-Suppressing Station.

There are some simple wooden houses or stone houses inside, and more people simply set up tents in the open square.

Anyway, Fu Mo Yi is just a place to rest. It is impossible to say how luxurious it is.

In the open space, warriors can be seen everywhere dissecting monsters. In addition to absorbing the soul power of monsters in the field of subduing monsters and improving their own divine patterns, some of the materials on their bodies can also be traded.

Ling Feng withdrew his gaze and followed Sister Yujunyao towards the depths of the Demon-Conquering Post.

Yujunyao and the others are the descendants of the upper-class gods, so naturally they don't need to live in a simple tent. At the worst, they can live directly in a stone house.

In this small Demon-Subduing Station, there are actually clear levels of hierarchy.

The highest-status protoss lived in stone huts, and the lower-ranking protoss lived in wooden houses. As for the less famous protoss, they could only live in tents.

The Fumo Station has existed for a long time, and there is a vicissitudes of life and a desolate atmosphere in the air, which is even more full of the smell of iron and blood.

Walking into the camp, Ling Feng saw many figures, all of whom were monks from the major divine races in the Zhongyuan Domain. They were tall, short, fat and thin, men, women, old and young.

In the field of subduing demons, because the power is suppressed, apart from feeling the strength of the opponent's divine patterns, it is impossible to see the opponent's cultivation level at all.

But one thing is, there is no weak person who can come to this fourth level area!


Yu Qiulin looked back at everyone, and said with a faint smile: "Let's stay in it temporarily today. The stone house is relatively spacious and can accommodate ten people to rest inside. Everyone is more or less injured, so have a good rest tonight." Bar."

As she spoke, Yu Qiulin pressed her palm on a crystal ball next to the stone room. The crystal ball flashed with light, detecting that it was the bloodline of the Jiuli God Clan. A key popped out from under the crystal ball, which was used to open the stone room.

The stone door opened slowly, and the conditions inside were relatively simple. However, it was divided into two stone rooms on the left and right, each with five slate beds and stone benches. It was indeed just a place for rest.

However, compared to those who eat and sleep outside, they are already very lucky.

"Girl Dayu."

Ling Feng looked at Yu Qiulin and asked in a deep voice: "I want to go to the unblocking room first. Please ask Miss Dayu for guidance."

"Master Ling, don't you want to rest for the night before going?"

Yu Qiulin glanced at Ling Feng. Of the monsters she encountered along the way, Ling Feng was the one who put in the most effort and was probably the most exhausted among them all.

"I'm fine." Ling Feng said lightly.

"Okay, sister, don't worry about him. This guy's physique is like an animal, how can he be tired?"

Yu Junyao made a sarcastic comment to Ling Feng at the right time.

Yu Qiulin shook her head and smiled. After giving Ling Feng directions, she helped Bai Xiaotong into the stone room on the left.

Bai Xiaotong is the one who really needs a rest.

As for Ling Feng, he left the stone house directly and walked towards the unblocking room.

On the other side, not long after Ling Feng and the others entered the Demon-Conquering Station, it could be said that as soon as they entered, another group of warriors came from behind.

The leader was a man who looked about thirty years old. There was a long scar on the left cheek. He was wearing a shiny golden armor and looked majestic.

Beside him, there were several warriors, all led by him.

There was also a guy who looked bruised and swollen. He was limping and he was obviously seriously injured.

"Who is coming! Show your identity tokens, otherwise we will kill you!"

The soul guards repeated the words they repeated most often.

The scarred man at the head took out the token casually, and an overwhelming power swept over him. The guards on the tower quickly jumped down again.

Be good!

The token of the Tai'a Protoss!

On weekdays, disciples from the upper-level God Clan are very rare, but today is a good thing, two teams came at once!

And, just in tandem!

The scarred man at the head smiled faintly and waved to his companions behind him, and everyone entered the Demon-Conquering Station together.

The limping man jumped up and down next to the scarred man, and said with a smile: "Hui...Brother Hui, thank you so much for saving your life! If I hadn't killed you, I would have fed you long ago. Warcraft."

But it turns out that this limping man is actually Wang Yue, who was abandoned by Ling Feng and the others!

To say that he was really lucky, when he almost fell into despair, he unexpectedly met the scarred man Ye Hui, who was also a disciple of the Tai'a God Clan.

Of course, he is only a branch member, not a direct blood descendant.

But this Ye Hui's talent is not bad, almost no different than some direct blood descendants.

This Ye Hui had some friendship with Wang Yue, so he rescued him.

Of course, he didn't save him for nothing, there were conditions.

In order to save his life, Wang Yue didn't care about anything else. Naturally, he would give Ye Hui whatever he wanted.

Ye Hui patted Wang Yue's shoulder gently, grinned and said: "As long as you work for me wholeheartedly, your benefits will be inevitable."

"Of course, of course..."

Wang Yue nodded hurriedly, "Follow Brother Hui and you will have meat to eat!"

If Ling Feng were here, he would definitely recognize that Ye Hui was the scarred man who had fought hard for a long time before finally defeating the monster.

Although Ye Hui just picked it up casually, to him, the monster was not worth mentioning at all, but to Ling Feng, it was a long day's hard work!

Although Ye Hui is a descendant of the Tai'a God Clan, he is not very popular in the clan because of his character problems. However, because of his good talent, the elders in the clan have always turned a blind eye and closed their eyes. One eye.

He doesn't have too many friends within his clan. Instead, he has made some "like-minded" companions in other protoss clans, all of whom are headed by him. It can be regarded as a dandy group.

Wang Yue is also one of them.

When Ling Feng met him that day, he was catching up with Ye Hui and was preparing to join up with his henchmen. However, despite this, he still conveniently replenished the monsters that Ling Feng had worked hard to kill for a long time. It can be seen from this that What a scumbag this man is.

Ye Hui grinned, "Okay, let's rest here for a few days. If we meet the boy you mentioned, I will make the decision for you."

It turned out that Wang Yue had told Ye Hui about being abandoned by the team before. Of course, with his courage, he did not dare to vent his anger on Yu Junyao. Therefore, only Ling Feng was the one who He had someone to vent his anger on.

"They will definitely come back!"

Wang Yue clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said: "Several of them are injured, and they will definitely come to the Demon Subduing Station to rest."

"Okay, let's wait for him at the Demon-Fighting Station for a few days!"

Ye Hui sneered. He didn't like Wang Yue very much, but as the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog.

Wang Yue is his henchman, and not anyone can easily provoke him.

Otherwise, how could he, Young Master Ye Huiye, hang out in front of these brothers!

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