Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2854 Beast Tide! (3 updates)

That ring is Ye Hui's spiritual ring!

This is the Naling Ring specially designated by the Tai'a God Clan. It is impossible for other foreigners to possess it.

In Ye Xuan's view, the facts are already in front of him.

Kill people and seize treasures!

Ye Hui was killed by Ling Feng!

Not far away, Wang Yue, who was kicked out by Ling Feng, had a cold arc on his lips.

The reason why he rushed towards Ling Feng like crazy just now was just to put this ring on Ling Feng's body.

The reason why he made a lot of noise and even asked Ling Feng to break one of his arms was to get everyone's attention to focus on Ling Feng.

He did it!

When the ring slipped out, it became irrefutable evidence.

Ling Feng, don’t argue with me!

"It's really you!"

Ye Xuan's whole body was blazing with murderous intent. The Tai'a divine pattern on his forehead was already burning hot, and he was exuding a compelling sword energy.

"What am I?"

Ling Feng frowned. He was also a little surprised that there was an extra spiritual ring on his body for no reason.

But he didn't care.

Killing people to seize treasures is not unusual.

However, he has always been a passive person. If others want to kill him, he will kill them back. It's that simple.

Therefore, he didn't need to explain anything.

"You should wake up!"

Ye Xuan said coldly: "If you kill my descendant of the Tai'a God Clan, you must be prepared to pay with your life!"

"Wait a moment!"

Yu Junyao on the side flew between the two of them and said: "I am Yu Junyao, a disciple of the Yu family of the Jiuli Divine Clan. What did you mean when you just said that Ling Feng killed you, a member of the Tai'a Divine Clan?" ?”

"You killed Ye Hui, do you still have to deny it?"

Ye Xuan's eyes were full of evil, "If the boy named Ling is a man, he should not hide behind women!"

"Miss Jade, step back!"

Ling Feng was not a vegetarian either. His whole body was filled with energy, and the divine lines on his forehead also flickered.

Although he didn't know why this man insisted that he had killed someone from the Tai'a Divine Clan, but so what?

Since you want to fight, let’s fight happily!

"Ling Feng, don't be impulsive!"

Yu Junyao frowned deeply, "It's not your fault, so don't take the blame on yourself!"

She gritted her teeth and said: "I can testify that I have been with Ling Feng these days, and we have never met Ye Hui at all! We don't even know that Ye Hui is dead!"

"Humph, you are all in the same group, of course you favor him!"

Wang Yue on the side, fearing that Ling Feng would have a chance to explain, quickly started to stir things up.

Ye Xuan was already blinded by anger. With a swish of his sword, he passed directly over Yu Junyao and pounced towards Ling Feng.

Yu Junyao was from the Jiuli Divine Clan and a descendant of the Yu family. He did not dare to do anything to her.

However, he must kill Ling Feng who killed Ye Hui!

"I'll just fight, I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Ling Feng was also really angry. Since the other party insisted that it was him, then so be it!

Anyway, he had the idea of ​​killing Ye Hui.

However, he was stopped by Yu Junyao.

That kind of scumbag will die if he dies!

Dang, Dang, Dang!

In an instant, the two swords clashed.

The ten directions were destroyed, and they collided with Ye Xuan's Tai'a Divine Sword. The two violent sword energies collided, and both of them retreated.

However, Ling Feng was knocked away, while Ye Xuan only managed to stand still by "thumping" and stepping back for more than ten steps, with his feet heavily stomping on the ground.

In their first confrontation, the two were evenly matched.

Ye Xuan was slightly surprised, because the opponent's sword energy was actually on par with his own?

He is a genius of the Tai'a God Clan, and Ling Feng, what kind of divine mark is that of his?

"Boy, you have some abilities. No wonder Ye Hui is no match for you!"

Ye Xuan did not dare to underestimate Ling Feng anymore, but used the Tai'a Divine Clan's "Tai'a Divine Sword Technique".

Ling Feng snorted, "Ye Hui is not my opponent, and neither are you!"

"Then give it a try!"

Ye Xuan danced wildly with his sword. In his hand, the Tai'a Divine Sword seemed to be the source of thousands of swords. When he waved his hand, the sword energy was unparalleled, sending out sword rain all over the sky.

The power of the same sword move in Ye Xuan's hands was several times more powerful than that of Ye Hui.

If Ling Feng's divine patterns hadn't improved by leaps and bounds in the past half month, he might not have been able to withstand Ye Xuan's sword energy.

The mighty sword energy spread out like a comet falling to the ground, covering an area of ​​hundreds of feet in radius under the sword energy!

You must know that this is the realm of demon-subduing. Without the stimulation of Yuan force, he can actually inspire such terrifying swordsmanship. This Ye Xuan can be regarded as a terrifying strong man.

Ling Feng's eyes flashed with fighting spirit, and his body and sword merged into one, turning into a thunderbolt and crashing into Ye Xuan.

In his current situation, the only way to get close to Ye Xuan and fight with him is to have a chance to defeat him.

Otherwise, under his sword energy, Ling Feng would have no choice but to hide here and there.

However, at this moment, the ground in the distance suddenly began to tremble violently with a "rumbling" sound.

Then, a billowing smoke rose into the sky, and the roaring sound got closer and closer!

The speed of that attack was terrifying!

Ling Feng and Ye Xuan's eyelids twitched slightly. They didn't care to continue fighting, but looked at the place where the billowing smoke was coming.

"The beast...the beast tide is coming!"

Yu Junyao had already turned pale with fright. The beast tide in the fifth level area of ​​the Demon Subduing Domain was on the level of tens of thousands of monsters.

At the same time, there are tens of thousands of monsters that are comparable to the peak saint, and they can level almost everything in their path!

Wang Yue's face turned pale with fear, "Ye...Boss Ye Xuan, the beast...the beast tide is coming, don't leave me behind!"

Ye Xuan frowned and grabbed Wang Yue's arm. He didn't even bother to catch Ling Feng anymore and flew towards the direction of Fu Mo Yi.

When the beast tide breaks out, no place is safe. Only with the help of Fumoyi's barrier can we temporarily avoid its attack.

At this time, in all directions, figures were flying out, running towards the direction of the Demon Subduing Station.

Some of those who were a step or a half late had already been crushed under their feet by the beast tide and turned into meat pies.

Being trampled by tens of thousands of huge monsters and turned into meat pie is the only ending.

Ling Feng also took a deep breath, grabbed Yu Junyao with one hand, and quickly retreated in the direction of Fumoyi. With so many monsters rioting together, he couldn't resist it alone.

Otherwise, strong men like Ye Xuan would not change their expressions upon hearing this.

"Ho ho ho!——"

There was a terrible roar, the collision of iron hooves, and the whole world seemed to be shaking violently.

Different from the situation when the demon clan attacked the city in the past, the demon beasts controlled by the demon clan are still organized, disciplined and under control.

However, these furious monsters have no sense at all.

Once they erupt, they will destroy all living creatures in front of them!

Judging from the current situation, the terrifying beast tide has broken out in full force!

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