Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2844 Soul Crystal! (2 updates)

Let's say that Ling Feng followed Yu Qiulin's guidance and spent a long time wandering around the Demon Subduing Station before finally finding the so-called unblocking room.

If you want to enter the unblocking room, you must first pay 20,000 high-grade yuan crystals. This made Ling Feng couldn't help complaining in his heart. The money in the yuan temple is really good!

In the huge Zhongyuan Domain, all the popular places have branch halls of the Yuanshen Temple, and no matter what they do, they must first obtain the permission of the Yuanshen Temple.

The three high-ranking divine clans, with the help of the "tool" of the Yuan Temple, poured a large amount of wealth into the three clans.

Moreover, everyone must be willing and even grateful for the various protections and services they provide.

This is a truly brilliant way to make money!

"You can go in! Unblocking Room No. 6!"

The staff member threw a wooden sign to Ling Feng, looked at Ling Feng, and said casually: "You can only stay in there for half an hour!"

Ling Feng nodded, half an hour was enough.

After entering the unsealing chamber, as the stone chamber closed, in the center of the stone chamber, a huge magic circle flashed with the light of a six-pointed star, rotating at Ling Feng's feet.

The next moment, Ling Feng felt that all the restrictions on his body had disappeared.

The powerful and surging Yuan Power, the Dragon Elephant Divine Power, the powerful Qi and Blood Power, and the Power of Divine Consciousness were all restored.

The familiar and powerful power filled his whole body, and then, the one-word divine pattern on his forehead also flickered.

As the divine patterns and his own power merged bit by bit, Ling Feng felt that his Yuan Power seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

It is not a quantitative change, there is no increase in cultivation, this is a qualitative change.

As for the specific effect, Ling Feng didn't know.

But Ling Feng could feel that this was not a bad thing.

The divine patterns flashed, and just like other protoss when they sacrificed their original divine patterns, his strength, speed and various abilities were increased several times.

This is equivalent to a weakened version of Chaos Reincarnation!

"After all, having divine patterns is more powerful!"

Ling Feng smiled heartily, and half an hour passed quickly.

Ling Feng left the unblocking room with satisfaction. The powerful restriction once again restrained his power, but this time, Ling Feng felt a lot more relaxed.

Perhaps, this is because of the concentration of divine patterns.

After the business was done, Ling Feng took a stroll around the Demon Fuyi Station with great interest, maybe he could find some valuable things or get some valuable news.

Of course, the main reason is the thought of being in the same room with three women when I go back.

For Ling Feng, dealing with these women is more tiring than fighting!

Finally, Ling Feng walked into a restaurant very naturally.

It is said to be a restaurant, but it is actually a small open-air house surrounded by several earthen walls. There are dozens of tables inside, where passers-by can have a few sips of wine.

Many warriors are boasting, talking loudly, and boasting all kinds of things.

It's nothing more than how he dealt with a powerful monster, or he was lucky enough to find something like a soul crystal in the monster's body.

Soul crystal is a kind of crystal formed by condensing soul power, which is more effective than directly absorbing soul power.

For the divine monks, soul crystals are very precious things.

The exchange ratio between soul crystals and top-grade yuan crystals even reached ten thousand to one!

In other words, one soul crystal can be exchanged for 10,000 top grade yuan crystals. This is just an ordinary low-grade soul crystal.

If it is a mid-grade soul crystal or a high-grade soul crystal, it is even more precious.

As for the top-quality soul crystals, they can be sold for sky-high prices!

However, things like top-quality soul crystals are treasures that can only be hunted in areas beyond the fifth floor.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, then found a corner to sit down.

Under the influence of his previous teachers, Ling Feng was already an alcoholic at heart.

"Hehe, did you know that two days ago, I encountered a magical beast in the sand in the southwest, and three middle-grade soul crystals were actually condensed in its body!"

A burly man held a wine bowl in his hand and poured bowl after bowl into his mouth. His face was already drunk.

Because Yuanli is suppressed, warriors are more likely to get drunk here.

"Oh no, then you are rich, aren't you?"

Several drinkers at the table next to him looked at the drunken man with envy.

"Fuck! I get angry when you talk about it!"

The drunken man banged the table and cursed: "Just when I was about to harvest, a bastard actually took away the soul crystal that I worked so hard to obtain!"

"Damn it, who are you? You're so mean!" The drinkers around him also began to curse.

"I will remember that bastard until my death!"

The drunken man poked his left cheek and said bitterly: "That guy has a scar on his face. It's a long one. It's not a good thing at first glance!"

Ling Feng on the side couldn't help but pay attention when he heard this sentence.

There is a scar on the left side of his face, and his behavior is very similar to the guy he met back then!

Could it be that they are the same person!

Ling Feng frowned. If this was really the case, he couldn't let that turtle grandson go!

Last time, I didn’t have any divine patterns and was just a younger brother within a younger brother, but now it’s different!

Now, he is about to achieve this magnificent reversal!

"Damn, Scarface?"

A drunk next to the drunken man suddenly pointed at a figure walking on the road and exclaimed: "Old Meng, look, is that the Scarface?"

The drunk named Meng followed his companion's finger and saw the pedestrian walking by. He was immediately startled and sobered up.

"It's... it's him!"

He just wanted to drown his sorrows in wine and come here to vent, but he didn't expect to meet the real owner.

The Scarface's strength was much stronger than his, so he dared to curse him a few words when he was drunk. If he really had to face the Scarface, he would never be his opponent!

The person who came was Scarface Ye Hui.

It was a coincidence that Ye Hui happened to hear the drunk's comment on him.

He squinted his eyes and smiled, and his figure flashed, and he walked directly in front of the drunk.

The drunkard next to him was frightened by Ye Hui's momentum and quickly stepped aside, saying tremblingly: "It has nothing to do with... with us!"

Ye Hui sat down opposite the drunk very naturally, grinning and saying: "Why, you seem to be very unconvinced?"

The drunk swallowed hard, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, but he still took advantage of the alcohol and gritted his teeth and said: "What, you stole my things, can't I complain a few words?"

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