Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2863: Snatch the magic circle! (3 updates)

"Good... what a good idea!"

Wang Yue's eyelids twitched and he swallowed hard. This man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks looked unattractive and ugly, but his strength was indeed terrifying.

"Who else wants to quit?"

The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks glanced at the people around him. Those people shook their heads quickly, "We are not that idiot. What does the life and death of others have to do with us? As long as we survive, everything will be fine!"

"That's right, it's enough for us to survive. Let the others die!"

"In this world, only shameless people like us are qualified to live. Those idiots really think that good people will be rewarded, hahaha!"

These shameless people have the same temperament. They spoke a few words, and they just met each other late, and almost became friends.

It's just that between villains, it's all just false feelings and just playing for the occasion.

"Okay, no more nonsense!"

The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "I don't think Ye Xuan and the others can hold on for long. As for the spiritual light cannon, if it can be repaired, it has been repaired long ago! Let's go and seize control of the magic circle now." Come here, if they can't resist in the end, we can prepare early."

"Yes, yes, Boss Xiahou is right!"

Wang Yue looked flattering. It turned out that this man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was named Xia Houtao.

Under the leadership of Na Xia Houtao, several people quickly found their way around the core of the barrier formation.

As Wang Yue expected, there are only two people left here to guard the magic circle!


Sensing the strange movement around them, the expressions of the Yuan Shen guards who stayed behind suddenly became solemn.

Sun Datong is not a fool. Being able to sit in the position of leader, he naturally understands the dangers of human nature.

Therefore, he still left a few guards to guard here to prevent others from having evil intentions and seizing control of the barrier formation. Even when the unblocking talisman was in short supply, he still left With these soul guards in hand, each person has an unblocking talisman.

"Haha, you two don't need to be nervous, we are just here to see if there are any young people out there who dare to create an enchantment formation!"

Xia Houtao sneered, but his eyes were fixed on the magic circle behind the two soul guards.

As long as the barrier is closed, the teleportation array can resume operation.

When the time comes, they can take the teleportation array and leave, while the others can just wait here to die.

"Leave quickly within three breaths, otherwise, don't blame us for taking action!"

The soul guards obviously would not let down their vigilance easily. They stared at Xia Houtao, but their palms were already on the unblocking talisman.

He deliberately showed the unblocking talisman, hoping to scare these guys away.

"Unblocking Talisman?"

Xia Houtao narrowed his eyes and smiled, "You two, we are just here to take a look out of kindness, there is no need for this!"



The soul guards guarding the magic circle looked solemn and had already started counting down.

"Huh, two idiots who don't know how to adapt!"

Xia Houtao snorted coldly, and just when the two guards were about to recite the third tone, he took action boldly.


There was an explosion, and the head of the soul guard on the left exploded, while the soul guard on the right took a step faster and had already used the unblocking talisman.

The unsealing talisman ignited, and a bright light flashed around him, flicking away Xia Houtao's finger.

However, he himself was knocked away by Xia Houtao's finger force.


The remaining soul guard spat out a mouthful of blood and said in a cold voice: "You are so despicable! There are so many people working hard outside, but you actually..."

"If you don't take care of yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth!"

Xia Houtao sneered and walked towards the soul guard step by step.

Even if he activates the unlocking talisman, he is no match for him.

What's more, Xia Houtao also hides an unblocking talisman!

"You won't succeed!"

The soul guard fled, but he still recovered his strength. Under the collision, the other warriors could not stop him at all.


Xia Houtao took a look at the enchantment formation. It turned out that there was another layer of enchantment protecting it outside the formation.

To open this barrier, you need a secret key or something similar to a spell.

And now only the soul guard knows about this thing.

"You, you, you! Let me chase you! The rest of you, stay here!"

Xia Houtao casually ordered a few temporary companions to accompany him to hunt down the soul guard. The others stayed here first, and then looked towards the direction in which the soul guard fled.

"Don't even think about escaping!"

Xia Houtao's face turned cold. The plan had reached this stage. It was already on the string and had to be launched!

He must catch this soul guard!

However, the soul guard was already injured, so catching him was just like a cat catching a mouse, it was easy.


The soul guard gasped for air while running away frantically.

He knew that the secret key on his body must not fall into Xia Houtao's hands, otherwise, all the thousands of warriors in this demon-subduing post would die under this tide of beasts.

In this way, all the previous efforts and sacrifices will be in vain.

Although Sun Datong expected that people's hearts were sinister and left them two unlocking talismans, he never expected that among these sinister people, there would be such masters!

While fleeing randomly, the soul guard heard the sound of hammering.

"The two envoys of the Jiuli Divine Clan are over there!"

The eyes of the Yuan Shen Guards brightened. If they join forces with the masters of the Jiuli Divine Clan, their safety will naturally be greatly improved.

He took a deep breath and rushed towards the forging room.

"Envoy, envoy, something bad has happened!"

He ran wildly and drank violently, not caring that he would be discovered.

"over there!"

Xia Houtao discovered the trace of the soul guard and immediately flew out. He must catch this person and seize the secret key.

At this time, Ling Feng was still forging the Black Soul Stone.

After more than two days of hard work, the Black Soul Stone had been melted in half, and the other three forging masters had already collapsed to the ground from exhaustion.

Although Yuanjing Copper and Purple Cloud Crystal are relatively easy to smelt, such high-intensity work still almost makes them exhausted.

Ling Feng was also covered in sweat, and his skin was red from the high temperature. He seemed to be able to eat even a handful of cumin.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a cry for help coming from outside, and Ling Feng frowned.

problem occurs?

But now, the casting of the Black Soul Stone has reached the final moment!

If he gave up at this time, all his previous efforts would be in vain.


The stone door was knocked open, and the soul guard spat out a mouthful of blood and fell into the forging room.

The three forging masters were all startled. When they looked up, they saw a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, striding in with three warriors.

"Xia...Xia Houtao!"

One of the blacksmiths obviously knew Xia Houtao. His expression changed and he frowned and said, "You... what are you doing here?"

"Hey, old guy, it turns out you are here too!"

Xia Houtao smiled jokingly and ignored the blacksmith. Instead, he looked at the soul guard on the ground and said coldly: "Hand over the secret key!"

"You're dreaming!"

The soul guard gritted his teeth, looked at Ling Feng's back, and said loudly: "Envoy, he wants to close the demon-subduing barrier, secretly activate the teleportation array and leave!"


The three forging masters were all startled, and Yu Junyao, who was still concentrating on studying the magic circle not far away, also widened his eyes.

Everyone is working hard to resist the beast tide, but these guys actually want to push everyone else to destruction in order to protect themselves!

Ling Feng frowned deeply, but he couldn't stop the sledgehammer in his hand.

"And the last ten hammers!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth. At this time, he could not be distracted.

"Ling Feng!"

Wang Yue was also one of the companions following Xia Houtao. When he saw Ling Feng's back, a sinister look suddenly flashed in his eyes, "Boss Xia Hou, that boy has a treasure that defies the heavens!"


A glimmer of greed flashed in Xia Houtao's eyes, and his eyes fell on Ling Feng. He was like a poisonous snake, cold and sinister, making people shudder!

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