Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2851 It all depends on acting! (3 updates)


Yu Junyao was obviously very happy when she saw Xiaodie.

Xiaodie was also very familiar with Yujunyao's scent and threw herself into Yujunyao's arms with a look of intimacy on her face.

Now Yu Xiaodie is no longer the babbling little girl she used to be. She has grown into a teenage girl, and her appearance is also exquisite.

However, he still doesn't speak much. After all, he evolved from the ice silkworm. His intelligence is not high, and he is far inferior to the aliens such as Jianlu and Zifeng.

Not long after, Ling Feng finished absorbing the middle-grade soul crystal, his forehead felt slightly hot, and the power of the divine pattern increased a lot.

Even his simple "one" divine pattern seems to be a bit curved and crooked. Although it is not very good-looking, it is at least a little more complicated.

Yu Junyao walked over with Xiaodie in her arms, took a look at Ling Feng's divine marks, and smiled from ear to ear: "You brat, your divine marks are so ugly!"

“That would be great!”

Ling Feng was open-minded, since he didn't rely on his reputation to make a living!

"However, it is also very powerful!"

Yu Junyao was rare and to the point, and did not deliberately ridicule Ling Feng, "Such a simple divine pattern can be evenly matched with that Ye Hui, you can be considered a freak!"

Ling Feng shrugged, "You can describe me as a genius, a freak, as if I'm some kind of scourge."

As he said that, Ling Feng pointed at the donkey, "Only people like that are called freaks."

"Pfft." Yu Junyao pursed her lips and laughed, but the bitch was so angry that she jumped up and down, swishing her tail, as if she was going to fight with Ling Feng.

However, Ling Feng's eyes squinted, and the guy immediately became scared.

In this field of subduing demons, he couldn't mobilize the demon essence, so he still suffered a lot in a fight.

But fortunately, his Seventy-two Divine Donkey Styles can still produce miraculous effects.

"Ling Feng, what are your plans next?" Yu Junyao chuckled. Their team was led by Ling Feng.

"Let's go to the fifth floor."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment and finally made a decision.

He glanced at Yu Junyao and said in a deep voice: "Miss Yu, I'll send you back to the Demon-Conquering Station first. You can stay with your sister, it's safer!"


Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng and said angrily: "You think this girl is holding you back?"

Ling Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Where is that?"

"That's what you mean!" Yu Junyao was so angry that she punched Ling Feng in the chest, "You brat, the girl is still helping you at a loss, but it's better for you to throw me away when you see that I have no use value!"

Seeing Yu Junyao's angry look, Ling Feng had no choice but to fold his hands and admit defeat, "Okay, okay, I was wrong, why not I was wrong! You go to the fifth floor with me!"

"That's pretty much it!"

Yu Junyao immediately laughed happily.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and secretly thought he had been fooled.

This woman's acting skills are simply amazing. She can change her face faster than turning the pages of a book!

Next, Ling Feng took out the map he purchased from the Demon-Subduing Station, studied it carefully for a moment, and then embarked on a new journey, heading to the fifth-level area of ​​the Demon-Subduing Domain.

There, the probability of producing mid-grade soul crystals is higher, and there is even a chance to produce high-grade soul crystals.

However, Ling Feng didn't know that a conspiracy against him had quietly enveloped him, and would eventually devour him bit by bit...

The fourth level of the Demon-Subduing Domain, inside the Demon-Subduing Station.

There was a flash of red light, and a young man exuding terrifying sword energy landed outside the Demon-Conquering Post.

He had his hands behind his back, his aura was overwhelming, and a sword-shaped divine mark flashed on his forehead.

This was the unique divine pattern of the Tai'a Protoss. Combined with the terrifying sword energy on his body, the soul guards guarding the tower quickly knelt down to him.

"The glory of the three gods is supreme!"

Everyone chanted the slogan of Yuan Shen Temple, and the young man descended slowly, wrapped in sword energy.

Everyone gasped. This person's aura was so strong that they could hardly breathe.

This young man is Ye Xuan from the Tai'a Divine Clan.

He took out a portrait from the Naling Ring, threw it to the ground, and said with an indifferent expression: "Have you ever seen this person?"

"this is not……"

One of the soul guards glanced at the portrait and his eyelids twitched, "Isn't this the elder from the Tai'a God Clan who came to our Demon-Conquering Station a while ago? It seems his name is...Ye Hui?"

"Have you seen it?"

Ye Xuan's face softened slightly and he said calmly: "When was the last time you saw him?"


The soul guard said solemnly: "He left here a few days ago and never came back. But..."

"But what?" Ye Xuan frowned, and a terrible cold air enveloped him.

"When Mr. Ye Hui was at the Demon-Conquering Station, he seemed to have some conflicts with another man named Ling Feng. There was a big battle between them, and in the end..."

"How did it end?"

Ye Xuan frowned, "Say!"

"at last……"

The soul guard swallowed hard, sweating slightly on his forehead: "In the end, Lord Ye Hui's arm was cut off and burned to ashes..."

"The villain also witnessed this with his own eyes. The two of them did go through a fierce battle!"

Several guards nearby also spoke quickly.


Ye Xuan's eyes flashed coldly, and he seemed to have made a preliminary judgment in his heart. With Ye Hui's character, he would definitely fight to the death after suffering such humiliation.

"But... but that Ling Feng only hurt Mr. Ye Hui. He seems to have a close relationship with the Jiuli God Clan. There are two young ladies from the Jiuli God Clan with him."

The soul guards did not dare to offend either side, for fear of making mistakes or omitting something, failing to restore the situation at that time, and if they were investigated in the future, they might be implicated.

Therefore, he described everything that happened that day in detail.

After hearing this, Ye Xuan frowned, "In other words, Ye Hui was defeated by that boy, but he was only injured at the time and did not die?"


The soul guard was startled, and his head shook like a rattle, "No... no... no... no! Master Ye Hui is not dead. Although he has a broken arm, a few days later, Xiao Xiao saw him and Another warrior left the Demon-Conquering Station together, and at that time, he was still fine. "

"Is this all you know?"

Ye Xuan glared at the soul guard and felt the changes in his aura.

After a long while, Ye Xuan regained his momentum and glanced at the soul guard. On his forehead, the divine pattern flickered.

"Pass on the appearance of Ling Feng and the warrior who later left the Demon-Conquering Station with Ye Hui!"


The soul guard did not dare to neglect, and transformed the memory of that day into a wisp of divine thought, which was transmitted to Ye Xuan's divine pattern.

"Ye Hui's death is inseparable from these two people!"

Ye Xuan snorted softly, and his figure flashed, and the next moment, he had disappeared into the dark red sky of the Demon Subduing Domain.

However, although there are currently two suspects, because Ye Hui and Ling Feng had conflicts before, it is very likely that Ye Hui will be killed in the end.

Furthermore, even if it was not Ling Feng's hand, if Ye Hui died at the claws of a monster because he lost an arm, then strictly speaking, it was inseparable from Ling Feng.

"Jiuli Divine Clan..."

Ye Xuan frowned. If the matter was related to the Jiuli God Clan, there would be some trouble.


If that Ling Feng really killed Ye Hui, even if he had a close relationship with the Jiuli God Clan, he would still have to give an explanation to the Tai Ah God Clan.

People from the Tai'a God Clan are not so easy to kill!

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