Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2857 Spiritual Light Cannon! (3 updates)

Ye Xuan looked at Ling Feng and looked him up and down.

He had fought against Ling Feng before, and his sword skills were great.

A swordsman's sword moves are actually closely related to his character. If a swordsman has light and justice in his heart, then his sword moves will also be fair and aboveboard.

But Ling Feng's sword was bright and aboveboard.

Although there was irrefutable evidence like the Naling Ring, Ye Xuan still felt that since Ling Feng refused to admit it, there must be something hidden in it.

What's more, if Ling Feng really killed Ye Hui, then why would he take the risk to rescue himself.

Shouldn't he be wishing he was dead?

In this way, if he silenced Wang Yue again, who else in the world would know that he was the one who killed Ye Hui?

Taking a deep breath, Ye Xuan looked at Ling Feng and said solemnly: "There are many doubts about this, and I can't make a conclusion yet."

"Believe it or not, I didn't kill him anyway."

Ling Feng glanced at Ye Xuan, "But, again, if you want to fight, I, Ling Feng, will be with you at any time! In the competition just now, the winner between you and me has not yet been decided!"

There was a faint smile on Ye Xuan's stern face.

He had a feeling.

Ling Feng and himself are the same kind of people. If it weren't for Ye Hui's incident, maybe they could become sworn friends.

But at the moment, before the truth is revealed, although he admires Ling Feng quite a lot, he can't say much.

"Forget it now."

Ye Xuan looked at the monsters outside the barrier, which were still attacking the barrier of Fumoyi like crazy. He frowned and said, "For now, let's survive this catastrophe first!"

Although the barrier of Fu Mo Station is strong, it has never experienced a beast tide of this scale.

Tens of thousands of monsters, one after another, attack the barrier like crazy. According to this trend, in three days at most, the barrier may reach its capacity.

Once the barrier is broken, everything is over!

The most important thing is that when the barrier of Fumoyi is opened, all the energy is used to maintain the operation of the barrier.

This also means that there is no excess energy to activate the teleportation circle.

They cannot pass the message out, nor can they reinforce or escape through the teleportation array.

They are already facing a situation of being trapped here. Even if the Warcraft cannot break through the barrier for a long time, as long as they are trapped here for up to three months, they will become more and more fragile because the origin of their souls has been suppressed for too long. The weaker.

What's more, the barrier of Fumoyi is not as strong as they imagined.

"But, this..."

Wang Yue's expression darkened on the side. He had finally planned to frame Ling Feng, but he never expected that Ye Xuan would actually believe Ling Feng.

If he continues to investigate and find out the truth, won't he be doomed?


Wang Yue was secretly resentful and wanted to say something unfavorable to Ling Feng, but was interrupted by Ye Xuan.

"That's enough! I said, let's deal with this beast wave first!"

Ye Xuan took a deep look at Wang Yue. He had not doubted whether Wang Yue was lying.

But with Wang Yue's strength, how could he be Ye Hui's opponent?

Therefore, even if Wang Yue himself was suspicious, Ye Xuan could easily ignore him.

This is probably what is called, a leaf blinds the eye, but the mountain is not visible.

People are often most likely to ignore things that they have already recognized subjectively.

But this point that is often overlooked is the crux of the matter.

"Yes Yes!"

Wang Yue nodded repeatedly, "You are right. We are all in the same boat now, and we should indeed work together to help each other."

Ling Feng smiled coldly, "I'm afraid someone will secretly dig through the bottom of the boat."

Ling Feng stared at Wang Yue. The reason why he was mistaken as the murderer of Ye Hui was that the most critical physical evidence was the spiritual ring that fell from his body.

He had ignored this thing before, because he had never done anything like killing people and seizing treasures before. There are quite a lot of things like this happening when others come to rob him, but he robs everything in turn.

It is quite normal to have some extra spiritual rings on his body.

But this spirit ring is actually Ye Hui's spirit ring, which is a bit intriguing.

He had attacked Ye Hui, but he had not taken away his Naling Ring.

He thought carefully about what would happen if someone had the opportunity to put Ye Hui's spiritual ring on his body.

Then, only this Wang Yue can do it!

After his fight with Ye Hui, he only came into contact with Yu Junyao. Then, when he met Ye Xuan and the others in the wilderness, he once taught Wang Yue a lesson.

It was impossible for Yu Junyao to harm him, so only Wang Yue had this chance.

And why does Wang Yue have Ye Hui's spiritual ring?

A bright light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and he suddenly realized.

Although I don't know how Wang Yue could kill Ye Hui, Ye Hui's death is definitely inseparable from Wang Yue.

However, Ling Feng did not have any evidence at the moment, and even if he told the truth, Wang Yue would not admit it.

In this case, it is not appropriate to tell the truth, so as not to alert the enemy.

At this time, Ye Xuan had turned to look at the guard on the side, and asked lightly: "In the past, to deal with the beast tide, we usually used powerful weapons like the spiritual light cannon. Now is it time to use the spiritual light cannon?"


The guard swallowed and said with a wry smile: "The aura cannon is indeed the most effective weapon to repel the beast tide, but unfortunately, the aura cannon was damaged during the last beast wave."


Ye Xuan frowned, "If such an important thing is damaged, can't we send someone to repair it?"

"It's easier said than done..."

The guard sighed softly: "The aura cannon is a craft from ancient times, and ordinary forging masters cannot repair it. Not to mention, to activate the aura cannon, you need to be proficient in the ancient magic circle. This..."

The guard looked embarrassed, "Among the major demon-suppressing stations, there are too few talents who are proficient in both forging and magic circles. Moreover, this beast tide usually only breaks out once every ten or twenty years, and the scale is not very large." Big, my subordinates were thinking that since the last beast wave was defended even without the spiritual light cannon, maybe we..."

"Maybe? Who gave you the confidence?"

Ye Xuan frowned deeply, this guard was really a man with the head of a pig!

Without the spiritual light cannon, is it possible that we can only watch the barrier being knocked open bit by bit by those monsters?

"This this……"

The guard said tremblingly: "It's not that my subordinates don't want to practice, it's really that there is no master here!"

"Maybe I can try it!"

At this moment, Ling Feng stood up and said calmly: "I know a little about casting, but as for the ancient magic circle..."

Ling Feng looked at Yu Junyao.

When she was in the West Sword Region, Yu Junyao showed her talent in this area.

"whispering sound!"

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes at Ling Feng and said with a proud look on her face: "You only think of me when you are in need!"


The guard glanced at the two of them. Ling Feng and Yu Junyao were both so young. They were so-called hairless and weak in their work. These two were young, and their attainments in forging and magic formations were as high as Where to go?

But right now, the only thing left to do is to treat a dead horse as a living horse.

"All right!"

The guard sighed softly and said calmly: "Please come with me, two envoys..."

Obviously, he also recognized Yu Junyao's identity. Ling Feng and Yu Junyao seemed to have a close relationship, so he directly regarded Ling Feng as the "son-in-law" of the Jiuli Divine Clan. Ling Feng's attitude was also quite polite.

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