Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2861 The time of bloody battle! (1 update)

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

As the blazing Jiuli Divine Fire completely enveloped the fist-sized Black Soul Stone, Ling Feng raised the forging hammer high and began to forge the Black Soul Stone with the help of the casting skills taught by the big hammer.

The unsealing talisman only lasts for two hours, so he must use the technique of exerting force and combining it with Jiuli Divine Fire to knock off the protective layer on the surface of the black soul stone within two hours before he has a chance. The black soul stone is melted and fused with the other two materials in a certain proportion.

Each of Ling Feng's hammers used the power of penetration to penetrate the entire black soul stone, and then used the power of shock to destroy the surface structure.

However, despite this, the hard black soul stone's backlash force almost cracked Ling Feng's jaw.

"What a hard rock!"

Ling Feng frowned, even though it was calcined by Jiuli Divine Fire, it still had such a terrifying hardness.

No wonder there are so many strong men in this Demon Subduing Station, but they are unable to melt this black soul stone.

However, Ling Feng is not someone who gives up so easily.

Right now, everyone at Fumoyi is shrouded in the shadow of death, and repairing this spiritual light cannon is the last glimmer of hope.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng stopped being anxious and began to recall everything that Big Hammer had taught him.

An excellent forging stone must remain calm enough no matter when facing any problem.

After a slight adjustment, Ling Feng started the second round of beating.

"Dong dong dong!"

The sound was dull and powerful, and the entire forging room seemed to be shaking under Ling Feng's beating.

The other forging masters took a deep look at Ling Feng. They clearly saw that the palm of Ling Feng's hand holding the forging hammer had cracked. Blood dripped down the handle of the hammer, but it quickly evaporated under the high temperature. Turned into steam and disappeared.

It seems that they were infected by Ling Feng, and the forging masters also bit the bullet and tried to smelt all the Yuanjing Copper and Purple Cloud Crystal together as quickly as possible with the highest efficiency.

This is all they can do.

The key to repairing the spiritual light cannon still lies in Ling Feng and Yu Junyao!

Time passed bit by bit, and two days flew by.

On top of the city tower of Fumo Station.

Ye Xuan stood with his hands behind his back, standing on the high wall, looking at the behemoths in front of him who were tirelessly attacking the barrier frantically, his brows furrowed.

Every minute and every second is a kind of torture for these warriors trapped in the Demon-Conquering Station.

Because in the Demon-Subduing Domain, the passage of time is ten times slower than that of the outside world, so for them, they may have been besieged for a long time, but to the outside world, it is only a short time.

They can't wait for outside help, they can only rely on themselves!

There are nearly a thousand warriors in the Demon-Subduing Station, which seems to be a lot, but due to the suppression of the special rules of the Demon-Subduing Domain, their strength is greatly reduced.

They usually have to deal with the fifth-level monsters one-on-one, or even many-on-one.

At this moment, the strength of those crazy monsters has greatly increased, and their number is dozens of times that of human warriors.

If it weren't for the barrier of the Demon-Subduing Station, they might have been wiped out long ago.


A crisp and shattering sound made everyone's hearts hang in their throats.

"The barrier... there are cracks in the barrier!"

An unknown person yelled, and everyone's expressions became extremely solemn.

The appearance of this crack also indicates that the Demon Subduing Barrier will not be able to support it for too long.

Once the barrier is broken, only destruction awaits them.

"A few hours earlier than expected!"

Ye Xuan stood on the tower with his hands behind his hands, looking at the ferocious monsters, and took a deep breath.

He picked up an unblocking talisman and held it in the palm of his hand. A bright light flashed in his eyes, and he shouted loudly, "The battle has begun! If you want to hide in the barrier and wait for death, come with me." Fight for your own destiny, you choose it yourself!”

As the words fell, the unsealing talisman in Ye Xuan's hand burned, and his power, under the action of the unsealing talisman, was finally fully unsealed.


An astonishing sword intent erupted with Ye Xuan as the center. Behind him, there seemed to be a soaring sword that penetrated the sky!


A golden light flashed, and Ye Xuan was already like a rainbow, rushing out of the barrier!


Wherever the sword light passed, the Tai'a Divine Sword burst out with terrifying power, turning everything it pointed at into ruins.

Bang bang bang!

The blood mist exploded all over the sky, and Ye Xuan's first sword undoubtedly inspired all the warriors in the Demon-Conquering Station.

"All brothers of the Soul Guard, those who are in charge, please come with me and go into battle to slay the demons!"

Sun Datong raised his arms and opened the unblocking talisman on his body, then rushed out.

As the leader of the Demon-Subduing Station, his consciousness is still much higher than that of ordinary people.



A Yuan Shen guard grabbed two unblocking talismans, shouted loudly, and rushed out of the barrier as if to embolden himself.

After recovering their strength, they dare not say that they can kill everyone like Ye Xuan, but at least they can use their own flesh and blood to build a city wall.

As long as they are here, the walls of Fumoyi will not collapse!

"If a person dies and a bird looks up to the sky, he will not die for tens of millions of years!"

A warrior in the Demon Subduing Station, with his eyes all red, grabbed the unsealing talisman on the table, burst out his strongest strength, and rushed out.

They are all afraid of death.

But they know better that if everyone is afraid of death, then everyone will die!

Soon, all the five hundred unblocking talismans were distributed, and the death squads who rushed out of the Demon-Conquering Station all showed an awe-inspiring aura that was not afraid of death.

Under their interception, they forced those monsters back several feet.

boom! ——

Snapped! ——

Roar! ——

ah! ——

Explosions, roars, and screams mixed together, and an extremely brutal bloody battle broke out between humans and monsters.

Blood rained all over the sky, including humans and monsters. Human warriors died one by one, but they all had no way out.

From the moment they broke out of the barrier, they were prepared to die.

Even though he was as strong as Ye Xuan, he was still covered in blood and scarred.

He glanced at the depths of Demon Fuyi with his peripheral vision. He had to buy enough time for Ling Feng and the others!

Even if it's just one more minute, one more second!

"Oh my god...oh my god..."

Within the barrier, those warriors who had not obtained the unblocking talisman looked pale at the miserable situation outside the Demon-Conquering Post.

What's more, he was so frightened that his two legs were fighting and trembling.

"I'm afraid they can't stop us!"

The members of the death squads fell one by one. The area of ​​several feet that had been recaptured by these warriors was quickly reoccupied by the tide of Warcraft.

The situation is obviously not optimistic.

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