Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2860 Who are you fighting for? (3 updates)

"No! Commander Sun, since it is a death squad, it must be based on the principle of absolute voluntariness."

Ye Xuan stood with his hands behind his hands, looking at everyone below, and said calmly: "We are all afraid, we are all afraid, everyone is the same, but don't forget, what are we fighting for?"

"Do you think you are saving others?"

Ye Xuan sneered, "Wrong, big mistake, joining the Suicide Squad is not for anyone else, but for yourself! Once the barrier is broken, everyone will die! Are you willing to hide behind this shell? Waiting for death, or are you willing to hold your life in your own hands? "

"It's up to you to choose all this! But even if I'm the only one, I still won't back down even a step! Because, only I can decide my fate!"

Ye Xuan placed a thick stack of unsealing talismans on a wooden table, holding only three unsealing talismans in his hand.

Three unblocking talismans can only last for six hours!

Even if he was alone, he would try his best to fight for as long as possible for Ling Feng and the others.

"I'll give you time to think about it."

Ye Xuan's expression was very calm. No matter what other people had to choose, he firmly believed in his own way.

"Before the monsters break through the barrier, if you have figured it out, if you want to grasp your destiny in your own hands, then pick up the unblocking talisman, go out with me, and fight those monsters to the end!"

After Ye Xuan finished speaking, he turned around and looked at the monsters outside the barrier.

He is waiting. He cannot go out too early, otherwise, he will die but not live.

He couldn't go out too late, otherwise, if the barrier was damaged, everyone would be in disaster.

He must lead the members of the death squad to fight together at the most appropriate time.

In this way, we can not only effectively delay the monsters, but also guard the barrier, waiting for Ling Feng and the others to repair the spiritual light cannon.

In the Demon-Conquering Station, a group of warriors looked at Ye Xuan's back and fell into deep thought.

Sometimes, people don’t have no choice. No choice is actually the only choice.

On the contrary, once there is a choice, it means a retreat, even if this retreat is a dead end.

However, under the influence of Ye Xuan's fearless and impassioned momentum, all the famous warriors stepped forward and grabbed one or two unblocking talismans.

Ye Xuan is right, they are not fighting for others, but fighting for themselves!

As a warrior, dying on the battlefield is not terrible. Waiting to die is an act of coward!

Within the warehouse.

Although he didn't know what the situation was at Ye Xuan's side, Ling Feng knew very well that the spiritual light cannon was the key to solving this crisis.

Therefore, he cannot be distracted and can only seize the time to repair the spiritual light cannon, which is the most important thing.

There were three blacksmith masters sent by Sun Datong, all of whom were tall and strong middle-aged men. They prepared all the ore materials needed to cast the spiritual light cannon and handed them to Ling Feng.

"This is Yuanjing Copper, this is Purple Cloud Crystal."

A middle-aged man who was the burliest and at least two meters away carried a wooden box in front of Ling Feng.

The wooden box was not big, it looked like it was only the size of a human head, but when the strong man carried it, it seemed very difficult for him to carry it.

"There is a black soul stone inside."

The strong man took a deep breath. He learned from Sun Datong that these two people were from the Jiuli Divine Clan, so their attitude seemed very respectful.

Ling Feng nodded and opened the wooden box. There was only a fist-sized ore inside, which was completely black and exuded a breathtaking power.

The Black Soul Stone is also called the Soul Locking Stone.

As the main casting material of the spiritual light cannon, the biggest use of the black soul stone is that once a target is locked, it will automatically have an active tracking effect.

This is also one of the reasons why the spiritual light cannon is so powerful.

However, it is very difficult to melt the Black Soul Stone into the other two materials.

The deformation of the barrel caused certain deviations in all parameters of the entire aura cannon.

All Ling Feng needs to do is to repair these deviations according to the correct proportion.

None of the three forging masters present could do this.

As for Ling Feng, he looked young. Although the three masters did not dare to say anything, deep down in their hearts, they had already determined that Ling Feng could not do it.

Ling Feng picked up the Black Soul Stone. Although it was not big, it was extremely heavy.

Ling Feng frowned. He had only seen materials like Black Soul Stone in books.

The three forging masters all looked at Ling Feng in confusion.

He grabbed the heavy black soul stone with one hand and wondered where this kid came from.

Ling Feng ignored their surprised looks and simply said: "Can you please melt the Yuanjing Copper and Purple Cloud Crystal, and I will handle the Black Soul Stone."


The three forging masters all nodded, and that was all they could do.

After handing over the task, Ling Feng glanced at Yu Junyao again. The girl was holding a classic book in her hand, writing and drawing, and seemed to be studying something.

It seems that it is inconvenient to disturb her in a short time.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, looked at the Black Soul Stone, flicked his wrist, and took out the hammer that Big Hammer had given him.

He learned the art of forging from a big hammer.

The vibration of force, the penetration of force.

These are all very effective means of forging ore.

Of course, these are not enough. What is more important is the high temperature.

Absolute heat!

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath. Before Ye Xuan left, he asked for an unblocking talisman.

Now, it comes in handy.

After attaching the unblocking talisman to his body, Ling Feng felt that his strength was rapidly recovering, and it could even be said to be skyrocketing like crazy!

The condensation and improvement of the divine patterns also gave Ling Feng considerable growth.

However, what he needs is the Jiuli Divine Fire in its strongest form!

After obtaining the "fire" from the ancestor of the Jiuli Divine Clan, Lingfeng's Jiuli Divine Fire has become the most top-notch flame among the Jiuli Divine Clan. It is much higher quality than Yujunyao's Jiuli Divine Fire. .

The Jiuli Divine Fire, under Ling Feng's control, quickly enveloped the Black Soul Stone.

For a time, the entire warehouse was filled with a terrifying high temperature, as if in a magma purgatory.

The three forging stones on the side had their eyelids twitching. This flame was too terrifying!

Even though they are all fire attribute monks, they are all a little overwhelmed.

Yu Junyao was fine, but she was also dripping with sweat. She glanced at Ling Feng in surprise.

How could the Jiuli Divine Fire on Ling Feng be of such a high grade?

Even if Ling Feng is a direct descendant of the Jiuli God Clan, Yu Junyao has every reason to believe it.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Junyao gathered her mind and did not go into details. Right now, the most important thing is to repair the spiritual light cannon first, and throw everything else aside first!

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