Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2855 The Demon-Suppressing Barrier! (1 update)


The sky shook and the earth trembled. In the distance, only smoke and dust could be seen. Tens of thousands of monsters, all of them were mad, rushing forward madly, and surrounded the Fumo Station from all directions.

Warriors who hunted monsters in various places in the Fumo field all rushed to the Fumo Station.

Whenever the beast tide broke out, only the barrier of the Fumo Station could resist these violent monsters.

If you were swallowed by the beast tide outside, the only outcome would be death.

Ling Feng also pulled Yu Junyao to flee to the Fumo Station frantically. Although he had never experienced a similar beast tide before, he was also very clear that he could not perform the blood drop rebirth in this Fumo field.

In other words, if he was crushed by these monsters, he would really die on the spot.

Yu Junyao had obviously heard some descriptions of the beast tide from her elders, so she frantically urged Ling Feng to speed up and speed up again. Seeing the beast tide behind her getting closer and closer, she was so frightened that she wished she could grow two more legs.

"Save me!"



Behind them, desperate roars continued to be heard. Some warriors who were slower were directly swallowed by the beast tide and torn into pieces in an instant, and finally not even bones were left.

I don't know how long they ran wildly, but the tower of Fu Mo Yi finally came into sight.

Ye Xuan's speed was extremely fast. He had almost passed the tower in a few jumps, and threw Wang Yue aside. He stared at the front and looked worried.

Then a large number of warriors poured into Fu Mo Yi, and the beast tide followed these warriors and got closer and closer!

The Yuanshen guards on the tower looked anxious, watching the beast tide just a hundred feet away. Although many warriors had not yet entered the Fumo Station, the general in charge of guarding the Fumo Station had already waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Quickly open the barrier!" Once the barrier is opened, both humans and monsters will be blocked outside the tower. Those warriors who have not yet entered the Fumo Station are destined to be abandoned. Seeing that the monster tide has reached the city, even the Yuanshen guards are trembling. Even for them, who have been stationed at the Fumo Station for many years, this is the first time they have seen such a large-scale beast tide. They even doubt whether the barrier of the Fumo Station can withstand this beast tide. "Wait a minute!"

At this moment, Ye Xuan grabbed the arm of the Fumo Station's guard and said in a deep voice: "Someone hasn't come in yet, wait a moment!"


The guard looked at Ye Xuan and saw the divine pattern on his forehead. Although he was hindered by his identity, he still gritted his teeth and said: "My lord, the beast tide is imminent. It will only take a moment for them to rush into the Fumo Station. If the barrier is not opened at this moment, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Wait ten more breaths!"

Ye Xuan was determined. After speaking, his figure turned into a flash of lightning and flew out of the Fumo Station again.

His target was those warriors who still had a chance to enter the Fumo Station.

He saw the sword in his hand swing, and the Tai'a Divine Sword turned into a huge sword of a hundred feet. Under the sweep of the sword, the hundreds of demon beasts rushing in the front were intercepted.

And those warriors who were about to be swallowed by the beast tide, who survived the catastrophe, hurriedly ran and rushed to the Fumo Station.

At the same time, Ling Feng also took Yu Junyao to the tower. Seeing this scene, Ling Feng was quite emotional.

The martial arts world is extremely cruel, and there are not many people like Ye Xuan.

Perhaps, he is not the kind of person who does not distinguish right from wrong.

The reason why Ling Feng was unwilling to explain more was, on the one hand, because in the martial arts world, strength is respected, and only the strong have the right to speak.

Secondly, Ye Xuan has already determined that he killed Ye Hui, so it is useless to say so much, and the explanation is in vain.

In his opinion, since Ye Hui and this person are brothers, they must be birds of a feather, not good birds.

But now it seems that he is wrong. He has never had a very good impression of these children of the gods.

It is this prejudice that made him act rashly before.

Perhaps, he can explain it clearly to Ye Xuan.

Ten breaths of time passed in a flash.

Under Ye Xuan's intervention, at least more than a hundred warriors were saved and entered the Demon Subduing Station.

However, after ten breaths, those monsters had already rushed to the edge of Fumoyi.

Their huge bodies were about to crash into the tower of Fumoyi.

This tower was made of round iron and wood. To put it bluntly, it was as fragile as paper in front of these monsters.

If the barrier was not opened, Fumoyi would be doomed to fall.

Therefore, although Ye Xuan himself had not come in, the guard did not dare to take this risk.

"Sorry! Ten breaths have passed!"

The guard shouted in the direction of Ye Xuan. The ten breaths were set by Ye Xuan himself, so he was just following Ye Xuan's orders.

Seeing that the monsters taller than the city wall had already pounced on the tower, everyone was scared and pale, and Wang Yue shouted, "What are you waiting for if you don't open the barrier now?"

He completely forgot that if Ye Xuan hadn't brought him in, his life would have been lost long ago.

"Open the barrier!" The guard shouted, and in an instant, a golden-red light curtain, like an inverted bowl, surrounded the entire Fumo Post. Bang, bang, bang!

Several behemoths with a height of more than ten feet hit the barrier hard, and the entire Demon Subduing Station trembled. However, the barrier was indeed powerful, but it did not break.

However, those warriors who are isolated may have their only way out.

At this time, Ye Xuan held the Tai'a Divine Sword and protected several trembling female warriors behind him.

His strength is very strong, but unfortunately, in this field of subduing demons, his methods are greatly restricted.

Therefore, he was helpless in the face of this huge tide of Warcraft.

"As expected, the old man said a lot, it's hard to be a good person!"

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly. He was originally here to catch Ye Hui's murderer, but now, he might have to take his own life at the risk of it.

However, he has no regrets.

He has his own principles, and if he refuses to save someone, he will violate his own principles.

He didn't blame the guard for opening the barrier at the last moment to block him out, because if the guard hadn't made a prompt decision, more people might have died.

"bring it on!"

Ye Xuan tightly held the long sword in his hand. Even if he died, he would kill a few more monsters before they would be swallowed up so easily.


The violent roar covered his voice, and his aura was also under the overwhelming demonic energy of the monster, like a swaying boat. If a wave hits, he may be buried under the ocean.

However, his eyes were always determined. As a swordsman, even at the last moment of death, he would never flinch in his heart!

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