Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2853 Putting the blame on others! (2 updates)

Demon Subduing Domain, fifth level.

With the cooperation of Ling Feng and Yu Junyao, the efficiency of killing the monsters was very good.

However, the monsters on the fifth floor are obviously much more difficult to deal with than those on the fourth floor.

It often takes the two of them about half an hour to deal with a monster. However, as they kill more and more monsters, their efficiency gradually increases.

Not to mention Ling Feng's Chaos Divine Pattern, the more soul crystals are absorbed, the stronger the power becomes and the improvement is significant.

As for Yu Junyao, although her Jiuli divine pattern is not as abnormal as Ling Feng's, it still belongs to the three supreme divine patterns in the Zhongyuan Domain.

Ling Feng and her took turns absorbing the soul power of the monsters, and then allocated soul crystals to absorb them. They protected each other, and their strength improved rapidly.

I don’t know how long it took, but a rough estimate would be about half a month.

The improvement of Ling Feng and Yu Junyao is obvious.

"You brat, I think we can go to the Demon-Suppressing Station on the fifth floor."

Yu Junyao suggested: "Our divine patterns have improved a lot, and our divine power has reached a critical point. Go to the unsealing room to unseal it, so that the divine power can be perfectly integrated with our own cultivation, and our strength can be improved a lot."

Ling Feng nodded, "Well, it's time to go there."

After spending more than half a month together day and night, Ling Feng and Yu Junyao's tacit understanding has improved a lot. What Yu Junyao said was exactly what Ling Feng thought.

Yu Junyao smiled, walked to Ling Feng, and winked at him.


Ling Feng saw Yu Junyao winking at him and couldn't help but frowned, "Did your eyes have a convulsion? Why are you still standing there, let's go?"

Yu Junyao was immediately furious, her teeth itched with hatred, "You brat, that monster just injured my leg, didn't you see it?"


Ling Feng scratched the back of his head, "Did it hit it? Didn't I grab its tail at the last moment, so it didn't hit it?"

"I said we hit it, we hit it!"

Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng angrily, "I don't care, I can't walk now anyway."

"What should we do?"

Ling Feng secretly muttered in his heart: This woman is trouble!


Yu Junyao was so angry that she stamped her feet. She even reminded herself of this. Why is this guy's brain not clear?

"Okay, I get it now!"

Suddenly, Ling Feng suddenly realized something and suddenly picked up Yu Junyao.

Yu Junyao's eyelids twitched, what are you doing?

Yu Junyao's pretty face turned red. She originally just wanted Ling Feng to carry her, but now that they both have no Yuan power and are mortal, she can pretend to be weak.

What is Ling Feng doing? Princess hug?

However, soon, Yu Junyao wanted to tear Ling Feng into pieces.

Because at the next moment, Yu Junyao felt her eyes blur, the whole world rotated 360 degrees, and Ling Feng had already carried her body on his shoulders like a sack.

"Hey, Miss Jade, how are you? Am I very witty?"

Ling Feng said with a proud look on his face: "Don't worry, you have a good rest, I will carry you back."


Numerous black lines suddenly appeared on Yu Junyao's forehead, and she screamed, "You brat, let me down, I will bite you to death!"


Ling Feng was too lazy to pay attention to this woman, spread out his body skills, and flew away in the direction of Fumoyi.

And Yu Junyao was being carried like a sack by Ling Feng, and her lower abdomen was hurting from being pushed by Ling Feng's shoulder. Her teeth were itching with hatred, this bastard brat, when I get down here, I will fight you to the death!

However, in a daze, perhaps because she was tired of scolding, Yu Junyao actually fell asleep.

After all, Ling Feng walked very smoothly, and Yu Junyao actually didn't suffer much.

I don't know how long it took, but when Yu Junyao woke up leisurely, she found herself leaning on a boulder, with a bonfire in front of her, and the burning branches making a "cracking" sound.

Ling Feng was sitting not far away, playing with firewood. When he saw Yu Junyao waking up, he couldn't help but said sarcastically, "You can really sleep, you can fall asleep like this, forget it if you fall asleep, you are still drooling... "

Yu Junyao blushed and glared at Ling Feng angrily, "I want you to take care of it!"

Ling Feng shrugged, "I can't help it, but your saliva has made my clothes wet, so I can't complain."


Yu Junyao turned her back and ignored Ling Feng, with a look of embarrassment and embarrassment on her face.

However, at this moment, two figures came galloping from a short distance away.

They were two young men, one of whom grabbed the other's shoulder and seemed to be leading the other at high speed.

I saw the bonfire here, so I rushed over.

The leader, with a cold and arrogant look on his face, just stood far outside the campfire, looking at the two Ling Feng who were resting.

As for the person next to him, he seemed a little dizzy. He spun around on the ground a few times before he managed to stand still.

Ye Xuan's speed is really too fast!

At this time, Ye Xuan's eyes were staring at Ling Feng.

Although the bonfire made his cheeks red, he still recognized Ling Feng.

"You are Ling Feng."

Ye Xuan stared at Ling Feng. He had been searching for Ling Feng for half a month. Today, he finally met him.

"It's him! It's him!"

Wang Yue had recovered a bit, staggered up to Ling Feng, pointed at Ling Feng's nose and cursed: "He was burned to ashes, and I know him too! He is that bastard Ling Feng!"

Ling Feng frowned, grabbed Wang Yue's arm with his backhand, and twisted one of his arms off with a "click".


Wang Yue let out a scream like a slaughtering pig, rushed towards Ling Feng, and cursed: "You breeding pig, I will fight with you today!"


Ling Feng frowned. Is this Wang Yue out of his mind?

Or is he looking for death?

Ling Feng only felt that his clothes were being ripped off by Wang Yue a few times. He frowned and kicked him out.

Ye Xuan on the side frowned, stared at Ling Feng coldly, and said in a cold voice: "Stop! I have something to ask you!"

"who are you?"

Ling Feng looked at Ye Xuan and had an aura that was of the same origin as Ye Hui.

"Tai'a God Clan? Why, you hit a small one, and then a big one came?"

In Ling Feng's hand, the sword flashed, Shifang Jiannie clenched it tightly, and stared at Ye Xuan, "If you want to fight, I will accompany him to the end!"

As he spoke, he swung the sword in his hand and gently cut out a wisp of strong wind.

Ye Xuan looked at Ling Feng carefully, and suddenly, he heard a "ding" and a crisp sound.

There seemed to be something on Ling Feng's sleeves that slipped down and fell to the ground.

It was a round ring that rolled on the ground for several meters before finally stopping.

However, when Ye Xuan saw the ring, all the suppressed anger in his heart finally burst out!

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