Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2852 Ye Xuan! (1 update)

Flying on the red land of the Demon-Conquering Domain, Ye Xuan began to search for Ling Feng and Wang Yue.

No matter how Ye Hui died, in short, it was absolutely inseparable from these two people.

Ye Xuan had no preconceived notion that Ling Feng was the murderer of Ye Hui, but Ling Feng's suspicion could not be ruled out.

All he had to do was find out the truth.

From this point of view, this Ye Hui can be considered a relatively rational person.


Ye Xuan's speed is very fast. Although the suppression of the Demon Subduing Domain is powerful, Ye Xuan relies on his powerful sword energy to break through the air, so his movements are no different from flying.

Not long after, Ye Xuan saw a warrior who was attacked by a monster in a wilderness.

Three magical beasts surrounded a young warrior. It seemed that this man was at the end of his strength.

Ye Xuan frowned. Although he didn't want to waste time here, he couldn't ignore death.


The violent sword energy descended and knocked the three monsters away. The monsters in the fourth level no longer posed any threat to him.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

The warrior who was rescued hurriedly came forward to thank him, and Ye Xuan didn't say much and flew away to leave.

Suddenly, when he saw Du Du's appearance clearly, his brows suddenly furrowed, "Are you Wang Yue?"

"Do you know me?"

Wang Yue was slightly stunned. After he killed Ye Hui, he originally wanted to return to the Demon-Conquering Station as soon as possible. After all, with his strength, it was still very dangerous to wander around the fourth level area.

It's a pity that maybe he has done too many bad things and his luck is not very good.

Just as he was about to return to the Demon-Conquering Station, he was caught by three monsters.

But in the end, he was saved by Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan's eyes fell on Wang Yue, and he asked coldly: "The soul guard of the Fumo Station said that he saw you leaving the Mofu Station with Ye Hui at the end, right?"

"Ye...Hui...Brother Hui?"

Wang Yue swallowed and looked at the man in front of him, thoughts racing in his mind.

Could it be that this person is also from the Tai Ah Clan?


From the sword energy he just released, there is no doubt that it belongs to the Tai'a God Clan.

He happened to appear at this time and asked him about Ye Hui.

Ye Xuan took a deep breath. The people of the Tai'a God Clan must have known about Ye Hui's death!

It’s the natal soul lamp!

He is also a descendant of the God Clan. Although the God Clan he belongs to is far inferior to the Tai'a God Clan, he also knows about things like the Soul Lamp.

Death is like a lamp going out. Once the natal soul lamp is extinguished, it means the death of this warrior.

Wang Yue took a deep breath. When he was preparing to kill Ye Hui, he had already anticipated today's situation.

Therefore, he has prepared a set of excuses to pin all suspicions on Ling Feng!

"You left with Ye Hui. Now, why are you alone? Where is Ye Hui?"

Ye Xuan stared at Wang Yue and asked coldly.

"I don't know this either..."

Wang Yue frowned and said: "Brother Hui and I left because we were going to hunt some magical beasts and refine soul crystals. But the more Brother Hui thought about it, the more angry he became. He felt that he couldn't swallow this breath, so he went to find the man named Ling Feng’s boy.”


As Wang Yue spoke, he repeated exactly how Ling Feng clashed with Ye Hui that day, and how Ling Feng tore off Ye Hui's arm in the end, and the cruel words exchanged between the two.

Everything he said was true, and the truth was often the most flawless.

Ye Xuan had heard it once before at Fu Mo Yi, and now that he heard Wang Yue's retelling, it was almost no different from those at Fu Mo Yi.

The Wang Yue in front of me was not lying!

Then, the only suspect is naturally Ling Feng!

Ye Xuan snorted coldly. It seemed that as long as he found this Ling Feng, everything would naturally come to light.

"What...what happened?"

Wang Yue saw Ye Xuan's cold expression, but he pretended not to know: "Brother, are you also from the Tai'a Divine Clan, right? Brother Hui... what happened to him? Did something happen to him?"


Ye Xuan said coldly that when he told the news of Ye Hui's death, he paid special attention to Wang Yue's expression.

However, Wang Yue's acting skills are flawless, and he looks shocked and distressed.

"How could this happen? How could Brother Hui be dead?" Wang Yue looked like he couldn't believe it.

"As you said, Ye Hui went to seek revenge on that vicious boy named Ling Feng. His skills were inferior to others, and it was quite normal for him to be killed by him."

Ye Xuan frowned deeply. Regardless of the conflict between the two of them, who was at fault first, but the result was that Ye Hui died.

Therefore, no matter who killed him, he must die!

"It's all my fault for not stopping Brother Hui. I didn't expect that boy to be so cruel and vicious!"

Wang Yue started to cry like a cat, and seemed to have really forgotten that Ye Hui was killed by his own hands.

Ye Xuan took a deep breath, grabbed Wang Yue's shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "Now you follow me to find that kid, and you guys will confront him! If he really killed Ye Hui, I will kill him with my own hands!"

"This is no longer necessary."

Wang Yue looked troubled, "Actually, I'm ready to leave the field of demon-slaying this time, and the evidence is now very obvious, right?"

"Aren't you Ye Hui's friend? This kind of thing should be inevitable!"

Ye Xuan said coldly: "Besides, I, Ye Xuan, have never wronged good people. Even if I want to kill that kid, I must let him die clearly!"

Wang Yue was sweating slightly on his forehead. He didn't expect that the person sent by the Tai'a Divine Clan to investigate the cause of Ye Hui's death would be so serious.

He must be more cautious, otherwise, he may just shoot himself in the foot.

For three days, Ye Xuan led Wang Yue to search for Ling Feng's whereabouts in the fourth level area of ​​the Demon-Conquering Domain.

Unfortunately, Ling Feng was nowhere to be found.

Ye Xuan obviously didn't have much patience anymore, and in the bottom of his heart, he had begun to believe that Ling Feng was basically Ye Hui's murderer and had not escaped.

But he always felt something was wrong.

"Has that kid already left the realm of demon-slaying? He had a guilty conscience and killed Brother Hui, so he ran away secretly!" Wang Yue deliberately guided.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out, but he did not return to the Demon-Conquering Station to ride on the magic circle."

Ye Xuan looked indifferent, thought for a while, and finally decided, "Let's go to the fifth floor!"

Since Ling Feng has the strength to kill Ye Hui, it is quite normal for him to go to the fifth level to practice.

If Ling Feng is not on the fourth floor and has not left the demon-subduing realm, then he can only be on the fifth floor!

As long as Ling Feng is found, all the truth will naturally come to light.

Although Ye Xuan doesn't have much affection for Ye Hui, his cousin, he still says the same thing: People from the Tai'a God Clan are not so easy to kill!

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