Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2862 The same person! (2 updates)

"Damn it!"

A burly man gritted his teeth and said, "Instead of waiting here to die, I might as well take the unblocking talisman and fight to the death with those monsters!"

"Damn it, can't we fight without the unblocking talisman?"

A man with a Chinese character face next to him said in a cold voice: "They are using their flesh and blood bodies to resist the monsters in front, what are we doing?"


Many warriors lowered their heads.

"Without the unblocking talisman, wouldn't we have the ability to fight?"

The man with the Chinese character face took a deep breath, clenched his fists and said: "This battle is related to the lives of all of us, why are they the only ones to fight! I can't bear it anymore!"

With an earth-shattering roar, the man with the Chinese character's face rushed out of the tower with a look of determination on his face.

There is a kind of heroism, the rustle of the wind and the coldness of the water, the heroism of a warrior who will never return once he is gone.

Without the unblocking talisman, they are still warriors and warriors!

Inspired by the man with the Chinese character face, all the warriors who hesitated and flinched took out their weapons and illuminated their divine symbols.

Can't they fight without the unblocking talisman?


They are still warriors!

"Come on!"

"Damn it, at this age, I'm not as enlightened as a few young boys!"

"Master Ye, Commander Sun, we are here too!"

In an instant, hundreds of warriors, even without the unblocking talisman, rushed out of the barrier and stood together with the previous group of death squads.

With the participation of more than a hundred people, at least we can buy some more time.

Maybe they can't wait for the spiritual light cannon, but even if they die, they will be warriors who die on the battlefield, not cowards who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

Of course, where there are warriors, there are also cowards.

Inside the tower, there were still hundreds of warriors still hesitating.

Of course, there are some people who don't hesitate at all.

From beginning to end, they had no intention of going out.

This naturally includes scumbags like Wang Yue.

He had been hiding among the crowd from the beginning, fearing that he would be dragged into becoming a young man by Ye Xuan and the others.

He can't do anything, he is greedy for life and afraid of death, but he is the first!

"What a bunch of reckless people. If they rush out like this, what's the difference between them and dying!"

A man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks sneered, "However, I hope they can hold on longer. As long as the spiritual light cannon is repaired, we can all survive."

"What are you talking about?"

A warrior next to him who still had some conscience clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "They are doing it for everyone!"

"Hahaha!" The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks grinned, "Why, you are so noble and righteous, but I didn't see you rushing out!"

"That's right!"

Many warriors jeered. They were enjoying safety with peace of mind, but they still sneered at the warriors outside who dared to fight.

And there are often not a few such shameless people.

The warrior lowered his head. He was a coward, but he was still a coward with limits.


At this time, Wang Yue came out. He looked at the people around him and said slowly: "We must be prepared for the worst! What should we do if these people can't insist on repairing the spiritual light cannon?"


Those shameless people all frowned.

Yes, this possibility does not exist.

What's more, even the warriors with the unblocking talisman can't stop the beast tide. Even if there are hundreds of warriors without the unblocked talisman, how long can they stop it.

They have to prepare for the worst.

"Boy, what do you want?"

The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks stared at Wang Yue and said coldly: "Could it be that you still have ideas?"

"Don't you all have the answer in your mind?"

Wang Yue looked at everyone with a sneer, "We are all the same people, so there is no need to pretend to be noble, open the skylight and speak frankly!"

"Hey hey hey..."

The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks grinned, looked at the few warriors around him, and smiled sinisterly, "Although I am not a good person, I still have some bottom lines. However, since you brought it up, I still Please make it clear! I don’t want to be this eternal sinner!”

There was a hint of evil in Wang Yue's eyes, "Okay, since you don't want to be the sinner, then let me do it!"

Wang Yue looked around and saw that no one else was looking over. He lowered his voice and whispered: "As long as we close the magic circle that maintains the barrier, there will be a period of time where we can take the teleportation array and leave here directly and go back. To the outside world! Everyone, you probably haven’t thought about this method, right?”

Wang Yue looked at everyone. They were all pure villains, with sinister smiles on their faces.

Closing the barrier that maintains the magic circle means that everyone's efforts will be wasted.

Once they close the barrier, the beast tide will surely capture the entire Demon-Suppressing Station.

At that time, Fumoyi will definitely face a disaster.

By then, even if the spiritual light cannon is repaired, it will definitely be difficult to cope with this chaotic beast tide. In the end, everyone will probably die under this beast tide.

However, those of them who were the first to leave with the help of the magic circle were able to escape in the chaos.

This is indeed a way to survive, but it is a bloody road paved at the cost of the lives of everyone else.

"So insidious and shameless!"

The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks grinned, "However, this is indeed a way! But the teleportation array can teleport up to five people at a time! And after a teleportation, it needs to be reactivated, which takes some time. I'm afraid the number of people who can get out in the end is limited. ah!"

It is precisely because of this that Sun Datong had no hope of being able to send people out at the beginning.

After all, with so many people, who teleports first and who teleports last is enough to cause a civil strife.

At that time, due to the beast tide and civil strife, everyone will only die faster.

“There are only ten of us, divided into two groups, it’s more than enough!”

Wang Yue glanced at the shameless villains around him, "Now most of the soul guards have gone out to deal with the monsters. There are only two people guarding around the magic circle at most! If we act together, we will be able to quickly destroy the magic circle. Take control. When the time comes, close the barrier immediately and activate the teleportation circle, and we will be safe!"

"You! You are so shameless!"

The warrior who still had a trace of conscience could tell by looking at the expressions on several people's faces that they had already had their thoughts in mind.

He quickly ran back a few steps and gritted his teeth: "I'm going to report you, you scum. Although I'm not a good person, I won't push everyone else to hell for my own life!"

"Is it?"

The warrior with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks sneered, "Then you are really a good person! It's a pity that good people don't live long!"


A ray of energy burst out, and the warrior with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks actually pierced the warrior's forehead with one finger. The warrior's whole body twitched, and he died suddenly.

This person's strength is probably considered to be a top-notch expert even in the entire Demon Subduing Station. If he goes out to fight against the monsters, he will probably not be much inferior to Ye Xuan.

However, in his heart, he only has himself, and he is really the most selfish villain in the world.

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