Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2845 Tai Ah Divine Sword Technique! (3 updates)

"your things?"

Ye Hui sneered, "Everything I see with my eyes is mine! Those three soul crystals are naturally mine too!"

Ling Feng on the side picked up the wine bowl and took a sip. His domineering demeanor and arrogant tone were exactly the same as when he met him that day.

"It's obviously me..."

The drunk man wanted to say more, but was pinched by his wrist.


With a crisp sound, the drunk man's arm was pinched off by Ye Hui.


The drunk man screamed like a slaughtering pig, fell to the ground and rolled around.

"Brother Hui is awesome!"

The losers who followed Hui Hui burst into cheers. Because of his limp, Wang Yue was pushed aside. He stumbled back several steps before bumping into a table.

He frowned and said bitterly: "Hey, don't you know how to help me!"

However, when he turned around and saw the person sitting opposite him, his eyelids twitched suddenly, he pointed at Ling Feng and jumped up.

"It's him! Brother Hui, it's him!"

Wang Yue pointed at Ling Feng and yelled: "Brother Hui, this little bastard, you have to make the decision for me!"


At this moment, Ye Hui was stepping on the drunk man's face with one foot. Hearing Wang Yue's words, he couldn't help but turn his head and look over.

The crowd moved aside, and Ye Hui looked over. When he saw Ling Feng, he frowned, "Huh? This kid looks a bit familiar!"

Ye Hui had offended many people and provoked many enemies. Moreover, in his eyes, Ling Feng at that time was no different from an ant.

Therefore, he naturally couldn't remember Ling Feng's appearance, but he felt vaguely familiar.

Ye Hui kicked the drunk man away and strode towards Ling Feng, "Boy, where have we met?"


Ling Feng shrugged. Since this guy forgot about him, he didn't bother to mention it. He just said casually: "Don't you think we look a bit alike? That's because I am your long-lost biological father!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Hui slapped the table in front of Ling Feng to pieces.

"Boy, what did you say?"

Anger flashed in Ye Hui's eyes.

"Your father and I don't have the habit of repeating ourselves!"

Ling Feng faced Ye Hui's angry gaze, tit for tat, without any sign of backing down.

A group of guys watching the excitement suddenly came running around.

"Good guy, this kid is finished!"

"My dear, does he know who he is provoking?"

"Does he not understand the situation?"

As for the drunk man, he wiped the shoe prints on his face and felt happy: with this unlucky guy attracting firepower, it seemed that he had escaped today.

Wang Yue on the side was even more gloating.

He was also worried that Ye Hui would not dare to be cruel to Ling Feng because of their relationship with Yu Qiulin and the others.

but now……

Ling Feng had completely pissed off Ye Hui.

I, the King of Heaven, can’t save him!

Wang Yue stared at Ling Feng and said bitterly: "Ling Feng, don't you think, I am not dead, but today, you are dead! Brother Hui will make the decision for me!"

Ling Feng shrugged, somewhat surprised that Wang Yue was still alive.

However, he was lucky enough to save a dog's life, and he still didn't know how to behave with his tail between his legs. It seemed that he still hadn't learned how to behave!

At this time, Ye Hui's anger had almost burst out of his head. He stared at Ling Feng with angry eyes and said viciously: "Kneel down and call me dad ten times in front of everyone. I can consider it." Spare your life!"

"What are you shouting for?" Ling Feng pursed his lips and asked casually.

"Dad!" Ye Hui roared angrily and roared!

"Hey, good son!"

Ling Feng grinned, "Good son, your father and I are not deaf, so there is no need to shout so loudly."

Ye Huifei was about to explode with anger. In front of so many people, he was actually fooled!

"Why are you staring at me like this? You are an unfilial son and you still want to kill your father?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said with a smile.

Wang Yue started to curse, "You're a breeding pig, how dare you talk to Brother Hui like that? You..."

As soon as he turned to speak, there was a "pop" sound, and Wang Yue had been slapped by Ling Feng and knocked to the ground.

With a "bang", Wang Yue hit the ground face first, hitting the ground hard, and all his teeth fell out.

"Repay Brother Hui? I, Hui, are the scum of your sister!"

Ling Feng shrugged, with a calm expression on his face.

Ye Hui was completely furious, "You must die today! I said so! Even the King of Heaven can't stop me!"

Ling Feng smiled, raised the remaining wine in the wine bowl, and drank it all in one gulp.


A ray of energy burst out, the wine bowl shattered, and then, Ye Hui's fist came towards him.

Ling Feng opened his mouth and took a sip, sucking all the spilled wine into his belly, and then with a graceful side step, he slipped away Ye Hui's punch.

The divine pattern on Ye Hui's forehead had begun to sparkle, and golden-red light flashed all over his body. The next moment, it condensed into a dark red lightsaber in his hand.

"This is the Tai'a Divine Sword Technique of the Tai'a God Clan, which can turn the original divine pattern into the natal divine sword!"

Some bystanders immediately recognized Ye Hui's method.

Ling Feng was also slightly stunned. He didn't expect that he had just arrived in the Zhongyuan Domain and would have provoked people from the Tai'a God Clan so quickly.

As one of the three upper-level gods, the Tai'a God Clan has absolute power in the entire Zhongyuan Domain.

However, when the time comes, Ling Feng will not back down.

No matter who he is, since he has provoked me, I will destroy you!

It's that simple!

"You are quite capable!"

Ye Hui stared at Ling Feng, looked at him carefully for a moment, and then snorted coldly: "It turned out to be you, no wonder! Humph, I should have killed you long ago!"

"Unfortunately, you don't have that chance!"

Ling Feng's eyes flashed with cold light. If Ye Hui had killed him at the beginning, he would have been in great danger.

But there is no if, unless this Ye Hui can travel through time and space at will like Taixu Zhoulong, but this is impossible!

So, for him, there is no regret medicine to take.

"It's not too late to kill you now!"

Ye Hui's eyes flashed with cold murderous intent, "I said, you must die in a few days!"

At this time, the Yuanshen guards stationed at Fumoyi had heard the sound and rushed over. They were responsible for the security of Fumoyi. In theory, Fumoyi was a place where fighting was absolutely prohibited.

"What's going on!"

A young commander stepped forward and shouted, "Fighting is prohibited in Fumoyi. Do you want to be kicked out?"

"Get out!"

The divine pattern on Ye Hui's forehead flashed, and the young commander shuddered all over and quickly stepped aside, not daring to intervene.

He dared not interfere in the affairs of the Tai'a Divine Clan!

As for Ling Feng, the divine pattern on his forehead gradually lit up.

A "one"-shaped divine pattern!

When everyone saw Ling Feng's "divine pattern", they burst into laughter.

This, is also called a divine pattern?

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