Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2858 Unsealing Talisman! (1 update)

At the same time, the demon-subduing barrier was also attacked by those monsters, but it was not destroyed for a while.

If this is the case, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

Led by the guard of Na Fu Mo Post, Ling Feng and his party came to a warehouse behind a main hall.

Here, the eight spiritual light cannons owned by Fumoyi are stored.

Due to disrepair, all eight spiritual light cannons have been scrapped and can no longer be used.

If the cannon was fired forcibly, it would probably cause the barrel to explode. At that time, the Warcraft was not killed by the explosion, but instead destroyed itself first.

"Senior envoys, these are the spiritual light cannons we have at the Demon Subduing Station."

The guard's name is Sun Datong. He comes from the Yinhui Protoss, one of the ten high-level protoss. His talent and strength are pretty good, but in front of the three high-level protoss' children, he can only act in a low voice.

The entire Zhongyuan Domain is clearly hierarchical, which is evident.

Ling Feng strode towards a spiritual light cannon and inspected it carefully for a moment. There was nothing wrong with the barrel. It was more or less deformed. This was the main reason why the cannon could not accurately hit the target.

Of course, what's more important is that some of the inscriptions on the second half of the barrel are very dim, and the entire compressed energy-gathering array has been greatly missing.

Without specialized craftsmen to repair them, these cannons would indeed no longer be useful.

"How about it?"

Ye Xuan watched Ling Feng look at these spiritual light cannons carefully, and his eyes sometimes showed a look of surprise, and he quickly asked: "Is there any way?"

Although Sun Datong didn't believe that such a young boy could repair the spiritual light cannon, if he could really repair it, it would be the key to resolving the crisis of this beast wave.

"It's a little tricky."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, and said solemnly: "The barrel has deformed to a certain extent, causing the breech block to loosen. If it is used forcefully, unpredictable dangers may occur."

What Sun Datong heard from Ling Feng was very clear, and it was quite different from what the forging masters he had found before.

This guy looks young, but he actually has some real abilities!

"Then, can it be repaired?" Ye Xuan stared at Ling Feng and asked in a deep voice.

"The material for forging the gun barrel is mixed with Yuanjing copper and purple cloud crystal, and is supplemented by black soul stone for refining. Of these three materials, except Yuanjing copper which is relatively common, the other two are Very rare fairy metal."

Ling Feng said solemnly: "I can try to repair the spiritual light cannon, but I must collect enough black soul stones and purple cloud crystals."

"Absolutely awesome!"

Sun Datong slapped his thigh, and Ling Feng was able to analyze all the ore materials for casting the spiritual light cannon with just a few touches. You know, those forging masters had jointly discussed for several days before finally getting it. This is clear.

In the end, they came to the conclusion that they could smelt Purple Cloud Crystal, but Black Soul Stone was not an ore that they could forge.

Therefore, the final plan to repair the spiritual light cannon had to be abandoned.

What's more, compared to the problem of the gun barrel, the energy gathering array above is the real key issue.

If the magic circle cannot be repaired, even if the barrel is repaired, it will be in vain.

Taking a deep breath, Sun Datong calmed down a little, and said with a solemn expression: "In order to repair the spiritual light cannon, our Fumo Station has already prepared a lot of purple cloud crystals and black soul stones. However, the black soul stone is This material is currently in the Demon Subduing Station and no one can refine it.”

"Nothing to worry about."

Ling Feng smiled lightly. The forging skills he learned in the Valley of the Evil can be put to use today.

He could also see that day that the problem of the magic circle was the key. In Taihua Immortal Palace, he also found some magic circle books in the fairyland, but he was not very interested in the magic circle method.

On the contrary, Yu Junyao was quite enthusiastic about it.

Therefore, it is up to her to repair the magic circle.

Ling Feng looked at Yu Junyao, smiled slightly and said: "Miss Yu, it's your turn!"

"whispering sound!"

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes at Ling Feng angrily, then stepped forward with a proud look on her face and carefully looked at the inscriptions on the spiritual light cannon for a long time.

After a long while, Yu Junyao made a "no problem" gesture towards Ling Feng, and said with a proud face: "I have seen this magic circle before, give me three days, no, no, five days, five days, I can repair!"

"Five...five days?"

Sun Datong smiled bitterly, "With the current situation, I'm afraid the demon-suppressing barrier won't be able to last as long as five days."

"It will take at least three or four days."

Yu Junyao frowned and said: "This magic circle is very complicated, and it is not easy to repair it."

Ling Feng also said in a deep voice: "It also takes time to melt the Black Soul Stone. A conservative estimate is that it will take three days."

"Time is running out, this..."

Sun Datong frowned deeply. They were finally able to repair the spiritual light cannon, but they might not be able to sustain it for such a long time.

By then, the spiritual light cannon has not yet been repaired, and the Demon-Fuming Station may have been lost.

"I'll fight for time!"

At this moment, it was Ye Xuan who stood up again, "Commander Sun, how many unsealing talismans do you have there?"

Sun Datong swallowed hard, took a deep look at Ye Xuan, gritted his teeth and said: "There are not many left, there are less than fifty left..."

"That's enough."

Ye Xuan took a deep breath, "We must organize a death squad to intercept those monsters head-on and reduce their attacks on the barrier. In this way, we can delay it for a while."

"Unblocking Talisman?"

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, having some guesses in his mind, but he still said: "That is it?"

"The unsealing room is a place that can temporarily relieve all aspects of suppression in the demon-subduing domain. The unsealing talisman is, of course, the talisman that temporarily relieves the suppression."

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, "It's just that each unsealing talisman only takes two hours to unblock. Fifty unsealing talismans are probably not enough."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he glanced at Ye Xuan. This guy didn't want to rely on the unblocking talisman to temporarily regain his full strength and then intercept those monsters.

That's a beast tide!

Even if he regains his strength in the outside world, can he deal with tens of thousands of monsters at the same time?

This is obviously a gamble with his own life!

Not to mention anything else, such courage and courage made Ling Feng feel ashamed.

"Hey, death squad, count me in!"

Sun Datong shook his head and smiled bitterly. At present, it seems that this is the only stupid way.

Only by delaying until Ling Feng and the others repaired the spiritual light cannon could they have a chance to repel the beast tide.

Otherwise, the Demon Subduing Station will surely be reduced to ruins, and everyone will have no choice but to die!

However, as long as they persist in the past, they still have a glimmer of hope!

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